
All this can no longer be explained.

This explanation is too far-fetched!

Once or twice, it can be forced to explain it by coincidence.

But now.

Ying Changge has destroyed the fifth formation!

Can this be explained by chance?


This horse is lucky to be able to break through the formations one after another?

What a joke!

No matter how lucky you are, it's still impossible to do the feat of defeating the formation over and over again, right?


Now, no one thinks it's all just a coincidence anymore.

They have all been identified.

This is the ability of the seventh son, Ying Changge!

"The last one left..."

"As long as the last small formation is defeated, the entire medium-sized Yin-Yang formation will collapse in an instant! It will be completely destroyed!"

"This, this is terrible!"

Luna's beautiful eyes stared blankly at Ying Changge, then turned to look at the latter's movements.

The five interlocking small formations have all been defeated!

And Ying Changge didn't have any slack in the whole process.

It's as if the essence of the formation has already been penetrated!

Straight to the core!


This will lead to the fact that in less than half an hour, the five formations were destroyed and destroyed one after another.

Right now, all of this is impacting Luna's cognition.

"Master of Formation?"

"No no no!"

"Even if it is a master of the formation, it is impossible to achieve such an amazing feat!"

"But, how to explain what Seventh Young Master is doing now?"

"Could it be..."

"Is there really such a terrifying enchanting monster in this world?"

Star Soul was deeply moved.

At this moment, his mentality is almost out of balance, on the verge of collapse.

Witnessing such astonishing scenes in front of him, even as the first genius of the Yin-Yang family for three hundred years, Xinghun would inevitably feel shocked and lose his temper.

"Seventh son, you are a monster!"

Da Si Ming thought to himself.

She couldn't help but recall.

In the past few days in Xianyang City, there have been rumors and remarks about Qi Gongzi Ying Changge's prestige.

She suddenly believed those rumors.


Seventh Young Master, he is indeed an unpredictable monster!

The mysterious formation of the Yin Yang family was simply vulnerable in front of the Seventh Young Master!

So fragile!

He couldn't even stop Seventh Young Master's footsteps!

This is still her impression...

The omnipotent yin and yang formation?

Can kill people in the invisible yin and yang formation?

Known as the most terrifying killing formation in the world?


The yin-yang formation that once made countless formation masters in the Jianghu feel terrified?

Why does the Yin-Yang Formation appear so fragile at this moment?

"In front of the seventh son..."

"The Yin-Yang formation seems to be full of loopholes!"

Da Siming couldn't help but spoke in a low voice.

In the blink of an eye.

When it comes to the sixth formation, as long as this last formation is broken, the entire medium-sized Yin-Yang formation will be severely damaged and disintegrated in an instant.

In the face of this last formation, Ying Changge naturally did not hold back.

Just be quick...

One finger in the whole process, directly destroyed.


A loud bang.

The entire hall was shaken by force, causing violent vibrations, which caused some Yin Yang disciples in the distance to perceive the movement here.


The purple enchantment is like a cathartic flow of water, frantically turning into pieces of debris and disintegrating, and these fallen pieces are shattered and turned into energy gas.

next second.

The energy gas formed by the shattering formation formed a terrifying air wave, swept in all directions, setting off a wild wind and waves.


All anomalies, all disappeared without a trace.

The formation barrier originally formed by the purple beam has all disappeared.

been cracked!

Defeated by a single force!

The whole process takes less than half an hour!

A medium-sized yin-yang formation that the Yin-Yang family was proud of, was tragically defeated by Ying Changge alone, breaking it down and disintegrating.

The six interlocking small arrays were cracked by Ying Changge without exception.

So far.

The Yin-Yang Array was completely destroyed by Ying Changge!

From start to finish, it didn't take more than half an hour.

In such a short period of time, a mysterious and ever-changing Yin-Yang formation was tragically disintegrated by Ying Changge.

And the top executives of the Yin Yang family were collectively slapped in the face by Ying Changge.

Including Luna, Xinghun, and the two elders, Da Siming and Shao Siming, all stared at Ying Changge with horrified and shocking eyes.

The atmosphere is so weird!


The whole place was silent!

It was egregiously silent!

"Really, really broke..."

"This is not a dream!"

Star Soul's eyes were lost for a while, and his body was shocked.

An extremely mysterious yin and yang formation method was forcibly demolished with bare hands!

No stress all the way!

How could Xinghun dare to imagine such a shocking scene if he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes?

"too horrible!"

"This seventh son..."


Da Siming was terrified.

On the other hand, Shao Siming stood aside, and a few waves of waves flashed through his calm and beautiful eyes.


At this moment, Luna couldn't help but recall the evaluation of Dong Huang Taiyi.

Only four short words.

But this alone is enough to show the horror of this seventh son, Ying Changge!

is now.

The Moon God realized it deeply.

How much meaning and weight do these four words symbolize!

"As His Excellency Donghuang said..."

"Seventh son, it is really unfathomable!"

"It's impossible to fathom!"

"It's terrifying!"

Luna exhaled heavily, but still couldn't suppress the shaking mood.

She deeply agreed with Donghuang Taiyi's evaluation.

The seventh son is truly unfathomable!

This, she can feel very deeply now.

"Seventh Young Master, what means did he rely on to directly penetrate the essence of the formation, so as to easily break through the Yin-Yang formation?"

This question was perplexed in the minds of Luna, Xinghun and the others, leaving them puzzled.

I can't think of a reason if I want to break my head.

Is the seventh son a master of the formation?

A formation master who is under twenty years old?

is it possible?

Every formation master in this world is at least fifty years old!

The formation master is just like the mechanism master, and needs to immerse in countless hours to study it in order to obtain a good level of attainment.


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