Most of the formation masters are old men over fifty years old.

Although whether it is a formation technique or an organ technique, it all pays attention to talent and aptitude. But more importantly, you need to spend more time immersing yourself in it in order to get a lot of money.

How old is the seventh son?

It's still a weak year!

At such an age, you can become a master of formation?

This is impossible!

What kind of monster and evildoer can become a master of the formation under the age of 20?

can not imagine!

"Lord Moon God, can you show me the Yin-Yang formation of your Yin-Yang family again?"

"This formation just now was really clumsy."

"In front of me, it's full of loopholes!"

Turning around, Ying Changge spoke slowly.

The silent and eerie atmosphere was broken on the spot.

Hearing this, both the Moon God and the Star Soul couldn't help but twitch at the corners of their mouths.

Silent for a moment.

Only then did the Moon God speak: "Seventh Young Master, you possess the terrifying formation skills. I'm afraid that none of the formations in the Yin Yang Pavilion can penetrate the Seventh Young Master's eyes. I'm really ashamed."


How could she continue to let Ying Changge destroy the Yin Yang Pavilion's formation?

Recalling the scene just now, when Ying Changge destroyed the Yin-Yang formation effortlessly, Luna was deeply palpitated and frightened, and she naturally did not dare to let Ying Changge touch the formation of their Yin-Yang family.

Avoid the formation of the Yin and Yang family, and once again suffer the fate of being destroyed by Ying Changge.

Luna has no doubts now.

If Ying Changge continued to contact the formation of their Yin and Yang family, their entire formation of Yin and Yang Pavilion would most likely be completely destroyed by the opponent today.

And this result is obviously not what Moon God wants to see.

Ever since he had seen the terrifying scene of Ying Changge destroying the formation, Luna had a psychological shadow on Ying Changge in his heart, and made up his mind.

No matter what, you must never let the Seventh Young Master come into contact with the Yin Yang Formation!

This monster, Seventh Young Master, is simply an array smasher!

"That's really a pity..."

"I originally wanted to continue to see, what is the mystery of the Yin-Yang formation that the 160 Yin-Yang families have always been proud of."

"Looks like it can only be done."

Ying Changge waved his hand.


Originally, I wanted to destroy a few more Yin-Yang formations, so that the Yin-Yang family could feel a pain in their hearts.


Luna and the others reacted in time and stopped their follow-up actions.


Ying Changge is confident.

In just half a day, he can destroy all the formations in the entire Yin Yang Pavilion!

With the perfect level of domineering, he is so strong and domineering!

Only half a day is enough to destroy hundreds of interlocking Yin-Yang formations in the Yin-Yang Pavilion!

"Seventh Young Master, what exactly is that you have just now?"

After a pause, Yue Shenhua turned sharply and couldn't help asking with deep throbbing.

She still can't figure it out.

What was the means just now? !

How could it be so scary!

But in a few breaths, you don't even need to survey the formation, you can easily completely destroy and disintegrate the entire formation, and completely destroy it!

What means is this?

Too incredible!

Including Xinghun, Da Siming, Shao Siming and other senior leaders of the Yin-Yang family, they also looked at Ying Changge with puzzled expressions, and their expressions showed strong curiosity and incomprehension.

can be clearly captured.

Deep in their eyes, there is a strong sense of shock.

So far, their shocking mood has not been completely suppressed.


"Seventh son, isn't he blind?"

"So, how can we gain insight into the weak position of the formation?"

"Can anyone explain what's going on here?"

"Seventh Young Master, who is blind and under twenty years old, actually did it one after another, all the incredible feats just now."

"This is really unimaginable."

Star Soul thought.

And this is also the collective question of the top executives of the Yin Yang family.

How did the blind seventh son penetrate the weakness of the formation? And then destroy the formation method?

This alone is enough to make Luna and the others rack their brains and can't think of a reason.

They saw it for the first time in their lives.

In this world, there are still people who can be so terrifying!

It was obviously the first time that they encountered the Yin-Yang formation of their Yin-Yang family, but they could do it forcefully, destroying their proud Yin-Yang formation effortlessly.

This terrifying monster beyond reason...

Without a doubt, it was the first time in their lives they had seen it with their own eyes!

Again, it was the first time they had heard of it in years!

Even the strongest formation master in the world can't do it, just like the terrifying behavior of Seventh Young Master Ying Changge.

"Have you heard of the mind of martial arts?"

Facing Luna's question, Ying Changge said with a smile.

"Martial, martial arts mind?!"

Xinghun's pupils shrank, and he looked at Ying Changge in shock.

He seemed to feel something.

Could it be...

"Is it possible?!"

"Seventh son, you have mastered the mind of martial arts?!"

The Moon God was also taken aback.

Of course she knows what martial arts are.

With her knowledge, she is naturally well aware of the terrifying ability of the mind of martial arts.

This is the one-in-a-million terrifying ability!

A powerful supernatural power that can only be mastered when the martial arts cultivation base has reached several advanced realms!

This is an extremely rare and very powerful terrifying magical power.

Among the millions of people who practice martial arts in the rivers and lakes, maybe only one person can have it!

"The mind of martial arts?"

"No no no, I think you probably misunderstood what I meant."

Ying Changge shook his head.

Hearing this, Luna, Xinghun and the others involuntarily let out a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

Not what they thought.

If it was as they thought, it would be too scary!

Too shocking!


Immediately after.

Before Luna and Xinghun calm down, Ying Changge spoke again quickly, and the words were not astonishing: "Martial Dao Xinyan, what kind of **** is this?".

Chapter 84 My son can see the future! Impeccable! 【2/7 ask for custom】

"What kind of garbage is Martial Dao Xinyan?"

The sound fell.

In the silent environment, the loud voice lingered and spread in all directions.

Weird atmosphere!



Luna and Xinghun had sluggish faces, their pupils dilated rapidly, staring blankly at Ying Changge in front of them, their eyes filled with shock and awe.

What did they hear? !

Only millions of people who practice martial arts can have an example of mastering the mind of martial arts!

What kind of amazing magical power is this?


He was actually called **** by the Seventh Young Master?

be nice...

Are they afraid they have hallucinations? !

This is the mind of martial arts!

Seventh son, isn't it too much for you to describe the legendary martial arts mind in this way!

In the whole world, there are only a handful of people who have mastered martial arts.

Such a terrifying supernatural ability is actually regarded as garbage?

To know.

This is a terrifying ability that even the Moon God, Star Soul and others cannot touch!

"This this!"

Xinghun stared blankly at Ying Changge, shocked.

Did you hear it wrong?

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