this day.

Qing Summer Palace.

Ying Changge just heard from Meng Ying, there is news about Zhang Han and Ying Miwei recently.

It made him feel a little pity to learn that the Sword Saint Genie was not arrested.


He had already anticipated this.

The dignified Sword Saint Genie, even if he was seriously injured, would never have been taken down so easily.

Fortunately, Ying Changge himself had been expected, but he did not show too much disappointment.

"General Zhang Han has been in a hurry these days."

"Because of the matter of the Sword Saint Gai Nie, countless pressures are now on the shoulders of General Zhang Han. The seriously injured Sword Saint Gai Nie cannot be taken down, and if you deal with Ga Nie in his heyday, let alone already."

"The pressure of all the military officials in the courtroom is all on General Zhang Han's body."

"Presumably, in the past few days, General Zhang Han must have been sleepless all night."

Meng Ying was a little emotional.

For Zhang Han's situation, he is deeply sympathetic.

But helpless.

Sword Saint Genie is too difficult to deal with!

In the first few days of Gai Nie's serious injury, he failed to catch Gai Nie.

As such.

At this moment, it is basically impossible to catch Sword Saint Genie again.

"It's not an easy thing to arrest Sword Saint Genie."

"Even though he is seriously injured, he still has a wealth of experience in the arena. Although the shadow guards are not bad, they are still far inferior to Genie."

"If there is no accident, maybe Gai Nie has successfully escaped from Xianyang City."

Ying Changge felt something.

There has been no clues or news about Genie for so long, and most of the other party has left Xianyang City.

Otherwise, there will be no news at all.

"It's really a waste of your hard work, son."

"If you hadn't taken down Genie at that time, Young Master, General Zhang Han and the shadow guards he led would have been wiped out by the swordsman Genie."


"Young master, you gave them a great opportunity, but let them waste it."

Meng Ying shook his head involuntarily.

"Okay. Let's not worry about the shadow guard."

Ying Changge ended the topic.

Although it does feel a little pity, it is not too uncomfortable.

If the Shadow Guard can take down the Sword Saint Genie, it will be very good for Ying Changge.

However, the Shadow Guard obviously couldn't do it.


From the very beginning, Ying Changge didn't expect the Shadow Guard's people to successfully capture the Sword Saint Genie.

Some things cannot be forced!

"By the way, how has Shao Siming been in the past few days?"

After the conversation changed, Ying Changge asked.

If he didn't mention it, he almost forgot.

The old wooden minister who was kidnapped from the Yin and Yang family.

can only say.

Shao Siming's presence is really too low.

On weekdays, almost no figure can be seen.

Only when Ying Changge walked out of the palace would Shao Siming follow him. Usually, most of them will be trapped in the room alone.

After a long time, Ying Changge almost forgot that there was the elder maid of the Yin-Yang family.

"as usual."

Meng Ying told the truth.

at this time.

Ying Changge spreads the perfection-level arrogance and domineering in the area of ​​100 meters, and can clearly see that there are many visitors outside the palace.

There is an air that is very familiar.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing gives Ying Changge the insight to accurately capture any disturbance.

Before the visitors outside the door approached, they were fully exposed to Ying Changge's eyes.

"Well? Father?"

Ying Changge looked deeply surprised.

During this time, he rarely saw his father, the first emperor, Ying Zheng.

did not expect.

Today, the other party actually has time to come to the door in person.

This made Ying Changge unexpected.

The first emperor Ying Zheng personally came to the door, which was rare.

What's more, in the past few days, the courtroom was full of civil and military court memorials, which made Ying Zheng fall into a busy state.

In this case, how can there be spare time to go out of Xianyang Palace?

Thinking of this, with the doubts in his heart, Ying Changge slowly stood up from the stone chair and instructed Meng Ying beside him: "Go, come with me to meet the father and emperor."

Meng Ying was shocked: "His Majesty the First Emperor?!"

Before Meng Ying could react, Ying Changge walked to the door step by step.

"Master, wait for your subordinates."

Meng Ying was terrified.

How dare he make His Majesty the First Emperor wait for a long time?

Immediately, he quickly walked to Ying Changge's side, feeling particularly nervous and restrained.


Open the door slowly.

as predicted!

Meng Ying saw that not far from the door, the splendid figure of Qiyu, wearing a golden dragon robe, with a pair of eyes that were very deep and piercing.

"My son, see the royal father."

Ying Changge lowered his head slightly, clasped his fists and cupped his hands.

"Inferior position, see Your Majesty."

Meng Ying hurriedly lowered her head with a nervous and awe-inspiring greeting.

"If you're not in the courtroom, you don't have to be so cautious."

Ying Zheng stepped directly into the palace, and the servants and subordinates who followed behind all stayed in front of the palace's gate and never set foot in the palace.

All the way to Ying Changge's side, Ying Zheng smiled and blurted out in amazement: "I heard about it a few days ago. My son, Changge, used his own power to severely damage Gai Nie!"

Between the words, there is no concealment of the sense of pride and relief.

"Father's words are serious."

"If General Zhang Han hadn't led the shadow guards and consumed Gai Nie to a weak stage. My son, it would be very difficult to injure Gai Nie!"

Ying Changge smiled and shook his head.

Leading Ying Zheng all the way back to the hall of the palace, Ying Zheng is naturally located in the main seat.

Ying Changge, on the other hand, was seated in the seat next to the hall.

Meng Ying stood beside Ying Changge, bowed her head from beginning to end, kept silent, and did not dare to intervene in the conversation between the two fathers and sons.


Ying Zheng laughed, his tone full of pride, "My son's long song is humility. Even so, your ability to hit Genie severely is enough to show your own strength!"

"My son, it makes me very happy!"

"I never dreamed of..."

"My son's long song, can actually have today's achievements."

"Recalling back then, when you were born, I learned that you were born blind, and thought it was a tyranny sent by God to severely punish me!"

"Now, my son has given me a good face!"

"I should be proud of you, my son!"

can be seen.

Ying Zheng was in a very happy mood.

Hearing this, Ying Changge hurriedly said, "Who dares to speak of the tyranny of the father? His heart can be punished! For such people, the father must not take their words to heart."

"But it's just a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam, and they only have one mouth left, babbling nonsense in the world, trying to confuse the public."

After listening to Ying Changge's remarks, Ying Zheng couldn't stop laughing.

Of course, Ying Zheng heard similar remarks from the Manchu civil and military officials countless times.

But this remark, heard from the mouth of my most important son, the feeling is naturally very different!

"My son has grown up."

"In the blink of an eye, you've become a gentleman."

"It's really time fickle, and it just goes by in a blink of an eye."

Ying Zheng was quite emotional.

Years are something that any emperor feels helpless.

No matter how powerful the imperial power is, it will be defeated by the passage of time!

In this regard, Ying Zheng has long been psychologically prepared.

It's just that he is unwilling!

"Father, in the minds of the sons and ministers, is always in his prime!"

Ying Changge calmed down.

"I know my situation well."

Ying Zheng shook his head, then changed the conversation, and asked with some enthusiasm, "I really want to know, how does my son view the present hundred schools of thought?"


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