This astonishing conclusion completely overturned the world view of Luna.

She was completely dumbfounded in an instant.

No matter how powerful he is, he will inevitably feel shocked and horrified when he is confronted with the truth he has discovered.

only because……

This truth is really too scary!

Simply subverting perception!


this moment.

Luna was completely lost.

She couldn't believe the truth of what was discovered at this moment.

Sword Saint Gai Nie carries the famous sword Yuanhong, a well-known peerless divine weapon, a divine weapon that ranks at the top of the list of swordsmen...

Was it broken? !

And still being broken with bare hands? !

what does that mean?

What terrifying power does it take to do this?

"Forcibly destroy the Divine Soldier with your bare hands?"

"What kind of monster is this?!"

"A powerful weapon of great prestige was just destroyed by empty hands?"

The moon **** was shocked.

The mysterious powerhouse who severely injured Genie...

It's too scary!

So powerful that even the Moon God was deeply moved and terrified.

The calm-hearted Moon God kept losing his temper one after another.

"This matter..."

"You must report the truth to His Excellency Donghuang immediately."

"Xianyang City, there is no doubt that an extremely terrifying existence has appeared!"

"This person's strength is so strong that it subverts cognition!"

"Strong unimaginable!"

"Not only did Ga Nie, who is as strong as the number one Sword Saint in the world, be severely injured by this person, but even the famous sword Yuanhong that Ga Nie carried with him was destroyed by this person with his bare hands!"


Luna's shocking mood was unable to calm down for a long time.

She stared blankly at the broken abyssal rainbow blade floating in front of her, with a deep fingerprint left on its surface.

After a while, Luna slightly eased the shaking mood.

After putting away the broken famous sword Yuanhong and the circular sphere formed by the bronze sword, the Moon God gradually left the scene with an extremely heavy and shocking mood.

In the blink of an eye.

The huge street is empty again.

Luna left.

Without any sloppiness!

It's a little faster than the pace at the time.

This shows that Luna wants to return to the Yin Yang family's residence.

She couldn't wait, and wanted to report such a shocking and terrifying incident to the head of the Yin-Yang family, Dong Huangtai!

In Xianyang City, a very terrifying existence really appeared!

In this regard, Luna can be absolutely certain.

This mysterious and terrifying being...

Even, it has been so powerful that it has completely surpassed the scope of common sense! Where.

Chapter 77 The sensation caused by fingerprints! The biggest variable in the empire! 【2/7 ask for custom】

The curved crescent moon hangs on the edge of the sky.

Wisps of white and soft halo scattered down from the sky, illuminating the earth.

Xianyang City.

To the west is a loft that is about to rise above the clouds.

The exterior is made of dark red wood, and the attic is not too steep and unattainable, and with a simple charm, it exudes a unique atmosphere.

Here, is the resident of the Yin and Yang family.

Yin Yang Pavilion!

The Yin-Yang family was very unique in the eyes of the first emperor Ying Zheng.


Being able to receive the attention of the first emperor Ying Zheng is enough to reveal the transcendent status of the Yin-Yang family.

It took two years to build such a huge attic in Xianyang City, during which time, countless resources were consumed, just to build such a attic for the Yin Yang family.

As you can imagine.

The status of the Yin-Yang family in the empire is very unique and detached.

"Lord Moon God."

When the Moon God returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion, a well-known disciple approached him with a respectful expression, and he couldn't help but bow his head and greeted him with a complimenting tone.

Not paying too much attention to these Yin Yang disciples, Luna quickly traversed the countless corridors of the Yin Yang Pavilion with a sense of urgency and shock.

She just wants to do one thing now.

That is……

Tell the head of the Yinyang family, Donghuang Taiyi, about the horrific experience he had just returned from Xianyang City.

Recalling what happened just now, Luna felt a burst of heart palpitations and shocks, and the shock in his heart could not be completely suppressed until now.

