[Current template fusion rate: 29%]


Gently exhaling, Ying Changge recalled the prompt from the system just now.

One-time improvement of template fusion by 2%.

Not too much, but not too little either.

At least.

In Ying Changge's view, he didn't make too many behaviors in the whole process, and he could get 2% of the template fusion degree.

He was already satisfied with this.

It is not far from unlocking the fourth ability of the blind swordsman!

This day is getting closer!

Only the last 11% template fusion degree is needed, and the fourth ability of the blind swordsman can be successfully unlocked.

As for unlocking the fourth ability, what state will your own cultivation realm break through?

On this point, Ying Changge couldn't judge either.

But think about it, the strength improvement that can be obtained will definitely not be too low!

And what kind of abilities can be unlocked from the template of the blind swordsman?

Ying Changge has always been looking forward to it.

It would be even more perfect if he could unlock the swordsmanship skills of the blind swordsman by the way.

Perfect level of two-color domineering, plus perfect level of gravity fruit control, if you can also unlock swordsmanship, then Ying Changge can be regarded as a template for a blind swordsman!

By the time.

In addition to the huge gap between the cultivation base and the realm, Ying Changge basically has all the abilities that the blind swordsman possesses.

"Only the realm! "Two-five-seven""

"As long as the realm is high enough, I can completely erupt with the same terrifying combat power as the blind swordsman!"

"Between the hands..."

"Tractor meteorites fall from the sky!"

"Destroy the world!"

Thinking of this, Ying Changge was full of anticipation.

in a moment……

Meteorite falling?

What a spectacular scene was that?

Just imagining it makes the blood boil.

"If you guess correctly."

"The reason why I can improve the degree of template fusion this time is not because of the cooperation of the three parties. It is because I have conquered the master of the mechanism."

"Convinced the contemporary leader of the loser and gained his allegiance."

"This is the core key to the top priority."

Ying Changge thought.

After careful analysis, he already had the answer in his heart.


The degree of template fusion can be improved.


It doesn't matter.


After Li Si, Wei Zhuang and Gong Shuqiu's discussions, everyone came up with a series of action plans.

Li Si carried out according to the original plan.

The quicksand organization led the head of the Gongshu family to lose their revenge, and went to the Mojia government city to chase down the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements, and crack the Mo family's government city.

Li Si, on the other hand, was planning to return to Xianyang City and report everything to the first emperor, Ying Zheng.


By the way, Meng Tian, ​​the great general of the empire, was dispatched in person to lead the Golden Fire Cavalry to the Mo Family's Organ City, thus sweeping the entire Mo Family.

That is to say.

The next thing to do is to start splitting up.

The quicksand organization headed by Wei Zhuang led the head of the Gongshu family to lose their revenge, looking for traces of the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements, and followed the vines and traces to the Mo family's organ city, and went straight to Huanglong.

And find out the exact location of the Mojia Organ City.

up until now.

The exact location of the Mojia Organ City is unknown to everyone.

Even Gongshuoqiu only knew the general location of the Mojia Organ City.

The detailed location, he still needs to go through a series of investigations to know.

And Liz is here.

He led the team back to Xianyang City intact, reported to the First Emperor Ying Zheng, and then dispatched General Meng Tian and his tens of thousands of golden fire cavalry to the Mo family's Organ City.

In this way, we can ensure a foolproof encirclement and suppression of anti-Qin elements.

When General Meng Tian led his army to the Mojia Organ City, the Quicksand Organization and others must have been able to successfully find out the exact location of the Mojia Organ City.

In this way, you can minimize wasting unnecessary time.

When Li Si led his army back to Xianyang City, the Quicksand Organization led Gongxueqiu to pursue the anti-Qin elements, and they would surely be able to find out the location of the Mojia Organ City.

The two-pronged approach can maximize efficiency.

"A few days ago, news came from the empire."

"The remnants of the Mo family and the remnants of the remnants of the Chu state appeared in the area of ​​Sanchuan County. If there is no accident, they will definitely not return to the Mo family office city within a certain period of time."

"Mr. Wei Zhuang, the head of Gongshu, you can start here and go after these anti-Qin elements."

"After you have thoroughly figured out the Mo Family's official city, I think that General Meng Tian has already led his troops to leave Xianyang City."

