It's just as hard as hell!

We can only start the investigation from these Mohist disciples.

As long as these Mohist disciples are forced enough, they will naturally want to return to the Mohist Organ City to try to evade the pursuit.  …

But they don't know.

Their return to the Mo Family Office City was right in the heart of Li Si's plan.

Using Mohist disciples...

Come and find the location of the Mojia Organ City!

Come and wait for the rabbit!

This plan must not be noticed by the Mojia disciples.

Even if they really noticed it, under the strong threat of life-and-death pursuit, they could only recognize it with their noses pinched, and lead the way for the empire to find the exact location of the Mojia Organ City.

While taking advantage of the Quicksand Organization, Gong Shuqiu and others, they went to chase the Mo family members and investigate the location of the Mo family's organs in their spare time.

Li Si can then lead his army back to Xianyang City in his spare time.


Before the location of the Mo Family's organ technique was found out, there was almost no difference with him or without him.

The rest...

You can let General Meng Tian lead the golden fire cavalry, and then organize them according to the quicksand to find out the location of the city, and go to the city of Mojia to start an encirclement and suppression operation.

"Everyone, then we will part for the time being."

"I hope Mr. Wei Zhuang and the head of Gongshu can bring some good news to the empire."

"I will keep it intact and report your credit to His Majesty the First Emperor."

Li Si finally left only these words.

In less than a moment.

Li Si announced his departure.

The purpose of leaving Xianyang City on this trip is half completed.

He successfully invited out the Quicksand Organization, and also invited the contemporary head of the Gongshu family, Gong Suoqiu.

Both parties have agreed to cooperate with the empire to exterminate the anti-Qin elements!

And this is the core goal of the early stage of the Li Si plan!

Now that half of the plan has been completed, it is time to return to Xianyang City to return to life.

As for the rest of the encirclement and suppression of anti-Qin elements?

The probability that Li Si can participate and interfere is not too great.

His original destination was to invite these two forces to target the anti-Qin elements.

When charging into the battle to encircle and suppress the anti-Qin elements, it is still necessary to know about Meng Tian, ​​the general of the empire.

That is to say.

For the rest of these tedious things, Li Si will not be involved too much.

He can already declare success and retire.

"Sir, let's leave here."

"The next thing will be fully handed over to the Quicksand Organization and the head of Gongshu."

"I believe that they will be able to complete it perfectly."

Li Siwang looked at Ying Changge, his tone and gesture were all very respectful.


Ying Changge nodded calmly.

It was almost a month before the various forces gathered together in the Mohist organization.

There is no need to rush to destroy it for a while.

The information intercepted from the Mojia's organ lock shows that.

The anti-Qin alliance gathered in the Mojia Organ City on June 6th.

And it's still too early for that time.

Only when many parties gather together in the Mojia Organ City is the best time to wipe out his 4.9s!

The following period of time was mainly used to find out the exact location of the Mojia Organ City.

It has not yet come to the moment to truly crack the Mo family's mechanism city.

A war is already brewing, and now there is still more than a month before this war.

Naturally, Ying Changge would not be in a hurry, so he followed the Quicksand Organization and others to chase the Mojia elements.

Wait until the day when all anti-Qin forces and groups from all sides gather in Organ City.

This is Ying Changge's hands-on time!


Ying Changge and Li Si sued Li Weizhuang and Gongshuo one after another, and then they were very straightforward and prepared to leave the Gonglosu's residence.

Here, the Quicksand Organization cooperated with Gongshuoqiu to hunt down Mojia elements and find out the Mojia government city.

And the other side.

Ying Changge will also follow Li Si and set off to return to Xianyang City to return to the First Emperor Ying Zheng.

When the time comes.

Ying Changge will follow General Meng Tian all the way to the location of the Mo Family's Organ City, and launch a devastating siege against the Mo Family and all its anti-Qin elements.

On June 6th, the anti-Qin alliance initiated by the Mo clan tycoon ordered.

