"This man is like a mystery!"

"It's simply unfathomable!"

Chi Lian said with lingering fears.

"Are you afraid too? This is really rare."

"With your character, you are actually so afraid and afraid of a person?"

Bai Feng's eyes were strange.

"Aren't you afraid? If you weren't afraid, you wouldn't have been shivering just now."

"You and I have the same disease, and we are all for each other."

"Speaking of which, it's also the first time I've seen it."

"White Phoenix, who has always been arrogant, has moments of fear and cowardice."

"Today, it can be said to be an eye-opener for me."

Chi Lian rolled his eyes and glanced at Bai Feng with a mocking expression.

Hearing this, Bai Feng was speechless.


Unable to refute!


He was really scared!

In the face of Ying Changge, how could he maintain a normal mind?

It can be said.

The fight against Ying Changge was the most painful defeat Bai Feng had ever experienced in her life!

Even losing to Wei Zhuang would not give Bai Feng such a sense of powerlessness and despair.

This kind of powerlessness and despair, Bai Feng experienced from others for the first time in this life.

And this person is Ying Changge!

For a terrifying existence that can easily ignite the powerlessness and despair in his heart, it is of course impossible for Bai Feng to maintain a normal heart.

His fear of Ying Changge has gradually been carved into his bones!

It must never be forgotten in this lifetime.

This can be described as...

Bai Feng has already been cast into a psychological shadow by Ying Changge!

In summary.

Bai Feng didn't think it was the reason why he was too weak.

In fact, he is more inclined to...

The enemy is too scary!

The enemy is too monster!

This is the main reason for his fiasco.

"Isn't it normal that I will be defeated in the face of this kind of monster?"

"One thing to say, I'm afraid that if Lord Wei Zhuang goes out in person, it is very likely that he will be defeated!"

"This monster, relying on the middle stage of the innate, can defeat the swordsman Gai Nie. Now he has grown to the realm of cultivation in the late stage of the innate..."

"If Lord Wei Zhuang meets, the probability of defeat is extremely high!"

Bai Feng thought to himself.

Not only was Bai Feng thinking so, the Blue Wolf King also had the same thoughts and opinions.

Originally in the minds of the two.

The leader of the Quicksand Organization, Wei Zhuang, is an invincible and invincible powerhouse!


To this day, when I met Ying Changge.

The firm belief in their hearts slowly began to shake violently.


Their confidence in Wei Zhuang also collapsed and cracked inch by inch.

It's not that Wei Zhuang is not strong enough.

can only say.

Ying Changge is really scary!

This kind of monster should be the nightmare of all martial arts practitioners in Jianghu!

"I really don't know how this monster cultivated?"

"At such a young age, he has reached the cultivation realm of the late congenital stage!"


"He also has the terrifying combat power of leapfrogging!"

"Have to admit it."

"This is the real peerless genius!"

"An uncompromising evildoer!"

Bai Feng sighed endlessly.

After a while.

Under the leadership of Bai Feng and other three members of the Quicksand Organization.

Ying Changge, Li Si and others finally got their wish to meet Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization! .

Chapter 135 Meet at last! The consequences of angering that person are unimaginable! 【4/7 ask for custom】

This is a forest.

High mountains and flowing water.

Birds and flowers.


The clear spring of the waterfall flew down three thousand feet, and bursts of crisp and pleasant sounds came out, just like a series of beautiful notes formed by a beautiful music.

It is very peaceful and peaceful here, like a paradise.

At the end of the mountain forest at the front, stood a tall and thin middle-aged man.


With long white hair fluttering in the wind, the middle-aged man has a thin face, a deep outline, and a pair of deep and sharp eyes, which are as intimidating and piercing as a beast.

He was wearing a dark golden cloak, giving people a sense of arrogance, and exuding an extremely terrifying aura that seemed unfathomable.

In his right hand, he is holding a sword.

A very enchanting bronze sword, the tip of the sword pierced into the ground, his hands were placed on the hilt at will, and his hands were folded and placed on the top of the hilt.

The weird thing is...

This bronze sword actually has reverse shark teeth similar to shark teeth.

This is the rumored demon sword shark tooth!

The demon sword that once caused countless martial arts practitioners to shed blood!

It was carrying Wei Zhuang, the head of the quicksand organization who was born in the ghost valley!

Genie's Junior Brother!

A powerful martial arts master!


At this moment, the middle-aged man with his hands resting on the hilt of the shark-toothed sword is the famous and prestigious Lord of Quicksand, Wei Zhuang!

When he noticed the sound of footsteps coming from behind, Wei Zhuang slowly turned around, his eyes without any emotion, lightly scanned the direction of the source of the footsteps.


He saw it successfully.

Under the leadership of Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others, Ying Changge, Li Si and others came along.

At first glance, Wei Zhuang's eyes were fixed on Ying Changge's body.


"Is that the seventh son in the empire's rumors?"

Wei Zhuang seemed to feel something.

Look around.

He looked at Li Si next to Ying Changge again, his eyelids twitched, and his eyes became a little sharp. Although he was still expressionless, he exuded a surging aura of coercion.

Wei Zhuang did not have any favorable impression at all towards Li Si, the prime minister.

But he never dared to be interested in anyone who had anything to do with the empire.

Just didn't expect it.

This time, the people of the empire will actually take the initiative to find their quicksand organization.

"People from the Yin and Yang family?"

After a while, Wei Zhuang also noticed Shao Siming's figure, raised his brows slightly, and looked deeply surprised.

The people from the Yin and Yang family actually came too?

Under careful observation.

Wei Zhuang noticed something that surprised him.

That is……

The elder of the Yin-Yang family seemed to be following the Seventh Young Master.

That is to say.

This Seventh Young Master was actually willing to let the powerful elder of the dignified Yin Yang family condescend to accompany him around him and act as a guard.

Those who can do such a feat are obviously not idle people!

"This Seventh Young Master, it doesn't look simple."

"It can make the elders of the Yin Yang family willing to accompany them as attendants. This is enough to show that this seventh son is different."

For the first time, Wei Zhuang began to take a serious look at Ying Changge who was standing next to Li Si.

And when Wei Zhuang looked at Ying Changge, Ying Changge's perfect and domineering look, naturally he had already seen traces of Wei Zhuang's existence.


In just a few short breaths, this sense of sight completely penetrated Wei Zhuang's hole.

All the secrets of Wei Zhuang will be invisible under the domineering insight of the perfect class.

Including his cultivation and realm!

"Sure enough, it's a martial arts master..."

"This one, is it Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization?"

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