Mengying had a sense of trust and worship that was almost blind and paranoid.

Even the Shao Siming who followed behind Ying Changge's side, Mei Mei looked at Ying Changge with curiosity, a pair of smart eyes that seemed to be able to talk, with a strong interest.

She also didn't expect it.

Ying Changge actually did it, cracking the mechanism in the tooth-devouring prison and the Qimen Dunjia technique!

It seemed to her.

Simply earth-shattering!

However, due to his personality, even if Shao Siming was shocked, he would not reveal that beautiful face hidden under the veil.

"Seventh son Ying Changge..."

"Who the **** are you?"

Shao Siming had this curious thought in his heart.

as if...

Nothing can stop this man!

As the previous Luna-sama commented.


Can't figure it out!

After half an hour.

The two guards of the Teeth Devouring Prison who were leading the way suddenly stopped in their footsteps.

Turning around slowly, they looked back with respectful expressions, facing the direction of Ying Changge and Li Si.


They clasped their fists and cupped their hands, and told the truth: "Qi Gongzi and Lord Xiangguo, this is the place where the famous black swordsman Shengqi is imprisoned in the rivers and lakes."

at the same time.

Ying Changge's footsteps also stopped.

The domineering arrogance of the perfection level he unleashed has long since shrunk to a range of about 100 meters around his own radius.

even so.

Ying Changge was still able to use the domineering arrogance of what he saw and heard, and he could see it clearly.

In this cage not far away, a very powerful being is being held!

The terrifying aura it exudes is actually not inferior to the star soul, probably similar to the left guardian star soul of the Yin Yang family, and much inferior to Gai Nie.

I haven't reached the martial arts master...

But not inferior to congenital perfection!

Preliminary conservative inference.

This person's realm is similar to that of Star Soul.

It belongs to the master of martial arts with half a foot, but it has not fully stepped into the master of martial arts.


Very strong!

This profound cultivation realm, even if you look at the rivers and lakes, it belongs to the top powerhouse!

"Have you reached your destination yet?"

Ying Changge whispered to herself.

If he guessed right.

The aura emanating from this body is not inferior to the powerhouse of Star Soul, it should be the famous black swordsman Shengqi in the arena.

That is...

The former head of the farmhouse Kuiwei Hall!

Sheng Qi's real name may seem very unfamiliar to others.

However, for Ying Changge.

Sheng Qi's real name is just like thunder!

Chen Sheng!

The Chen Sheng from Daze Township!

Form one of the leaders of the largest peasant uprising in history!

"Chen Sheng, right?"

"The one who killed was named Chen Sheng!"

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

He had already begun to measure silently in his heart.

Is it worth it to kill Shengqi now?

Is it to wait until all the value of Shengqi is used up before killing Shengqi?


Now, simply and quickly, take the opponent's life?

It's so confusing!

If you kill Sheng Qi now, you will kill Chen Sheng. Then, you will definitely be able to get a very rich template fusion degree!

It is natural to unlock the third new ability of the blind swordsman.

Calm and careful thinking again and again.

In just a moment, Ying Changge had a decision in his heart.

He decides…….

Chapter 106 Those who are destined to fail are not qualified to survive in the world! 【3/7 ask for custom】

one word.


They are all destined to fail anyway!

Whether it is Chen Sheng or Sheng Qi, they are all doomed to fail.

The Daze Township Uprising could never have succeeded!


Victory Qifu to kill Sword Saint Genie?

This is also obviously impossible to succeed!


No matter Sheng Qi or Chen Sheng, they are all poor people who are destined to fail.

So, why do you need to keep the other party alive in the world-?

A man doomed to fail...

Is not qualified to live in the world!

"Anyway, it will end in failure and the fate of being killed."

"It's better..."

"Die in my hands and become the nourishment for my strength."

"Once I successfully kill Shengqi, the degree of template fusion I can get will definitely be very rich!"

"At that time, it will be no problem to unlock the third new ability of the blind swordsman. It is even possible to unlock two new abilities at one time."


"Sheng Qi, this is a huge experience baby."

A smile appeared on Ying Changge's face.

He has made up his mind.

Kill Shengqi!

Stop the so-called Daze Township Uprising in later generations.

So, how rich a template fusion degree can you get?

That must be a very impressive number!

"People, it is important to have self-knowledge."

"Sheng Qi, you are destined to fail and die..."

"It's better to use your last remaining strength to help me improve my strength!"

"This is the greatest price you can make!"

"Kill you, I can get a rich template fusion degree. My overall strength will also completely surpass that of the swordsman Genie."

"Don't worry. When the time comes, I will help you avenge Xuehen, and help you kill the Sword Saint Genie."

"In this way, you can be considered dead."

"Otherwise, it is impossible for you to kill the Sword Saint Genie for revenge with your own strength alone. Only by becoming the nourishment for me to improve my strength can you achieve another sense of defeating the Sword Saint Genie. !"

For a time, Ying Changge thought a lot.

Sheng Qi must die!

If Shengqi is immortal, his template fusion will not be able to be greatly improved, and naturally he will not be able to unlock the third ability of the blind swordsman, and it is even more impossible to break through the late innate realm.

Think before and after.

Only by killing Shengqi can Ying Changge maximize his interests.

Let Shengqi die to help him break through a higher realm, unlock stronger abilities, and improve his overall strength level.

at the same time.

When Ying Changge's thoughts were flying.

Li Si has gradually walked to the door of this cage, staring directly at the burly figure inside the cage, with a bit of solemnity in his eyes.

The cage prison made of special materials is naturally not something that can be cracked at will by manpower.


Even a strong as a black swordsman Shengqi, he was helpless in this prison, and could only be imprisoned in the tooth-devouring prison silently for many years without being able to escape.

Go to the door.

Li Si saw Sheng Qi's figure.

Even though he has been imprisoned in the tooth-devouring prison for many years, the sturdy figure inside the cage still exudes a ferocious aura like a beast.

no doubt.

This burly and powerful figure is the Black Swordsman Shengqi.

The former head of the Kuiwei Hall of the farmhouse!

My real name is Chen Sheng!


Now this thought, Sheng Qi's prestige far surpassed his real name Chen Sheng.

Could take a few more years.

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