What kind of martial arts is this?

To be able to quietly bring such terrifying suppression to people!

I have never heard of such strange and terrifying martial arts tricks in the rivers and lakes.


The air seemed to freeze.

It looks so depressing!

"Gravity Hell Brigade!"

Ying Changge's voice sounded slowly.

The perfect level of knowledge and domineering can see that Wei Zhuang's body is still unable to adapt, and this sudden terrifying gravity is suppressed.


Now is the best time to get started!

Don't miss out.

no more time!

You must seize the opportunity well.

With this thought in mind, Ying Changge slowly raised his right hand, and an extremely surging gravitational attraction erupted between his palms, turning the reverse manipulation of gravity into gravitational force.

The palm of his hand is aligned with the position of Wei Zhuang.

"Gravity · Vientiane Tianyin!"

A loud drink.

The innate qi in Ying Changge's body erupted in an all-round way, and a terrifying tearing force erupted from the palm of his hand, attracting and pulling on Wei Zhuang's body.


The unparalleled gravitational force enveloped Wei Zhuang's body.

this moment.

Wei Zhuang's expression changed completely.

"What kind of power is this?!"

"my body……"

"It's out of control?!"

Wei Zhuang widened his eyes.

His expression at the moment, can no longer capture any coldness and calmness, full of gaffe and astonishment.

This series of strange tricks made Wei Zhuang's head dizzy.

"Lord Wei Zhuang, be careful!"

Chi Lian outside the field couldn't help exclaiming.

Of course she saw it.

Wei Zhuang's situation at the moment is exactly the same as her situation at that time!

They were all suppressed by that terrifying force, and the body became extraordinarily stiff and sluggish.

Thinking of this, Chi Lian's expression was full of worry.


"It's that trick again!"

When he saw Wei Zhuang's body rising into the air, Bai Feng and Cang Wolf King looked at each other, and their eyes showed thick heart palpitations and fear.

Of course, the two of them couldn't forget this move.

It was this trick that instantly killed them on the spot!

"Now, is it Lord Wei Zhuang's turn~"?"

"With the strength of Lord Wei Zhuang, shouldn't he be killed in seconds?"


"That monster's move is really hard to guard against!"

Bai Feng and Canglang Wang were deeply apprehensive and cautious in their hearts.

Everyone watched every move on the battlefield.

Including Li Si, Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others.


Wei Zhuang's body suddenly rose into the air without warning, and kept approaching Ying Changge's direction, as if being pulled by an extremely strange and terrifying force.

resulting in...

Wei Zhuang could not control his body for a while!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Wei Zhuang burst out with an extremely surging innate energy.

The cultivation realm of the martial arts master contains extremely terrifying power, which is fully erupted at this moment!


It was as if the endless innate qi was released, allowing Wei Zhuang to temporarily dissolve the gravitational force of his body, his feet landed smoothly, and he remained firmly in place without moving.

"What kind of means is this?"

After dissolving this gravitational force, Wei Zhuang stared at Ying Changge with lingering fears, and he was full of energy, and no longer dared to show any slack and carelessness.

When Wei Zhuang cracked the Vientiane Tianyin, he was less than five meters away from Ying Changge.

And this time.

Wei Zhuang was unarmed.

The shark tooth just now had been thrown hundreds of meters away on the spot.

The current Wei Zhuang, like Ying Changge, is in a state of bare hands.

And this distance range...

It is within the attack range of Ying Changge!


"The master of martial arts is extraordinary."

"Being able to forcibly erupt innate innate energy and forcefully crack my Vientiane Heavenly Enchantment."

"In the end."

"I can only perfectly grasp the Gravity Fruit, but I can't achieve the perfect burst of all the power that originally belonged to it."

"The Vientiane Heavenly Enchantment I used was only weakened countless times."

"It's normal to be cracked by a martial arts master."

Ying Changge is emotional.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing gave him the ability to see the position of Wei Zhuang all the time.

At this time, Wei Zhuang also happened to be in his attack range.


The gravitational force that erupted from Ying Changge's body quickly turned into repulsive force again.

Gravity exploded from the body rapidly!

"Gravity · Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Ying Changge's right palm was aimed at Wei Zhuang, who was five meters away, and with a single thought, he urged the gravity of his body, changing the direction of gravity into a force of repulsion.


An invisible wave of terror spread around Ying Changge's body.



The surface of the ground was affected first, so it was constantly broken and cracked, and bursts of crisp and pleasant sounds came out, leaving a dense crack like a spider web.


The whole ground shook violently.

Where gravity goes...

Everything has been forcibly crushed and destroyed!

In the blink of an eye.

Before Wei Zhuang could react, the repulsive force of this terrifying explosion of gravity had already enveloped his body.

Just a moment.

Wei Zhuang, who was hit by the repulsive force, seemed to be hit by a majestic mountain, and his entire body flew backwards and rolled violently.


The destructive shock wave sent Wei Zhuang flying dozens of meters away, and he flew upside down and rolled in mid-air, making him look particularly embarrassed.

Under the influence of gravity, Wei Zhuang's face was full of horror.

He still stared at Ying Changge with wide eyes.

What is this power?

Can you hurt someone from a distance? !

Simply unimaginable!

Today, in the fight against Ying Changge, Wei Zhuang feels that his worldview is about to collapse.

The body was under the impact of gravity, causing the blood to surge in Wei Zhuang's body. He wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood, but he was forcibly restrained.

After a while.

Wei Zhuang fell to the ground dozens of meters away and rolled for several times, but soon he regained his shape, and his feet stomped on the ground.


The feet kept rubbing the ground for a distance of more than ten meters, rubbing out two hideous ground marks, and finally Wei Zhuang's body offset the shock wave brought by this terrifying gravity.

"Cough cough!"

After a violent cough, Wei Zhuang's face turned pale, and his eyes were full of fear and palpitations.

He wasn't seriously injured.

But the move that Ying Changge just performed had undoubtedly brought too much psychological impact to Wei Zhuang.

He had never seen it in his life.

There are people who have this kind of weird and unpredictable terrifying means!


He exhaled heavily, Wei Zhuang forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, looking at Ying Changge with more and more fear and fear, unable to contain the slightest fear in his heart.

Even if he was as arrogant and cold as Wei Zhuang, when facing a strange opponent like Ying Changge in front of him, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart.

"Strong as a monster!"

"The scary thing is his ability!"

"It's unpredictable!"

"Although the cultivation base is only in the late stage of the innate, the overall strength that can be erupted is enough to easily compete with the master of martial arts! Even the master of martial arts is far less dangerous than him!"

Wei Zhuang couldn't calm down.

Just when Wei Zhuang was about to continue to observe Ying Changge.

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