"At that time, General Meng Tian will cooperate with you. Therefore, after finally breaking the Mojia government city in one fell swoop, we will launch an encirclement and suppression operation against the anti-Qin elements."

"What do you two think about this?"

Li Si slowly revealed all his plans to deal with the anti-Qin elements this time.

Now, even if Li Si and others lead the army to follow the Quicksand Organization and pursue the Mo Family and other anti-Qin elements together, I am afraid that they will not be able to find out the exact location of the Mo Family Organ City within a certain period of time.

If it is impossible to find out the location of the Mojia Organ City, then even if many anti-Qin elements are wiped out, it will be meaningless.

As long as the existence of Jicheng, these anti-Qin elements can be given time to recuperate.

Only by completely destroying the Mo family's official city can we prevent these anti-Qin elements from growing from strength to strength.

This is the only way to do it once and for all.

It is for this reason that Li Si did not choose to lead the army to follow the Quicksand Organization and others, all the way to pursue the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements. Instead, he chose to return to Xianyang City and report to the First Emperor Ying Zheng.

Before the Mo family's official city was identified, all the action plans against the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements were just petty troubles.

It is necessary to completely destroy the mechanism city, in order to destroy the place where these anti-Qin elements recuperate.

Only in this way can we completely put an end to these anti-Qin elements to recharge their batteries.

simply put.

If the city is not destroyed for a day, no matter how many anti-Qin elements are destroyed, it will not help.

The most dangerous thing to the empire was the Mohist's Organ City, a fortress that was easy to defend and hard to attack.

If the fortress of Organ City cannot be breached, these anti-Qin elements will have enough time and place to recharge their batteries and reserve more troops to plan rebellion.

If you want to completely destroy the alliance and rebellion of the anti-Qin elements, the most important thing is to destroy the Mojia Organ City!

Li Si was naturally aware of this.

He believed.

Wei Zhuang, Gong Shuqiu, and the others must also be able to understand.

"Master Xiangguo is right."

Gong Xuqiu nodded.

After just thinking for a moment, he already understood the focus of Li Si's plan.

"Then according to what Lord Xiangguo said, I and the head of Gongshu will pursue the Mo Family and other anti-Qin elements together, and force them to return to the Mo Family Office City."

"Then, take advantage of the time when they return to the Mojia Office City."

"In this way, let's find out the detailed location of the Mojia Organ City!"

Wei Zhuang thought about it for a while, and then spoke slowly.

Naturally, he would not veto Li Si's plan.

It's really not appropriate to make a big fight until the exact location of the Organ City is not found out.

Only by finding the hidden location of the Mojia Organ City is the real moment.

"I will congratulate the two of you in advance on your victory."

Li Si folded his fists.

"Master Xiangguo is serious."

Gong lost Qiu hurriedly returned the salute.

"The rest can be handled by Quicksand."

Wei Zhuang kept his cold face as always.

that's it.

The plans to be implemented by the three parties are all sorted out by Li Si.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the location of the Mo Family's Organ City.

This is the top priority!

Before the location of the Mojia government city was identified, no matter how many Mojia disciples were wiped out, they would not be able to stop these anti-Qin elements from recharging their energy.


While the Quicksand Organization was chasing down the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements, to find out where the Mo family's organs were born.

the other side.

Li Sze led the army back to Xianyang, and reported all the actions of the trip to Ying Zheng, the first emperor. Afterwards, he proposed to dispatch General Meng Tian to personally lead the Golden Fire Cavalry for reinforcements.

All three forces have launched an encirclement and suppression of the Mojia Organ City!

This will ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Under the circumstance that the head of the Gongshu family loses revenge, it can ensure that the Mojia government city is broken, so that the iron cavalry of the empire can smoothly break into the government city and kill the Quartet.

According to the intelligence obtained by Li Si a few days ago.

A few days ago, there were the whereabouts and traces of Mojia disciples in Sanchuan County.

As long as you grab the tails of this group of Mohist disciples and chase after them all the way, you will be able to successfully find the exact location of the Mohist Organ City.

This is Li Si's plan!


The sea of ​​people is vast, how to find the location of the Mojia Organ City?

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