She really didn't expect it.

Ying Changge, who was so young, could be so scary.

Gradually she began to feel it.

Why did the previous Bai Feng actually speak up.

Even Lord Wei Zhuang can't keep her!

When he felt the terrifying force that was suppressing his body now, Chi Lian couldn't help but have an illusion in his heart.


This person really has the power to shake Lord Wei Zhuang!

"He's obviously still so young..."

"Even blind."

"Under this circumstance, does it actually have the strength to shake Lord Wei Zhuang?"

"Oh my God!"

Chi Lian only felt terrified.

The more she thought about it, the stronger and stronger her fear of Ying Changge became.

And all around.

Many of the large group of snakes summoned by her were already lying on the ground dying, unable to withstand the suppression of this terrifying gravity and fainted on the spot.

in a moment……

Almost wiped out!

In the end, including herself, was not spared.

"Master, please bypass them for now."

Aware of the abnormality of Chi Lian and others, Li Si whispered in Ying Changge's ear to remind him.

This time, the Empire came here specially to cooperate with Quicksand, not to turn against the Quicksand Organization.


Some things can be punished a little.

If the trouble is serious, neither side will end well.

Li Si had already expected Ying Changge's terrifying ability, and naturally he would not show too much shock.


Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming also looked calm, as if everything was expected.

"Since Lord Xiangguo has spoken, let her go over there."

"Next time, be sure to have a longer memory!"

"Don't do these dangerous things!"

"Otherwise, it won't be so lucky next time."

Ying Changge has something to say.

What he wanted to target was naturally Chi Lian, a woman who knew nothing about the sky and the earth.

Want to test your inner self?

The mere red training is far from qualified!

It's almost the same for Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, to come forward in person.

Thinking of this, Ying Changge retracted all the terrifying gravity back into his body.

This gravity can be retracted and retracted freely for perfect control.


The terrifying gravitational aura that swept across a radius of thirty meters, all disappeared without a trace.


Chi Lian finally got what he wanted and kept breathing, her pretty face turned pale for a while, her beautiful eyes looking at Ying Changge filled with fear, her pink lips trembled slightly, but she was unable to speak for a while.

The group of snakes approaching from all directions, except for some who fainted on the ground unconscious, the rest all retreated in fear.


All the snakes here disappeared without a trace.

As the party who summoned these snakes, Chi Lian stayed in place with lingering fears. It could be seen that her mood was very unstable, and her pretty face was full of deep fear.

If you look closely, you can see it.

Her trembling delicate body.

Chi Lian, one of the four kings of the dignified quicksand, was almost scared to death at that moment.

until now.

Even though the gravitational aura had been completely withdrawn by Ying Changge, she still couldn't calm down. The many things that happened to her just now made her unable to forget it in a short time.


He exhaled heavily, Chi Lian forcibly adjusted his vibrational mood, and eased his mentality, so that he would not be as embarrassed as before.

"It's a terrifying existence..."

Chi Lian's eyes were full of palpitations and looked at Ying Changge in awe.

She no longer dared to treat Ying Changge as an ordinary young man who was blind.

The sense of fear and fear that remained in his heart made Chi Lian recall all the time, the powerlessness and despair of being suppressed by that terrible force just now.


She had a slight psychological shadow on Ying Changge.


She dared not try to do it again.

She worries.

If she continues to anger the other party, her own end will be really miserable!


Given the level of terror of the other party, she subconsciously did not want Wei Zhuang to have too much contact with the other party.

Although she was deeply confident in Wei Zhuang's strength, the Ying Changge in front of her brought her an unfathomable strong sense of crisis.


If possible, she didn't want Ying Changge to meet Wei Zhuang, for fear that the two would fight each other.

In this way, she is even more worried that Wei Zhuang will be defeated!

"I must be crazy!"

"I can't believe it in my dreams. One day, I actually think that Lord Wei Zhuang will lose to others?"

"Master Wei Zhuang is obviously an invincible existence!"

Chi Lian quickly forcibly suppressed the worries in his heart.

She gritted her teeth and kept letting herself get rid of these distracting thoughts in her head.


Chi Lian recovered a little calm thinking, took a deep look at Ying Changge, and then said to Li Si, "Lord Xiangguo, I have offended you just now, please forgive me."

"Next, I will lead you to meet Lord Wei Zhuang."

When facing Ying Changge, she still felt a wave of emptiness and panic in her heart subconsciously.

"Then there will be His Highness Lao Chilian to lead the way for us."

Lis nodded.

Seeing the change in Chi Lian's attitude, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Of course, he knew all these changes, purely because of his son's terrifying strength!

If it weren't for the strength of his own son, he would have deeply convinced this group of quicksand killers.

Just be afraid.

He Li Si wanted to follow Chi Lian all the way to meet Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization...

This is almost impossible.

In the end.

Or because Seventh Young Master is too strong!

It has become so powerful that the group of unruly people from the Quicksand Organization are shivering and terrified by the terrifying power of their own son.

That's the main reason why these Quicksand killers are so submissive.

"Sir, let's go."

Li Si reminded Ying Changge with a look of awe and admiration.

He can imagine.

If it wasn't for Ying Changge's sake, he would never have been so solemnly received by the Quicksand Organization.

Even if his status is as high as the prime minister of the dynasty, or even more than ten thousand people under one person, he will never be treated so solemnly by the Quicksand Organization.


Ying Changge nodded.


Under the leadership of Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others.

Ying Changge and Li Si walked side by side, on both sides of the back of Ying Changge, with Meng Ying on the left and Shao Siming on the right.

The group of less than ten people walked all the way to the core area of ​​​​the mountains and forests ahead.

on the way.

The quicksand, who was leading the way, organized three people to meet each other's eyes, as if they were using their eyes to convey some unknown news.

"Now, you should be clear."

"Why did I stop you just now, ready to test the behavior of that monster?"

"There are some existences that you and I cannot provoke."

"It's also fortunate that you didn't do too much. Otherwise, once the person in the back is real, your life will definitely be taken away in an instant!"

Bai Feng's face was serious, and he didn't mean to joke at all.

Recalling the scene when he was killed in seconds.

He firmly believed.

With Chi Lian's strength, in the hands of that monster, I'm afraid that he will be killed in seconds if he can't make a single move!

"I understand."

"did not expect……"

"There is such a terrifying existence hidden among the people dispatched by the empire!"

"This is something I neglected."

"The most terrifying thing is that we didn't have any information about him before."

"`〃Even now, we can only know that he is the most distinguished and noble son, that's all."

"As for the rest, why is his strength so terrifying, and why his martial arts tricks are so weird..."

"We Quicksands know absolutely nothing about all of this."

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