"This kind of terrifying power is comparable to the method of immortals!"


She couldn't imagine what kind of martial arts in this world could create such terrifying destructive power.

It's not an exaggeration to call it fairy magic!

As the Baibu Feijian was easily resolved by Ying Changge, the originally quiet and depressing atmosphere ushered in a brief sensation and noise.

The eyes gathered on Ying Changge's body were filled with a strong sense of awe and worship.

Even Wei Zhuang didn't dare to hold any contempt for Ying Changge anymore, instead he seemed extra cautious and treated Ying Changge as an existence of the same level.

The atmosphere of silence was broken by Ying Changge.

I see.

He slowly rose from the collapsed ruins, little by little.

A stone fragment shattered under his feet, and Ying Changge's body began to float and hover in mid-air, floating to the side of the collapsed ruins as if standing in the air.

After both feet landed smoothly, Ying Changge restrained the manipulation of gravity.

Just now, he, who manipulated the rocks to carry his body to float, was like a **** descending from the sky, with unparalleled coercion and stalwart aura.

Everyone present who witnessed all this felt a burst of horror and horror.

"No, it's not light work!"

"What kind of power is this?!"

"It can make people levitate?!"

Bai Feng, known as the king of speed, lost his temper completely.

He widened his eyes and stared at Ying Changge dumbfounded.

The scene just now lingered in his mind.

Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't think of a reason.

"Seventh son..."

"It's far more terrifying than we thought!"

Bai Feng thought so with lingering fears.

He saw it for the first time.

There are also people who do not need to rely on light energy to truly be suspended in the air, as if their bodies are as light as goose feathers, without any weight at all.

This terrifying method made Bai Feng feel his scalp tingling.

"Lord Wei Zhuang, you probably know it now."

"How terrible is this seventh son?"

Bai Feng watched Wei Zhuang's face change and thought to himself.

At this time.

Ying Changge slowly opened a pair of gray-white eyes, facing Wei Zhuang's direction, and gradually opened his mouth: "Compared to Ga Nie's Hundred-Step Flying Sword, yours is far inferior."

"as for me."

"Your Hundred-Step Flying Sword basically poses no threat."

The words fall.

Chi Lian turned his head subconsciously and observed the change in Wei Zhuang's expression.

as predicted.

Wei Zhuang's face became unnatural, 240's eyes were heavy and gloomy, and his sharp eyes were piercing, staring at Ying Changge's figure.

quite a while.

He just adjusted his mentality, and asked in a cold and stern tone: "According to the meaning of the seventh son, have you ever fought with my brother Gai Nie?"

Hearing this, Ying Changge smiled: "Of course."

"How is the result?"

Wei Zhuang asked.

"How do you think it will turn out?"

Ying Changge thought for a while, and asked back with a smile.

"You will lose!"

Wei Zhuang answered without any hesitation.

"Losing? I did lose."

"However, it's not me, it's your brother Gai Nie!"

"Although I can be considered to be taking advantage of others' danger, I have managed to defeat the Sword Saint Genie with reluctance."

"Speaking of which, I was the same as now, and I intercepted the Baibu Feijian with my bare hands."

"That's the difference."

"At that time, Gai Nie, even if he was already in poor condition. But the power of the Hundred-step Flying Sword he used was still far beyond the one that you used at the moment."


"In the end, I was easily blocked by me!"

Ying Changge continued to speak.

Finished talking.

The atmosphere became silent again.

Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed, his eyes full of seriousness and solemnity, and he looked at Ying Changge, trying to capture some useful information from the expression on the latter's face.


let him down.

From the beginning to the end, Ying Changge's expression did not change much.

"Senior brother, will you lose?"

Wei Zhuang had a sense of absurdity.

He has always thought that he is not inferior to Genie, but he has to admit that he has never defeated the opponent in the hands of Genie, not even once.


Victory over Gai Nie has become Wei Zhuang's biggest obsession in his life.

But until now, he has not been able to complete this obsession.


Wei Zhuang felt very absurd when he heard that Gai Nie was actually defeated by the seventh son in front of him.

That was a powerful existence that he could not defeat even after spending his whole life chasing it!

How could it possibly be defeated?

not to mention……

Or lose to a young blind man who is still in his weakest years!

"What? Don't believe it?"

Seemingly aware of what Wei Zhuang was thinking, Ying Changge suddenly smiled.

"It's really hard to believe what you're saying."

Wei Zhuang made no secret of his doubts.

"Then next..."

"You should believe it!"

Ying Changge said earnestly.

The voice just fell.

in a moment……

Gravity · Hell Brigade was instantly exploded by Ying Changge! .

Chapter 139 A set of combo skills made people bewildered on the spot! 【1/6 ask for custom】


The terrifying field of gravity was mobilized with Ying Changge's thought.


An extremely surging gravity swept in all directions.

Taking Ying Changge's body as the center point, the gravitational field spreads out to an area of ​​fifty meters in diameter.

Within this area, all objects and creatures will be forcibly suppressed!

The majestic Innate True Qi transformed into gravity, spreading around Ying Changge's body inch by inch, completely suppressing the area of ​​dozens of meters.


With a loud bang.

The soil under my feet was dented by a few centimeters.

at the same time.

The terrifying gravity that Ying Changge erupted had already completely swept over Wei Zhuang's body, covering the latter's body without any dead ends.

It was as if a heavy stone fell from the sky and hit the body.

Even Wei Zhuang, a martial arts master, could not help staggering when his body was under the pressure of this terrifying gravity, and almost fell to his knees.

"what's the situation?!"

Wei Zhuang was stunned.

what happened?

Why did the body suddenly seem to be suppressed by the majestic mountains?

Feeling the heavy pressure on his body, Wei Zhuang's face became a little heavy and ugly, and his eyes were full of shock and confusion.

If he hadn't reacted in time just now, he might have been crushed on the spot and kneeled on the ground.

in this way.

What is the majesty of the leader of his Quicksand organization?

But fortunately, he still forcibly endured it.

It just puzzled him that...

What exactly is going on?

"What a terrifying sense of suppression!"

Wei Zhuang felt the pressure.

Feeling the heavy pressure on his body, he frowned, and his face became extra heavy and depressed.

Look around.

Wei Zhuang couldn't help but subconsciously looked at Ying Changge.

A strange thought came into his mind.

Is it...

Did he do it? !

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