"Since this is General Wang Li's kindness, then I will accept it."

After thinking again and again, Ying Changge slowly picked up the magic weapon in the wooden box.

Famous Sword Dragon Yuan!

With the blade in hand, Ying Changge could deeply feel the sharp edge.

A very fierce and domineering sword!

Holding the Longyuan Sword in his hand, Ying Changge suddenly had a lot of goodwill towards this sword.


It is this sword that suits his temperament!

"Even if you can't use it for the time being, you can use it to pretend after you successfully unlock the blind swordsman's swordsmanship."

Ying Changge thought.

When he saw Ying Chang Singer lay down the Long Yuan Sword, Wang Li's face was overjoyed, and his mood was particularly happy and excited: "This sword may have been born for you, son!"

A flattery slapped the past.

For similar compliments, Ying Changge didn't make much waves.

But it's Wang Li who is flattering, so it's different!

Wang Li, this is the general who is in charge of hundreds of thousands of armor-piercing troops!

The famous general of the empire!

"General Wang Li, when I have time in the future, I will visit the old general Wang Jian at the palace in person. I hope that the palace at that time will not refuse."

Ying Changge laughed.

"Young master can take the initiative to come to the door, and the palace is full of brilliance, how can there be no reason to refuse?"

Wang Li's eyes lit up, and he looked very expectant.

he knows.

Today's event is completely accomplished!

from today.

The Wang family has a certain relationship with the seventh son, Ying Changge.

Wang Xinli made up his mind.

On the side of the eighteenth prince, Hu Hai, it is better to keep a distance in the future.

There must be a reason to shirk all cooperation with the eighteenth son Hu Hai.


Lest Seventh Young Master misunderstand, it would be worth the loss.


In Wang Li's heart.

The weight of the eighteenth son, Hu Hai, is far less than that of the seventh son, Ying Changge!


After chatting with Wang Li for a second or two, the former announced to leave.

After staying in the palace for about a quarter of an hour, and after giving gifts and getting closer to each other, Wang Li was very decisive and didn't bother Ying Changge too much.


Wang Li's figure completely disappeared in the huge palace.

It wasn't until Wang Li left completely that Meng Ying couldn't help but whisper: "Master, Wang Li is arrogant, domineering, and arrogant. When talking to him, you need to be cautious."

Hearing this, Ying Changge laughed: "It's okay, I know it."

Friendship with the Wang family, just click on it.

If he deliberately tried to get closer, not to mention that it would arouse suspicions in the civil and military hearts of the Manchu Dynasty, and it might even arouse the idea of ​​his father, the first emperor, Ying Zheng.

This would be very bad!


The relationship between Ying Changge and the Wang family only needs to be maintained well in 4.9.

As for more?

He won't think about it so much.

"Sir, the Long Yuan Sword is indeed a rare weapon in the world!"

"did not expect……"

"General Wang Li, he will come to the door today and send you such a magic weapon!"

"In this way, try to get closer to your friendship with the son!"

When the conversation changed, Meng Ying looked at the Long Yuanjian on the Ying Chang singer, and said in a voice full of amazement.

Although Long Yuanjian's prestige is not very prominent, this sword is indeed a very rare unparalleled weapon, even if it is compared with Yuewang Bajian, it is no less than Yuanhong.

"Keep the sword for me, maybe I will use it later."

Ying Changge casually threw the Long Yuan Sword to Meng Ying next to him, and instructed the latter to take good care of the sword at all times until he could use it in the future.

If the Blind Swordsman's Gravity Fruit is unlocked, then this Longyuan Sword can be used to pretend.

after all.

Blind swordsmen, don't they also use swords?

Although his swordsmanship is really not good.

But at least...

When the blind swordsman used his Gravity Fruit ability, he still covered it up with his sword.

Swordsmanship is purely used by blind swordsmen to disguise his fruit ability.

just thought of……

When the famous sword in his hand was swung down.

It fell from the sky, a terrifying meteorite that could destroy the sky and destroy the earth!

What a shocking scene was that?

What an amazing picture?

Just imagining it, made Ying Changge suddenly feel the blood boil.

That scene...

Really looking forward to it!

With a wave of the famous sword in his hand, thousands of meteorites fell from the sky!



What a spectacular scene was that? !

"I really hope the next ability..."

"You can unlock the blind swordsman's signature ability, the fruit of gravity!"

"In this way, I can also start to show the operation."

"Although I don't expect to be able to do it, like a blind swordsman, it's easy to pull a meteorite down from the sky. But anyway, it shouldn't be a problem to move mountains and seas, right?"

"So, in this world, I can be regarded as possessing fairy-like terrifying means!"

"For this group of martial arts practitioners in Jianghu."

"At that time, what I will do is..."

"It's the real fairy method!"

Ying Changge showed his eyes looking forward to the future.

Chapter 93 The First Emperor Comes to the Door! Absolute lock! Son-in-law would like to give it a try! 【4/7 ask for custom】

Then, a few days passed.

During the past few days, Xianyang City has been calm.

Few big events happened.

There was no movement in the Yin Yang family, nor was Zhao Gao and Luo Wang.

The only thing worth mentioning is.

In the past few days, General Zhang Han still led the elite members of the Shadow Guard to launch a large-scale search operation around the entire Xianyang City.


The end result was very helpless.

The Sword Saint Genie, who was seriously injured, seemed to have completely evaporated from the world of Xianyang City, and completely disappeared.

As a result, Zhang Han was miserable during this time.

Under the pressure from His Majesty the First Emperor, he continued to lead the shadow guards to carry out searches, and almost searched Xianyang City upside down.

But the result was the same as before.

Got nothing!

Zhang Han found nothing about the whereabouts of the Sword Saint Gai Nie.

From the beginning to the end, there was no insight into Genie's whereabouts and traces.

Hundreds of thousands of shadow and secret guards were dispatched to search, but still could not find any clues about Genie.

Including the wanted order issued to the outside world and the wanted order with a bounty of 10,000 taels, it did not bring any useful information to Zhang Han.

Xianyang City is too big!

Even if Zhang Han led the shadow guards, it was very difficult to find someone who wanted to hide in the vast crowd.

What's more, it is a strong guard like Sword Saint Gai Nie.

Even if Gai Nie was seriously injured a few days ago, or even on the verge of death, his rich experience still allowed him to avoid the search of the shadow guards.


Connecting the arrest warrants have lost their effect.

Countless martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes are eager to find the whereabouts of the swordsman Genie, but they also have no effect or effect.

Sword Saint Genie...

It seems to have really disappeared!

Or rather.

It's like leaving Xianyang City!

If it weren't for this, Zhang Han couldn't think of the second possibility.

Why have you searched for so long, but you can't find even the slightest clue of Genie?

So far.

The whole search operation caused by Gai Nie is a temporary end.

Although the Shadow Secret Guard is still looking for it, he obviously doesn't have the momentum he had at the beginning.

at the same time.

With the disappearance of Genie's trace, there was a heated discussion about Ying Changge's remarks, and gradually began to decline.

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