Stand out!

Holding the shark teeth around his waist tightly in his hand, Wei Zhuang no longer hesitated to slash at the boulder in front of him.


The crimson sword energy in his hand was forced out from the sharp blade of the shark tooth.

call out!

This sword qi traverses ten meters away, and it is aimed at the boulder and slashed down.

Extremely fast!

Almost to the extreme!

It's almost impossible to see with the naked eye!

Even the space seems to be affected by this sword qi, and then there is a vision of twisting and wriggling, it seems that the space seems to collapse and collapse at any time.

A violent force struck the incoming situation.

This sword, Wei Zhuang is the real move.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The crimson sword energy directly penetrated the boulder, piercing the stone through a hideous crack.



A faint slight sound followed, and cracks quickly spread across the boulder in all directions, as dense as spider webs.

The power of this sword is very terrifying.

The sword that Wei Zhuang went all out to explode, a sword slash released by a martial arts master, the natural power should not be underestimated.

But the weird thing is...

Even if it was hit by this crimson sword energy, the boulder was on the verge of collapse, but the speed was still not weakened in the slightest, and it still smashed down at the position where Wei Zhuang was located.


Wei Zhuang's face changed slightly.

He kicked his feet very decisively and quickly left the original position.

next second.


Another loud bang.

The whole earth was shaken by force.

The boulder slammed heavily on the original position of Wei Zhuang, and following the many cracks that shattered, it turned into countless pieces of debris in an instant and scattered all over the place.

After the rocks shattered and cracked, they flew to all corners without witnessing.

Seeing this, Wei Zhuang's mood became heavier and heavier.

For the first time in the battle, he felt a sense of absurdity.


Just ridiculous!

Duel of dignified martial arts practitioners...

Are you riding a horse and throwing stones at people?

What kind of monster is this?

The strong sense of disobedience made Wei Zhuang feel a little guilty.

Shouldn't the duel between martial arts practitioners be the collision of weapons and weapons?

Isn't it a battle of inner strength and inner strength?

But why...

In the hands of this Seventh Young Master, everything will be completely different!

This horse will take thousands of pounds of stones to smash people at every turn.

Who can resist this!

"It's ridiculous!"

"It's ridiculous!"

"I have been through hundreds of battles in my life, but I have never experienced this kind of battle at this moment!"

Wei Zhuang was holding the shark tooth, his whole body tense.

In the face of Ying Changge, he didn't dare to show any laxity at all.

after all.

He can't be sure.

Once you are slack or careless, will a stone weighing thousands of pounds fall from the sky immediately.

If he is hit by such a boulder, even if he is the top expert of the martial arts master, he is afraid that he will be smashed to pieces on the spot, or even no bones.

The atmosphere has become very depressing!

From the outbreak of the battle.

Ying Changge has always taken the initiative, while Wei Zhuang has been constantly passively defending, and the suppressed ones have been retreating, and even the figure has become more and more embarrassed.

This was something Wei Zhuang had never imagined before.

He couldn't believe his dreams.


He would be oppressed by someone from the late stage of the congenital to such an embarrassing situation!

The scariest thing is...

The enemy in front of him, he has never been able to see through it!

Even the depth of the other party is still not clear.

This is definitely the first time Wei Zhuang has felt such a strong sense of crisis over the years.

Even the Sword Saint Genie could not bring him this feeling.

The movement on this side of the battlefield made everyone around him tremble.

Especially the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization.

When they saw the scene of the confrontation between the two just now, Bai Feng, Chi Lian, and Canglang Wang were completely stunned.


Bai Feng's throat rolled, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He couldn't help but blurt out: "This, is this also called martial arts? Every time a huge boulder falls from the sky!"

"This horse riding is also called martial arts?"

"Is martial arts like this?"

"Then, over the years, haven't we practiced all fake martial arts?"

"It's not an exaggeration to call it fairy magic, right?"

"The way of the true immortals!".

Chapter 141 Stop the Ge! Unfathomable! Cooperation reached! 【3/6 ask for custom】

"This, how to fight this?"

"Don't hesitate to pick up thousands of pounds of stones and smash it!"

"How do you fight this horse?"

"Even if Lord Wei Zhuang is a martial arts master, he still can't resist this monster~!"

"The most terrifying thing is..."

"Seventh Young Master seems to have no pressure from the beginning to the end."

The three of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization were stunned and looked at the battlefield in shock.

In the face of such a monster, even a martial arts master would feel powerless!

at the same time.

Li Si, Meng Ying and others also expressed their consternation in their hearts.

They didn't expect it either.

Wei Zhuang would be beaten by his own son in this way!

All of this overturned their previous cognition.

"Good, very strong!"

"Seventh Young Master is hanging and beating Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization!"

"This, is this the true strength of the Seventh Young Master?"


The two looked at each other, and they both showed a strong sense of shock.

As strong as the martial arts master Wei Zhuang, he was completely suppressed by Ying Changge, the seventh son of the late Xiantian only!

"Fairy magic!"

Shao Siming was also deeply moved by it.

She was also seeing it for the first time.

The fight could develop in such a bizarre way.

in the battlefield.

Wei Zhuang felt the unprecedented pressure, clenched the shark teeth in his hand, and stared at Ying Changge with both eyes.


He started.

Holding the idea of ​​first strike first.

Wei Zhuang suddenly launched an attack.


Knees bent slightly, feet kicked suddenly.

In an instant, Wei Zhuang rushed forward, holding shark teeth and slashing at Ying Changge.

The sky-shattering crimson sword energy pushed out from the sharp shark-toothed blade, pierced through the sky a few meters away, and approached Ying Changge's body infinitely.

Just when it was about to hit.

Ying Changge turned slightly to the side, and easily avoided the sword qi.


The sword qi slashed down, forcibly punching a deep hole in the ground.

"What a keen insight!"

Wei Zhuang's pupils shrank.

It really surprised him to see that this sword energy was so easily avoided by Ying Changge.

in particular……

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