
Shao Si Mingshen felt 240 heart palpitations.


Swish swish!

Stones were aimed at Wei Zhuang's body, carrying extremely terrifying gravitational shock waves, attacking Wei Zhuang from all directions without any dead ends.

"It's very troublesome!"

"Seventh Young Master is indeed a monster!"

"Strong and unfathomable!"

Wei Zhuang took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

The weird thing is...

He actually couldn't see the slightest fluctuation of internal force from these stones.

what does that mean?


Wei Zhuang didn't dare to think about it anymore.

He couldn't think of a reason.

Why would a stone that does not contain fluctuations in internal force be pulled up into the air, and attacked in the direction he was in?

Can't figure it out!

Even if Wei Zhuang wanted to break his head, he couldn't think of an accurate answer.

In an instant.

Wei Zhuang's legs and knees bent slightly, and his feet kicked abruptly.


The soil under his feet shattered and ruptured, and Wei Zhuang's body was like an arrow from the string, quickly retreating backwards.

at the same time.




Pieces of rock fell frantically, hitting the soil where Wei Zhuang was originally located, and bombarded the ground with savage perforated deep pits.


The whole ground seemed to be shaking and trembling.

Feeling the rushing air waves, Wei Zhuang's face became heavier and his eyes became very sharp.

A series of stones occasionally splashed next to Wei Zhuang's body, almost hitting him on the spot.

Look around.

Wei Zhuang looked at the traces of the depression on the ground that was bombarded by stones.

He doesn't think so.

If his body is hit, he can still remain unscathed.

As soon as his mind moved, Wei Zhuang instantly burst out with a terrifying innate qi!


The innate qi that belongs to the realm of the martial arts master's cultivation base was released in an instant.

The strength of his feet became even more terrifying, making Wei Zhuang evacuated a little faster.


Wei Zhuang successfully regained his saber shark tooth.

Holding the camouflage of shark teeth, facing the incoming stone again, it will not be so passive dodging.

He lifted the shark teeth and activated the surging internal force in his body, which turned into a crimson sword energy wrapped around the blade, exuding an incomparably sharp edge.

Holding the hilt tightly, Wei Zhuang began to wave the blade in his hand constantly.



All the stones that hit were cut and shattered by Wei Zhuang almost without reservation.

Wei Zhuang's swordsmanship is very fierce and domineering.

In less than a moment.

Wei Zhuang, who held the shark teeth tightly in his hand, quickly used his superb swordsmanship to crush all the remaining stones into powder, and then scattered on the ground and rolled and fluttered.

quite a while.

Wei Zhuang stopped what he was doing.

Looked up.

He held shark teeth and stared at Ying Changge with piercing eyes.

no doubt.

Wei Zhuang had to admit.

The Ying Changge in front of him is definitely the most terrifying existence he has encountered over the years!

Even the Sword Saint Genie of that year was far from giving such a strong sense of crisis.

Wei Zhuang was almost stunned by this astonishing discovery.

The feeling of oppression brought to him by his senior brother, Genie, who has been unable to defeat him, is actually far less than that of the seventh son of the weak crown in front of him?

This is simply incredible!



Surrounded by crimson internal force fluctuations, Wei Zhuang, who is holding shark teeth, looks extraordinarily stalwart and domineering, and his eyes are filled with a strong sense of fierceness.

But this time.

He looked at Ying Changge's eyes, but contained unprecedented solemnity.

"Seventh son..."

"What kind of martial arts are you practicing?"

Wei Zhuang couldn't help but ask questions after all.

Opposite to Weizhuang.

Ying Changge smiled and did not answer the former.

After all, the master of martial arts is worthy of being the master of martial arts...

It is not so simple to be able to defeat the opponent!

not to mention.

Wei Zhuang is also the top powerhouse among the martial arts masters.

In this way, it really takes a lot of effort to defeat Wei Zhuang head-on.

"Have you all escaped?"

"Then I'll give you another gift!"

Ying Changge suddenly burst into gravity pull again.

in a moment……



The whole earth was shaking violently.

Visible to the naked eye.

In the position beside Ying Changge, the ground seemed to have been forcefully used a giant hand to forcibly dig out a huge rock from the soil.


This huge stone was suspended beside Ying Changge, and the circling stone was pulled by gravity, floating beside Ying Changge and stayed in mid-air.

Observe carefully.

This is a huge rock with a width of about three meters and a height of about two meters.

Even an ordinary adult strong man, trying to lift this boulder is absolutely as difficult as reaching the sky!

Even if he was born with divine power, it was almost impossible to lift such a stone that weighed at least a thousand kilograms.


It is such a huge and heavy boulder, but it floats strangely beside Ying Changge.

This scene caused an unprecedented visual impact to everyone in all directions.

"This this……"

"It's too scary!"

"Seventh Young Master's internal strength can actually hold up such a huge boulder? Am I dreaming?"

"My God!"

The world view of Bai Feng and Canglang Wang completely collapsed.

Afej's lips trembled slightly, her beautiful eyes were also wide and round, and her mood was maddened.

Is this a rock that inner strength can lift?

It always feels like a dream!

This Seventh Young Master is a monster!


Ying Changge waved his hand.

The boulder floating around him, smashed down again in the direction of Wei Zhuang.

"Hey Hey hey……"

"It's not a joke, is it?"

Wei Zhuang's forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

He stared blankly at the incoming boulders, his throat was dry, his eyes were full of shock, and his calm state of mind was deeply moved.

The unprecedented sense of oppression prompted Wei Zhuang to quickly lift the shark teeth around his waist.

"Across all directions!"

A loud drink.

Wei Zhuang displayed the supreme skill of horizontal swordsmanship, and the weakened version that traverses all directions traverses all directions.

Wisps of surging internal force fluctuations swiftly flowed outward from his body.


These internal forces were transformed into sky-shattering sword qi, and the scarlet-red sword qi lingered around the shark teeth, making the originally demonic shark teeth even more sinister at this moment.


The fierce murderous aura shot straight into the sky.


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