
A chilling aura emerged spontaneously.

"Master Star Soul, please!"

Ying Changge smiled, her expression kept calm and indifferent as always.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

Star Soul did not care too much.

He took a deep breath and adjusted the depression and throbbing in his mood.


He began to circulate the surging innate qi in the dantian in his body.


The surging and terrifying Innate True Qi surged and circulated from the body of the star soul, the halo emitting more and more bright, purple internal force wrapped around his body.

Wisps of purple inner strength rose up, exuding an unparalleled terrifying aura of deterrence.

The star soul wrapped in the purple majestic innate infuriating physique is particularly eye-catching, like a living mage, fierce and terrifying.



The surrounding space seemed to be unable to withstand the impact of this terrifying force, and continued to produce traces of twisting and wriggling, trembling frantically, and was about to collapse.

Taking Xinghun's body as the center point, a wave of terror swept in all directions.

In the area of ​​more than 100 meters, everyone could feel the powerful oppression of the air wave that he broke out.

A coercion that was superior to Innate Perfection, but inferior to that of a Martial Dao Grandmaster, wrapped around Xinghun's body, giving him an aura that looked down upon the world.

Immediately after.

Star Soul's hands gradually formed a purple halo.

The purple light group is brewing with extremely violent power.

A steady stream of innate innate energy was fully gathered and concentrated between the palms of Star Soul, and the condensed purple light group became more and more substantial.

From a gas to a solid...

The concentrated purple light group also flickered with lightning-like currents on the outside, which was particularly terrifying.

The power is getting more and more violent!

A wave of air blew through Xinghun's clothes and hair.

With no expression on his face, he concentrates on manipulating his inner strength in the palms of his hands.


When the purple light group of the hands took shape, it began to extend outwards...

In an instant.

The purple light group extended to a distance of about one meter, forming two sharp and unparalleled air blades. The lightsaber formed by the purple light group was firmly grasped in the palm of the hand by the star soul.

"Gathering Qi into a Blade!"

As soon as Xinghun opened the scene, he directly displayed the unique skills at the bottom of the box.

Gathering Qi into a Blade, one of the top yin and yang techniques in the yin and yang family!

Not all yin and yang people can master it.


For now.

In the entire Yin-Yang family, only the mysterious and unfathomable Donghuang Taiyi and the first genius star soul of the Yin-Yang family in the past three hundred years can master the top-level Yin-Yang technique of gathering Qi into a blade.

Even the Moon God cannot cast Qi Gathering into a Blade!


Gathering Qi into a blade has become Star Soul's signature Yin Yang technique!

When the two light blades were born, they exuded a more terrifying deterrent.

at the same time.

The surrounding air temperature seems to have dropped a little along with it, becoming a bit icy cold.

Coldness breeds!

It's freezing cold!

Biting coldness emanated from Xinghun's body.

He was holding two light blades made of congenital zhenqi in both hands, and the halo of the purple light blades in his hands illuminated his exceptionally fair face, which looked very deep and powerful.

A purple halo flickered, illuminating the halls in all directions.

"Master Star Soul..."

"It's really moving as soon as it starts!"

Da Siming outside the field was amazed again and again.

The Star Soul, which has cast Qi Gathering into a Blade, has obviously entered a state of going all out!

"Gathering Qi into a Blade!"

"Star Soul's onmyo talent is truly amazing!"

Luna looked at the purple blade of light in Xinghun's hands, his eyes twinkling.

do not know……

Can the Star Soul, which has gathered Qi and turned into a blade, defeat the seventh son, Ying Changge?

In this regard, Luna is still unable to judge.

"Lord Moon God, do you think Lord Xinghun can defeat Seventh Young Master?"

Da Shiming couldn't help but ask.

"I can't see through."

Moon God shook his head.

Even she couldn't see the situation of the battle clearly.

Star Soul is very strong!

There is no doubt about this.


The Seventh Young Master Ying Changge on the opposite side is by no means an ordinary person!

Even if Star Soul used Qi Gathering to become a blade, he might not be able to defeat the opposite Seventh Young Master.

Battles often break out in a single thought.

I see.

Star Soul shot.

Having used the Qi Gathering Blade, he grabbed the two purple light blades in both hands, exuding a fierce and icy pressure, and charged forward to the position of Ying Changge.


Knees slightly bent, feet kick.

Suddenly, with a loud noise, Xinghun grabbed the purple light blade in both hands and attacked Ying Changge swiftly.

Before anyone arrived, the overwhelming pressure enveloped Ying Changge's body.

The star soul holding the purple light blade in both hands, the light blade in his hand swung down at Ying Changge's body.

The light blade is extremely lethal and destructive!

Everything can be cut off!

With a mighty aura, he was already within easy reach of Ying Changge.

"This is……"

"One of the top secret skills of the Yin-Yang family gathers Qi into a blade?"

"Strong tricks!"

Ying Changge's arrogance and domineering look, naturally, he can always see the violent aura of the two light blades that Xinghun is holding in both hands.

Facing the star soul's light blade slashed.

Ying Changge raised his right hand slowly without avoiding it.

in a moment……


The power in the body exploded out in an all-round way.

The black liquid substance rushed to the right arm quickly.

In the blink of an eye.

These black liquid substances turned into black solids, forming a layer of indestructible black armor, which was firmly wrapped around Ying Changge's right hand.

A wisp of gray hot mist curled up from above the exterior of the black armored armor.

The domineering arrogance of the perfect-level armed color broke out again at this moment!

next second.

After displaying the domineering arrogance of the armed color, Ying Changge made a very decisive choice.

The right hand, which was wearing a black armored armor, directly grabbed the purple light blade that was attacked by the star soul without hesitation.


The lightsaber is getting closer!

at the same time.

When he noticed Ying Changge's actions, Xinghun's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Seventh son, this is...

Want to block the Qi Gathering Blade with your bare hands? ! .

Chapter 89 Snap a finger to break the air blade! One-handed defeat of the law! 【7/7 for custom order】

"Want to gather qi into a blade with bare hands?!"

"Is the seventh son crazy?"


"Does he really have the confidence to do it?!"

"Just now, he blocked the Yin-Yang Aiki Mudra with a single finger!"

"But the problem is."

"The sharpness of gathering Qi into a blade is in no way inferior to any weapon in the world!"

"Seventh Young Master is still trying to block with his bare hands. Is this self-confidence or too conceited?"

"Forcibly gathering qi into a blade with bare hands, this is simply unheard of before!"

Xinghun's eyes were full of seriousness, staring at Ying Changge.

The light blade in his hand was aimed at Ying Changge and cut off.

Show no mercy!

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