The Yin-Yang Pavilion is huge, at least enough to accommodate thousands of Yin-Yang disciples.

The interiors are luxuriously furnished and constructed from extremely fine wood materials.


After about a quarter of an hour, the Moon God successfully walked to the most mysterious deep area of ​​Yin Yang Pavilion.

And here is the address of the top leader of the Yin Yang family, Dong Huang Taiyi.

On weekdays.

There are definitely not many places that can be listed as forbidden places by Yinyang Pavilion, and the address of the leader, Donghuang Taiyi, is the largest forbidden place in Yinyang Pavilion.

It is also a place where disciples of the Yin-Yang family usually dare not set foot.

Coming here, Luna felt the temperature of the surrounding air plummeting.

The pace slowed down, she adjusted her shaking mood a little, and stepped forward.

into the eye.

A dark red carpet stretched all the way to the front hall, and on both sides of the carpet were neatly placed stone pillars, with candles fluttering on the stone pillars.

Bright lights illuminate the dimly lit hall.

A wisp of breeze blew lightly, rolling the candles and fluttering with the "one sixty" wind, imprinting on the fire spots on the ground, and then producing a slight effect.

Coming here, Luna couldn't help but feel a little cautious.

Even the powerful Moon God, who is usually unfathomable, when she arrived at this place, her pretty face involuntarily showed a bit of awe.


The footsteps came to an abrupt end.

Looked up.

The Moon God could see right in front of him, above the steps, and stood a figure in a black robe, completely covering his head, making it impossible to see his face and appearance clearly.

The figure of this figure is very burly, giving Luna an incomparably majestic sense of sight.

When he saw this figure, Luna's beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent veil, with a strong sense of awe, couldn't help lowering his head, not daring to look directly at his back.

There is no doubt that this person is the leader of the Yin Yang family, Dong Huang Taiyi!

Regardless of strength or identity, it is a very mysterious and terrifying existence!

"Moon God? Why are you here too?"

At this moment, a voice came from the side, interrupting the silence.

When Luna looked, he could see a young man wearing a dark blue strange dress.

The young man was in his early teens, with dark blue tattoos on his left eye, his eyes were full of arrogance and arrogance, and his body was relatively short and thin.

But the breath emanating from his body is indeed very powerful and terrifying!

The left guardian of the Yin-Yang family, Star Soul!

They are on an equal footing with Luna in the Yin and Yang family!


If you really compare the status of the two, there is no doubt that the Moon God will be above the Star Soul.

Star Soul is only in his early teens, but he possesses an unfathomable and powerful cultivation base, which is not inferior to Luna, who is also a protector.


Star Soul is also known as the first genius of the Yin-Yang family in three hundred years!

It is also a proud son of heaven who is famous for shocking the rivers and lakes!

Even at a young age, Star Soul's Onmyo Technique is unfathomable and extremely powerful.

Compared with Luna, who is good at some extremely strange onmyoji, Xinghun's onmyoji is specialized in killing methods, unlike Luna who is proficient in astrology and the like.

Seeing the figure of Xinghun, Luna just gave a faint glance, and did not talk to the other party too much, but faced the direction of Donghuang Taiyi.


Luna exhaled softly, forcibly suppressed the vibration in his heart, and then truthfully told the experience just now.

"Your Excellency Donghuang, when I just returned from Xianyang Palace, I discovered an earth-shattering and terrifying incident. Hereby, I came to report to you late at night."

The crisp and pleasant voice slowly sounded and spread in all directions.


Xinghun raised his brows, and glanced at Luna with a pair of unruly eyes, his eyes were a bit cold and stern, but he didn't say much, and chose to stand quietly and listen.

"A terrible event?"

"what happened?"

Dong Huangtai's voice spread vigorously.

In the huge and spacious hall, the majestic voice of Donghuang Taiyi was heard.

Don't be angry!

Even though the voice was flat, it made Luna and Xinghun bow their heads.

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