He called on countless heroes and righteous people in the world to gather in the Mojia Organ City, trying to form an anti-Qin alliance, mainly to discuss and deal with anti-Qin and many other matters.

This day is not far away!

When that day comes, it will be the time to completely wipe out all anti-Qin elements.

in short.

Now let the Quicksand Organization go after the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements, which can only be said to be a small fight, purely to lay the foundation for the comprehensive encirclement and suppression of the anti-Qin elements on June 6th.

A real big show...

We will have to wait until the day when all the anti-Qin elements from all sides gather in the Mojia Organ City before the show officially begins! .

Chapter 153 The seemingly peaceful Xianyang City is actually undercurrent! 【3/6 ask for custom】

Three days later.

Xianyang City.

The towering and steep city gate stands like a mountain, almost standing above the clouds, covering the sky and the sun, giving people a full sense of majesty.

early morning.

The huge Xianyang City, as always, is noisy and lively, full of vitality.

at the same time.

in front of the city gate.

A team of about 2,000 elite iron cavalry from the empire had already returned to the gate of Xianyang City after a long journey.


The two gorgeous carriages were heavily protected by two thousand imperial cavalry elites.

"Finally back to Xianyang City."

"I've been running all the way for so many days, I almost forgot what Xianyang City looks like."

Inside the carriage, Ying Changge whispered to himself with emotion.

The perfect-level seeing and hearing color burst out with domineering arrogance, sweeping and spreading in a radius of 300 meters in diameter, and insight into everything in this area of ​​hundreds of meters in the mind.

Pedestrians and visitors coming and going in front of the city gate, guards guarding both sides of the city gate, and countless caravans driving carriages to transport goods...

All kinds of different guests are presented in Ying Changge's mind.

And when they saw Ying Changge's 2,000-strong imperial cavalry elite, all the visitors on both sides of the city gate subconsciously gave in.

The carriage caravans that were going to enter the city also stopped, involuntarily moving away from the team, allowing Ying Changge and others to enter the city first.

Pairs of eyes full of awe and restraint gathered on the 2,000 elite iron cavalry of the empire.


These gazes were fixed on the two most eye-catching carriages.

For a while, there were weaker whispers and chaos.

"You say, who are the adults in these two carriages?"

"What a big show!"

"I've come to Xianyang City so many times, but this is the first time I've seen an adult with such a huge pomp."

"The people in these two carriages must be very prominent adults!"

"I just don't know, who is it?"

Lots of talk.


The 2,000-strong iron cavalry army, 05, was ordered to stay outside the city gate, and it was inconvenient to set foot in Xianyang City.

There were only two carriages, which gradually separated from the army group, and went farther and farther, all the way to the city gate under the eyes of many awe-inspiring.

After opening the curtain of the carriage, Li Si showed a face that was not angry and proud, and glanced at the guards on both sides of the city gate without saying much.

The guards guarding the city gate naturally did not dare to block Li Si's carriage.

"Quick release!"

When they saw Li Si's face, a group of guards shivered with fright, and immediately ordered all the guards not to block the two carriages.

This is the lord of the country with one person under one person and more than 10,000 people in the court!

How dare they stop such a big man?

As for who was in the other carriage?

The guards guarding the city gate are naturally aware of it.

Some time ago, the scenes of Prime Minister Li Si and the seventh son Ying Changge leading the army were still deeply remembered in their minds, making them unable to forget them in a short time.


They knew exactly that.

In the other carriage, it must be the famous seventh son Ying Changge.

"Welcome Lord Xiangguo back to Xianyang!"

"Welcome Seventh Young Master to return to Xianyang!"

Under the awe-inspiring and apprehensive eyes of a group of guards.

The two carriages crossed the city gate smoothly, and then slowly entered the bustling streets of Xianyang City.

"Son, we are back."

From the window of the carriage, Meng Ying's voice full of emotion came slowly, and it buzzed in Ying Changge's ear.

After nearly half a month, he finally returned to Xianyang City.

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