A sharp purple light blade pierced through the sky.

call out!

An ear-piercing crack sounded.

It seems that even the air has been cut off by this purple light blade!

off the field.

When the fight between Xinghun and Ying Changge was clearly seen, the faces of Luna and Dasiming changed slightly, and their eyes became very dignified and serious.

Da Siming was even more shocked and dumbfounded.

"Lord Moon God, Seventh Young Master, he..."

"Are you going to block Lord Star Soul's Qi Gathering Blade with your bare hands?"

"This, this danger is too dangerous!"

Tai Si Ming's throat was dry.

She couldn't help but recall.

Gang Qi Gongzi Ying Changge tried to block the image of the Yin-Yang Aiki Mudra with only one finger.

Can it work?

That was the Qi Gathering Blade cast by Lord Star Soul!

Unlimited power!

The power far surpasses the power of the innate perfection realm!

It has the terrifying cutting power and lethality of a magic weapon!

Can the seventh son really stop it?

The power of Master Xinghun's qi gathering into a blade is completely incomparable to her yin and yang qi mudra, the gap is too great.

"Being able to block my Yin-Yang Harmony Qi mudra doesn't mean that I can block Lord Xinghun's Qi Gathering Blade with bare hands. Seventh Young Master, you are too confident!"

Da Si Ming thought to himself.

And this time.

Luna's mood also set off a violent wave and ripples.

She remembered.

The broken famous sword Yuanhong I just got last night.

in particular……

On the blade of Broken Yuanhong, the remaining finger print was still deeply remembered by Luna, and it was deeply imprinted in her mind.


When Luna saw Ying Changge trying to grab Xing Soul's Qi Gathering Blade with her bare hands, she naturally thought of the fingerprints left on the broken Yuanhong sword blade.

The two have gradually developed some connections and involvements.

"No, no?"

Luna's pink lips parted slightly, and her beautiful eyes were horrified.

She was frightened by this guess in her heart.

how can that be? !

Could it be that……

It was the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge who destroyed the Sword Saint Gai Nie Pei Jian Yuanhong? !

The culprit who destroyed Ming Jian Yuanhong with his bare hands...

close at hand? !

This astonishing guess made Luna completely dumbfounded.

She was bewildered.

"This this……"

"Is it really him?"

"But this is too scary!"

"Destroy a magic weapon with your bare hands?"

"What terrifying power is this? What terrifying physical defense?"

Luna stared forward dazedly, seeing Ying Changge's qi-gathering blade that was about to pick up the star soul with his bare hands.

see here.

She became more and more sure of the guess in her heart.

Although this speculation is scary, it is unbelievable.

But other than that, there seems to be no second possibility.


"Seventh Young Master is not too arrogant, but is confident that he can use his bare hands to gather qi into a blade?!"

"after all."

"He is, he once destroyed even the famous Jian Yuanhong with his bare hands!"

The Moon God was shocked.

Is that human being?

What a monster!

at the same time.

Star Soul's Qi Gathering Blade has been cut mercilessly.

And Ying Changge's right hand, which is covered in black armed armor, has already grasped the purple light blade.

Unarmed hard to gather Qi into a blade!

He held the purple light blade firmly between his palms with his bare hands.


A crisp and pleasant voice sounded.

The sharp purple light blade can no longer penetrate an inch.

as if...

Hit a majestic mountain!



was firmly blocked.

"how is this possible?!"

Xinghun paled in shock, looking at Ying Changge with a horrified expression on his face.

Head down.

He could see it clearly.

The purple light blade was grasped by Ying Changge, and the collision and friction generated by the two terrifying forces flashed dazzling fire.

A sharp and harsh voice hovered and buzzed in the ears of Xinghun.

He just feels.

The gas-gathering blade in his hand was like hitting an indestructible bronze meteorite!

Can't cut it at all!

Nor can it be destroyed!


The burst of energy between the two collided, generating a burst of extremely surging air waves, which turned into a shock wave and spread, sweeping in all directions.

The dust on the ground was then lifted up in the air and flew wildly.

I see.

Ying Changge's right hand has firmly grasped the purple light blade, and no matter how forced the Star Soul pushes it, the purple light blade will no longer be able to fall.

As for breaking the perfect-level armed armor in Ying Chang Singer?

This is even more nonsense!

"No, impossible!"


"I blocked my Qi Gathering Blade with my bare hands?!"

"It must be fake!"

"I must be dreaming!"

Star Soul was stunned.

His eyes were full of astonishment, staring at the purple light blade cut off by his right hand, watching the hand that grabbed the purple light blade.

That hand is covered in black armor, with an indestructible aura...

Star Soul never dreamed of it.

One day, his proud gas-gathering blade will be taken by someone empty-handed!


The world view of Star Soul is about to collapse completely.

What kind of monster is this horse?

Did you really block the Qi Gathering Blade that you were using with all your strength?

Who would believe this if it were spread out?

This is one of the top yin and yang techniques in the Yin Yang family!

And it was he himself, the first genius of the Yin-Yang family in the past three hundred years!


Right now.

Let him gather Qi into a blade that was in no way unfavorable in the past, but he suffered the fate of being easily resolved with his bare hands.

How can Star Soul accept this?

"Even if His Excellency the East Emperor takes action personally, he will never block my Qi Gathering Blade with empty hands~"!"

"But Seventh Young Master, he did it."

"What kind of freak is he?"

"It's too strong to be outrageous!"

"With my bare hands, I can gather qi into a blade! It's still when I do my best!"

"Looking at the world, who can do such a shocking act?"

"What's more terrifying is..."

"Seventh son, he only has the cultivation realm of the middle stage of the innate. And I, that is the supreme powerhouse who has completely stepped into the realm of martial arts masters!"

"How could he block my Qi Gathering Blade from the front with his bare hands?"

Countless chaotic thoughts rushed into Xinghun's mind frantically.

"By gasification?"

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