
In the world, basically no one can crack the mechanism of the tooth-devouring prison!

Not to mention...

The Qimen Dunjia Technique in the Tooth Devouring Prison contains millions of changes, and it can be said that every dozen or so breaths will produce a brand new change.

In this case, how can manpower crack the tooth-devouring prison?

Obviously impossible!

Otherwise, Tooth Devouring Prison would not be so prestigious.

For decades, Tooth Eater has maintained a record of zero criminal escapes.

Relying on these organs and the Qimen Dunjia technique, the organs in the tooth-devouring prison are unpredictable, so that countless criminals can only be trapped in the tooth-devouring prison.


What do they see now?

They actually saw it.

The mechanism in the tooth-devouring prison and the Qimen Dunjia technique were actually cracked!

And still a young man under twenty years old!

The seventh son of the current first emperor!

A prince who is still in the weak crown, the whole process seems to be easily cracked without any effort, this fierce and well-known tooth-devouring prison!

If this is spread, who would dare to believe it?

Don't say that outsiders can't believe it.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes and experienced it with their own eyes, the two of them couldn't help but doubt life.

"Me, my God!"

"Really come out!"

"We came out of the tooth-devouring prison."

"My God! Could it be that I'm dreaming?"


After the two guards walked out of the passage, their worldview completely collapsed.

Is this still the terrifying Teeth Devourer in their minds?

This is obviously not right!

The rumored terrifying tooth-devouring prison, how could someone crack its internal organs so easily?

Is this something wrong?

Countless shocking emotions poured into the hearts of these two guards crazily.

They were standing outside the passage.

Even if they had walked out of the passage, it was still difficult for them to calm down the extremely shocking mood.

What happened now has seriously overturned their cognition.

As can be seen.

In a short period of time, their moods were absolutely unable to calm down.

"Really come out..."

Li Si's eyes were lost for a while, and he was a little worried.


He looked at the passage behind him, his throat was dry, and he couldn't speak for a while.

How would you describe your mood at the moment?

After deep despair...

And suddenly the rest of the life after the catastrophe!

It's raining and it's sunny!

But what happened just now was so deeply imprinted in Li Si's heart that he couldn't forget it at all, and he couldn't let it go in a short time.

"The mechanism in the Tooth-Eating Prison and the Qimen Dunjia Technique..."

"It was really cracked by Seventh Young Master!"

"What exactly is this concept?"

"Seventh son, how did he do it?"

"You know, this is a world-shattering move that no one has been able to achieve for decades!"

"But Seventh Young Master, he did it."

"It's easy to crack the mechanism in the tooth-devouring prison, and it completely ignores the ever-changing Qimen Dunjia technique."

"A coincidence? No, how could it be a coincidence!"

"Crazy crazy!"

"Seventh son is too scary!"

Li Si's lips trembled slightly, and he couldn't help swallowing.

For the rest of his life, he did not feel much joy. Instead, he was almost overwhelmed by the strong shock.

this moment.

He couldn't help but recall.

Before he set foot in the tooth-devouring prison, he had constantly emphasized to the seventh son, Ying Changge.

How dangerous is the tooth-devouring prison!

How terrifying the organs are!

How many changes does the internal Qimen Dunjia technique contain...

Thinking of this, Liston felt ashamed.

What kind of existence is he emphasizing on this? !


Li Si exhaled heavily, forcibly suppressing the shock in his heart.

He looked at Ying Changge's back with complicated eyes, and thought silently in his heart.

The Seventh Young Master is indeed a terrifying monster!


The two guards also adjusted a little, and the shocking mood in their hearts.


The two guards quickly walked forward and led the way again.

It's just that they looked at Ying Changge as if they were looking at a monster!

This look is exactly the same as the look that Li Si is showing at the moment!


In their eyes, the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge is undoubtedly a complete monster!

A peerless evildoer who cannot be described by common sense!

Even the mechanism in the tooth-devouring prison and the Qimen Dunjia technique couldn't be difficult for him, and he was able to easily crack it without any effort.

How to describe this existence?




"I saw it for the first time in my life."

"There is actually someone who can crack the mechanism in the tooth-devouring prison!"

"It's incredible!"

"I never thought in my life that one day I would be able to witness such a terrifying scene that subverts cognition with my own eyes."

"In the past, there was no disadvantage, and the ever-changing Qimen Dunjia technique. But today, in front of Seventh Young Master, it seems that he has become vulnerable in an instant."

"Such a world-shattering feat, in the world, apart from the Seventh Young Master, there must be absolutely no second person who can emulate it."

"Even the most shrewd mechanic master is far less terrifying than Seventh Young Master!"


With so many thoughts in their heads, the two guards kept adjusting their shocking mood, walking ahead and continuing to lead the way for Ying Changge and others.

Although what happened just now has passed, it is inevitable that it will leave a deep impression on the two of them.

In this life, a deep impression that will never be forgotten!

Let them never forget.

The seventh son, Ying Changge, what a terrifying existence!

This is a...

A terrible monster that completely refreshes the concept of cognition!

Due to the small episode just now, the speed of the entire team was caused.

Otherwise, according to the normal speed, everyone must have arrived as they wished, the cage where Black Swordsman Shengqi was imprisoned.

After what happened just now, Meng Ying's memory grew, and she became very energetic. Her body was particularly restrained and tense, and she was guarding the walls on both sides all the time.

In his opinion.

This place is in danger!

A little careless...

It will bring everyone together forever!

If it wasn't for the great power of their son just now, all of them would have been wiped out.

"This place is too dangerous."

"I have to be more careful!"

"and also……"

"Master, he was really too strong just now!"

"It is rumored that the famous tooth-devouring prison, the internal organs and the Qimen Dunjia technique were finally penetrated and cracked by the young master with ease!"

"Simply amazing!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that Young Master could accomplish such a terrifying feat of subverting cognition."

Meng Ying looked at Ying Changge's back, her eyes full of awe and admiration.

Just when he was desperate...

Ying Changge broke the despair scene at his fingertips, and it was imprinted in Meng Ying's heart so deeply that he would never forget it in his life.

When he was desperate, the figure full of hope and dawn that he saw!

"Young master is truly invincible!"

"Any field..."


"It can't be difficult for my son!"

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