Even a rebellious star soul, standing in front of Dong Huang Taiyi, would feel awe from the bottom of his heart and would not dare to be too presumptuous.

"I saw that the Sword Saint Genie appeared in Xianyang City."

"And seriously injured..."


"In the rivers and lakes, the most famous swordsman in the world was attacked in Xianyang City and fled with injuries."

"And it was an extremely terrifying powerful being who severely injured Gai Nie!"

"Although the true identity of this person is still unknown, the strength of this person is undoubtedly very terrifying!"

"This person is a huge variable in Xianyang City!"

Moon God spoke slowly.

"Juggernaut Gai Nie? Was hit by someone alone? Fleeing injured?"

"Who can do such an amazing thing? It's amazing."

Dong Huangtai's voice was a little surprised, but he didn't show too much emotional waves.

"Your Excellency Donghuang, please take a look."

"This is the item left on the battlefield by the terrifying existence who severely injured Genie."

"Not only was Gai Nie severely injured, but the most terrifying thing is..."

"The sword Yuanhong he carried with him was also forcibly destroyed by others."

Luna slowly took out a round sphere and a broken blade.

Let it rest on the ground in front of you freely.

"Have Yuan Hong been destroyed?"

"This battle looks very tragic!"

"What kind of magical weapon can destroy Yuanhong?"

"Yuanhong is ranked second in the Fengbeard Sword Manual!"

Star Soul raised his brows and intervened in the topic.

"It's not a magic weapon!"



Luna took a deep breath and told the amazing truth with a serious face.


Star Soul's pupils shrank.

He looked at the Moon God and became a little weird: "Moon God, don't you want to tell me that someone can destroy the famous sword Yuanhong with empty hands?"

Hearing this, Moon God didn't care about Xinghun's words and ridicule, but solemnly faced Donghuang Taiyi, with a serious tone: "Yuanhong, it was indeed destroyed with bare hands!"

"While the facts are truly bizarre, this is the only truth."

"That mysterious powerhouse is so powerful that it is unbelievable, and with his bare hands, he managed to injure the Sword Saint Genie, and even destroy the famous sword Yuanhong in the hands of Genie!"

At this time.

Xinghun suddenly burst out laughing: "Moon God, are you afraid that you are not crazy? The famous Jian Yuanhong will be destroyed by someone's bare hands? How is this possible?"

"Where's the evidence?"

"What's the basis for what you said?"


Star Soul does not believe it.

Donghuang Taiyi never spoke.

The moon **** pointed to the broken sword Yuanhong: "The evidence is on the broken Yuanhong."


Xinghun raised his brows, and his eyes became a little suspicious.

Is there really evidence?

No way?

Luna, this crazy woman, is what she says really true?

Can someone really destroy the famous sword Yuanhong with their bare hands?

Do not!

Will not!

This is impossible!

Xinghun shook his head and suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

The famous sword Yuanhong is a well-known weapon in the world!

Not to mention being destroyed with bare hands, even if it is a magical weapon of Fengbeard swordsmanship, it is basically impossible to destroy such a magical weapon as Yuanhong.

Now I heard Moon God mention that someone can destroy Mingjian Yuanhong with his bare hands?


Star Soul rejected it immediately.

"Let me see the evidence you said."

The East Emperor spoke up.

A terrifying and incomparably powerful internal force erupted in an instant, and you could see a circular sphere on the ground, as well as the broken abyssal rainbow, quickly suspended in mid-air.


Two objects floated in front of Dong Huang Taiyi.

Feeling this terrifying internal force fluctuation, whether it is the Moon God or the Star Soul, they all feel a deep sense of powerlessness from their hearts.


too strong!

This is the leader of their Yin Yang family, Dong Huang Taiyi!

An invincible terrifying existence!


Only the Guiguzi of the Guigu lineage can be compared with the leader of their Yin-Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi.

"Your Excellency Donghuang, you are still as strong as ever."

"It's simply unfathomable!"

Luna thought.

As for the star soul on the side, a sense of fear slipped through his eyes.

This familiar and surging inner strength gave him an unforgettable memory of the past.

at the same time.

Donghuang Taiyi has clearly captured it.

The surface of the circular sphere formed by the bronze sword, the finger imprint left behind!


Dong Huangtai's pupils shrank slightly, and the hidden face showed a bit of moving.

fingerprint? !

"This is……"

"The bronze sword was forcibly squeezed into a round sphere with extremely terrifying power?!"

"What amazing power is this?!"

Dong Huang Taiyi was a little shocked.

With bare hands, knead a bronze sword into a round sphere?

I can't do it myself!

What terrifying physical power is this?


this moment.

Donghuang Taiyi was shocked.


After calming down a bit, his eyes turned and looked to the side, the broken blade that was suspended in mid-air by the powerful internal force.


"Is this really a famous Jian Yuanhong?"

"The sword of the Sword Saint Genie?"

"It turned out to be so dilapidated!"

Dong Huangtai's expression changed slightly.

He obviously couldn't imagine it.

Dangtang, a well-known divine weapon, would have been destroyed in such a miserable state.

Simply incredible!

After careful observation.

Donghuang Taiyi once again captured a finger print from the blade of Can Jian Yuanhong!


Dong Huangtai was shocked and tried coloring in his heart.


For Luna's words, let alone Xinghun expressed doubts.

Even Donghuang Taiyi himself showed a very skeptical attitude.

after all.

Destroying Ming Jian Yuanhong with his bare hands is indeed too subversive to cognition!

How can a magical weapon that cuts iron like mud be destroyed by someone's bare hands?

This is obviously not common sense!


At this moment.

The East Emperor saw it as soon as he saw it.

The appearance of Can Jian Yuanhong's blade left a deep finger mark.

this moment.

Donghuang Taiyi's inner emotions seemed to usher in the waves like a storm, and waves of waves rolled wildly.





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