
Let Xu Fu take 3,000 boys and girls to Fusang Island in the east?

Then, let them establish a country on Fusang Island?


One day when Ying Changge is around, Xu Fu will stop dreaming!

The key is…

When Xu Fu took the mirage and chose Dongdu, he not only brought 3,000 boys and girls, but also countless humanistic knowledge materials of Daqin.

It is these humanistic knowledge materials that allow Fusang Island to gradually take shape.

Knowledge is the most important thing these days.

It is also the most precious!


This guy Xu Fu actually took the precious knowledge of the Daqin Empire and went east to Fusang Island, and finally let Fusang Island slowly start to learn the precious knowledge of the Qin Empire?

"With me here, Xu Fu, don't think about these things."

"It's just that I don't know yet. Does this matter have anything to do with the mysterious East Emperor of the Yin Yang family?"

"Xu Fu will choose to do so many full preparations, and finally Dongdu. I am afraid that there is also an order from the East Emperor, right?"


"From the very beginning, this was the conspiracy and plan of the East Emperor of the Yin Yang family!"

"And Xu Fu is just a chess piece of the East Emperor His Excellency."

"On the grounds of refining elixir and elixir, you continue to use the resources of the empire to seek personal gain for yourself? After making full preparations, you will arrive at Fusang Island and establish your own country of Fusang?"

"It's so beautiful!"

Think carefully.

Ying Changge suddenly thought.


He destroyed the Yin Yang family's plan and conspiracy, prevented Xu Fu from crossing eastward, and smashed Fusang's future rise plan.

In this way, how high will the attribute fusion degree that you can get?

Must be very high!

Just imagining it, filled Ying Changge's heart with anticipation.

Just when Ying Changge was thinking.

After half an hour.

With the perfect sense of domineering and domineering, as expected, he had insight into the visitors outside the palace gate.


The corners of Ying Changge's mouth twitched slightly.

As expected, the people dispatched by the Yin Yang family really came!

In this huge palace with a radius of more than 100 meters, it is natural that Ying Changge's meticulous insight cannot escape.

at this time.

The visitor who is about to approach the gate of the palace, the vital signs emanating from his body, as well as all the news of his own strength, will be fully revealed by him without being able to hide.


When checking out the visitor outside the door, Ying Changge let out a slightly surprised sigh.

The strength of the comers is not weak...

Rather strong!

Very strong!

Breathing out...

Even far beyond Zhang Han!

This strong internal force fluctuation is more than ten times higher than the congenital perfection!

Among the powerhouses that Ying Changge has seen so far.

The breath that this person exudes is second only to the Sword Saint Genie at his peak!

To know.

What kind of person is the Sword Saint Gai Nie?

That is the number one Sword Saint in the world!

A terrifying martial arts master!

And the breath that this person exudes can actually be compared to Sword Saint Genie?

what does that mean?

"Master of martial arts?"

(afej) "It's not easy!"

"Send a martial arts master to visit in person? The Yin Yang family is so bold!"

Ying Changge smiled.


He instructed Meng Ying, who was beside him, "Go open the door to welcome the distinguished guests."

"Yes, son."

According to Ying Changge's instructions, Meng Ying walked to the gate.


After slowly pushing the door open, Meng Ying saw the visitor outside the door.

This is a very tall woman with a very outstanding appearance.

She was wearing a long light blue dress, long purple smooth hair shawl spilled down the back, wearing a translucent eye gauze, showing a sense of mystery.

"You are…"

"Lord Moon God?"

Meng Ying's pupils shrank, she quickly lowered her head, and took the initiative to greet her.

The right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the Moon God, also has a very prominent status in the empire.

Even though you are Meng Tian's son, Meng Ying still did not dare to be presumptuous when facing the Moon God.

The Moon God is the national teacher of the empire!

Although there is no real power, but the status is detached!

Even his father, Meng Tian, ​​had to bow and greet when facing the Moon God.

This is the prominent position of the Moon God in the Empire.

"General Mengying, can the seventh son be in the mansion?"

Luna's pink lips moved slightly, and the voice sounded crisp and sweet.

It was unremarkable, as if it didn't have any emotional ups and downs at all.

"Lord Moon God, Young Master is in the hall, please come in."

Meng Ying hurriedly turned sideways and stepped aside to enter the palace from the gate.

Meng Ying seemed very surprised and unexpected about the visit of the moon **** from the Yin and Yang family.


Moon God Lotus moved slightly, stepped into the palace in front, and came all the way to Ying Changge.


A faint fragrant smell floated in Ying Changge's sense of smell.

Hearing what Meng Ying said just now, Ying Changge immediately knew the identity of the visitor.

One of the right guardians of the Yin-Yang family, the Moon God!

The status and status of the empire are all very detached national teachers.

It is also highly valued by his father, the first emperor, Ying Zheng!

Although he has no real power, the status of the Moon God is far superior to that of most civil and military officials.

Ying Changge did not expect it.

Today, the person who came to visit in person would actually be this one, even if it was placed in the Yin-Yang family, he would still have a good status as the Right Protector!

"Lord Moon God can come to visit in person today, which is really unexpected."

"If there is something missing, please don't take offense, Lord Moon God."

With a smile on his face, Ying Changge sat quietly on the stone chair, completely indifferent, and did not have any intention of standing, looking very indifferent.

"Seventh son is serious."

"This time I came in a hurry, but I took the liberty to disturb the purity of Seventh Young Master."

"Seventh Young Master, don't take offense."

Luna spoke softly.

At this time.

Only then did she carefully start to look at Ying Changge in front of her.

He was dressed in white, showing elegance, and exuded a bookish air from his body. He looked like a weak scholar, with sharp facial features and at least six points of similarity with the first emperor Ying Zheng.

From the breath emanating from Ying Changge's body, Luna felt an unfathomable feeling.

Even though she tried her best to investigate, she found nothing in the end.

Totally unobservable!

as if...

Blocked by a wall!

The Moon God Liu Mei frowned, and the beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent eyes had a sense of solemnity.

Seventh son, it is really unfathomable!

It is completely different from the weak and cowardly in the rumors!

Only by seeing it with his own eyes can the Moon God experience it.

The mysterious and terrifying of the seventh son!

Even at the realm of her martial arts master's cultivation, she couldn't find out any details and depths of Ying Changge.

Usually this is the case.

Luna could only think of two possibilities.

The first one is that the seventh son Ying Changge in front of him is indeed an ordinary blind son.

And the second is...

Seventh Young Master Ying Changge is too terrifying!

So much so that even she couldn't see through it.

Of these two possibilities, Luna prefers the latter.

"Will it really be you? Seventh Young Master."

Moon God thought silently in his heart.

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