at this time.

When Ying Changge was about to display a perfect level of arrogance.

in vain!

One after another, sudden images appeared in his mind, lingering and flickering.

Like a revolving lantern.

These pictures come and go quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the images flashing in his head all disappeared without a trace.

"This is……"

Ying Changge's eyelids twitched, and he looked a little surprised.

The arrogance of the perfect level of seeing and hearing was automatically triggered!

This was the first time he had experienced such a thing.

"The picture I saw just now seems to involve the Yin-Yang family?"

Ying Changge was thoughtful.


He had some guesses in his mind from the countless pictures that flashed through his head just now.

If you guess correctly.

Just now, the reason why his perfect-level arrogance was automatically triggered was simply because someone inexplicably used some tricks that involved him.

It is for this reason.

Perfectly remembers that the domineering arrogance is automatically triggered, so that Ying Changge briefly sees the future.


The images that flashed from my mind just now are undoubtedly things that will happen in the future.

"That is to say..."

"People from the Yin and Yang family have begun to notice me?"

"And, some of the spells they are going to cast will be related to me?"

Ying Changge touched his chin and probably figured out the ins and outs.

He finally understood.

Why is it that the domineering arrogance is unexpectedly triggered automatically!

Because of the yin and yang family!

"The scene I saw just now seems to be the Yin Yang Pavilion in Xianyang City."

"Yin Yang Pavilion, the residence of the Yin Yang family."

"In addition to seeing the Yin Yang Pavilion, I also saw three figures and a bronze mirror."

"The person reflected in the bronze mirror..."

"Looks like it's me!"

The expression on Ying Changge's face was somewhat playful.

Think carefully about what you just saw.

Of those three figures, one of them was wearing a black robe, completely shielding his body and face, making it impossible to see whether it was a man or a woman, and his appearance.

The second figure is wearing a dark blue mage's unique attire. It is a young boy with a very short and thin stature. There is a dark blue tattoo on the left corner of the eye, which looks very strange.

The last figure was a high jumping woman in a light blue dress.

She has a moon-shaped ornament on her back, a shawl with soft purple hair, and a translucent eye gauze. Her facial features are exquisite and full of mysterious beauty and charm.

After thinking for a moment, Ying Changge roughly guessed the identities of these three figures.

They should be...

"The leader of the Yin Yang family, the mysterious and unfathomable East Emperor Taiyi!"

"The second one is the left guardian star soul of the Yin Yang family!"

"It was once called by General Zhang Han, the first genius of Yin and Yang in the three hundred years of the Yin-Yang family! Even at a young age, he is about to break through the realm of a martial arts master!"

"And the figure of the last tall slender woman should be the right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the Moon God, a strange woman with unfathomable strength and a very mysterious origin.

The expression on Ying Changge's face was a little weird.

It was unexpected.

At 160, he has already attracted the collective attention and attention of the top executives of the Yin Yang family!

In addition to these three figures, Ying Changge also saw a bronze mirror in the picture that flashed to his mind just now, and the figure revealed in the bronze mirror was himself!

"My figure appeared in a bronze mirror?"

"That also means."

"The Moon God of the Yin-Yang family probably used some kind of peculiar means to try to see through my future, or see through the details of who I am!"

"And finally..."

"In the picture I captured, the bronze mirror seems to be broken!"

"Is it because of me? Because of my interference, Luna's spell failed? As a result, the bronze mirror collapsed?"

Ying Changge thought about it carefully.

he thinks.

My own guesses are probably close to ten.

The future captured by the perfect-level spectacle and domineering just now is about himself and the future of the Yin-Yang family...

"When will this future happen?"

"Will it happen at this moment?"

"The time distance should not be too far away!"

Ying Changge thought again.

Today, a notice posted by Shadow Secret Guard to Xianyang City. The content in it not only wanted the Sword Saint Genie, but also mentioned that Ying Changge severely injured Genie.

"Is it because I hurt Genie?"


"These guys from the Yin Yang family have already begun to impatiently want to see through my details?"

"What a bunch of restless guys!"

"That's where the buzz begins."

The expression on Ying Changge's face was a little strange.

For Luo Wang, for the Yin-Yang family, for Zhao Gao, Ying Changge hardly had any goodwill.

As for his stupid and stupid brother Hu Hai?

If it weren't for Zhao Gao's teaching, Hu Hai would not have been forgiven.


For Ying Changge, none of this matters.

The important thing is...

If Hu Hai really went the old way, then Ying Changge would have to kill his relatives righteously.

He was still thinking about it for a while.

Find a chance to directly kill Huhila!

In this way, you will definitely get a lot of template fusion!

However, this kind of thought Ying Changge just thought about it.

There is no sufficient reason or excuse for him to kill Hu Hai directly.

If it is done, the subsequent troubles will become more and more.

Suppressing his thoughts a little, Ying Changge began to think.

If he guessed right.


People from the Yin and Yang family will definitely take the initiative to visit.

"Since the people of the Yin-Yang family have not been able to use the Yin-Yang technique successfully, they can find out about me from a distance."

"Then, they will never give up the opportunity to come and visit!"

"after all."

"For them, I am a huge variable!"

Ying Changge thought for a moment.

The Yin-Yang family is indeed a huge trouble!

If there is a chance, it is possible to uproot the entire Yin-Yang family.

But on second thought.

Ying Changge couldn't help but think about it.

His father, Emperor Ying Zheng, has become more and more interested in elixir and elixir over the years.

Wanting to eradicate the Yin-Yang family is not that simple.

"Everything has to be considered in the long run!"

"Let's see what kind of tricks the Yin Yang family will use this time to visit."

"I'm really looking forward to the moment when I meet the people of the Yin Yang family."

"It's just right to steal their spiritual voice with the perfect sense of domineering..."

In this regard, Ying Changge expressed great expectations.

He can be sure.

With the cautious characters of the Yin Yang family, they would never tolerate it. They knew nothing about such a huge variable of themselves.


The Yin-Yang family will definitely do everything possible to find a way to find out their details and depths!


Zhao Gao before, sent an assassin with a net to come to test it.

The Yin and Yang family will definitely choose to do this.

"A variable?"

"Then make me a huge variable in your entire Yin-Yang family!"

"The so-called elixir? The so-called elixir? Hehe..."

"Sooner or later, I will settle this account with you!"

Ying Changge sneered.

He remembered that the person who made the elixir seemed to be one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, Yunzhongjun Xu Fu.

An inexcusable man!

Do you still want to frantically collect the so-called 3,000 boys and girls in the empire, and finally take the huge mirage eastward to find the overseas immortal island?

Ying Changge had a plan in mind.

As long as he is here, Xu Fu will never think about crossing eastward!

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