He has already made a preparation for the psychological preparation of the Shushan Wuzu to meet the destruction.

Never thought.

Things have ushered in such a huge turning point!

Qi Gongzi actually negotiated with Shushan?

Is Shushan willing to hand over the sacred tree of Fusang?

How is this possible?

With the stubborn characters of these guys in Shushan, how could they be willing to take the initiative to hand over the sacred tree of Fusang?

This is more important than their lives!

"Master, how did you do it?"

Unable to contain the horror in his heart, Xu Fu blurted out subconsciously.

He still couldn't believe it.

The disciples of the Wu clan in Shushan were willing to take the initiative to hand over the sacred relics that they had guarded for thousands of years.

All of this overturned Xu Fu's cognition.

Fusang Shenmu is here?

It always feels like a dream!

Like a dream!


How can it be so simple?

Is it so terrifying for the seventh son to go out in person?

Even a group of stubborn Shushan disciples can only give in in the end?


It's unbelievable!

"I have already negotiated with the Great Elder representing Shushan on behalf of the empire."

Ying Changge spoke very calmly and slowly.

The short sentence made Meng Tian and Xu Fu shocked again.

Is it really settled?

Talk about cooperation?

Shushan is willing to give up the sacred tree of Fusang?

be nice...

It always feels a little dreamy!

What method did the seventh son use?

Even the stubborn Shushan had to give in and bow his head!

This is too scary!

"Otherwise, what do you think, why am I able to talk so much with the Great Elder of Shushan?"

Ying Changge smiled.

Hearing this, Meng Tian looked at the Great Elder again.

Although he did not know too much about Shushan.

But anyway.

Meng Tian had heard a little about the prestige of the Great Elder of Shushan.

This is an existence that is almost invincible in the world!

A strong man whose cultivation base has reached the perfect level of a martial arts master!


This is the first time in Meng Tian's life that he has witnessed a powerhouse of this level at such a close distance.

"is this real?"

Meng Tian looked at the elder, and his lips trembled slightly.

"General Meng Tian, ​​what the seventh son said is what the old man meant."

The elder nodded.

"It turned out to be true!"

Xu Fu was shocked.

The development of things completely overturned his previous judgment.

He couldn't even dream of it.

Shushan really gave in!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xu Fu would never have believed it.

"'Father, don't you know?"

"That's why I went down the mountain."

"It's just that you ran so fast that I couldn't tell you the whole story at all."

Meng Ying took the initiative to intervene in the topic.


"You didn't ask for help when you went down the mountain?"

Meng Tian was stunned.

"Of course not, father, what do you think?"

"The entire Shushan Mountain was overturned by the seventh son alone!"

"Need to go down the mountain for help? What a joke."

"Seventh son relied on his own strength to subvert the entire Shushan alone. Even the first powerful elder in Shushan couldn't do anything to the seventh son."

"So, why do you need help?"

Meng Ying rolled his eyes.

"What, what?!"

"The entire Shushan Mountain was overturned by the son alone?"

Meng Tian was shocked again.


Xu Fu was also stunned.

He widened his eyes and stared at Ying Changge in a daze, then turned to the Great Elder next to him.

Auditory hallucinations?

Did you hear it wrong?

Qi Gongzi actually used his own strength to forcefully shake the invincible and powerful elder of Shushan?

is it possible?

Must be fake!

"It is rumored that the Great Elder is not a Martial Dao Grandmaster?"

Monty asked.

This question was also what Xu Fu wanted to ask.


Under the eyes of Meng Tian and Xu Fu.

The first elder took the initiative to speak: "I'm really ashamed, the old man has a strong cultivation base, but he has never been able to compare with the seventh son."

"Cultivation is cultivation, and strength is strength!"

"From the body of the seventh son, the old man really realized this."

"Cultivation is not equal to strength, and strength is not equal to cultivation."

"Even if the Seventh Young Master only has the cultivation level of the late Xiantian, he can still do it. He can strongly shake the old man who has already reached the complete cultivation level of the Martial Dao Grandmaster (good, good)."

"This is the first time this old man has heard of it in his life!"

"It's really incredible."

The Great Elder was amazed again and again.

When he mentioned his previous fight with Ying Changge, his shocking mood could never calm down.

It was definitely the first time in his life.

Encountering a person who is so much inferior to his own cultivation realm, the opponent's strength is actually not inferior to himself.

This unimaginable enchanting monster...

The elder thinks.

Looking at it for thousands of years, there is only one case!

"It turned out to be true!"

"The seventh son is actually so powerful?"

"Oh my God!"

"This this!"

Xu Fu's head was buzzing, and he was completely dumbfounded.

The seventh son who is still in his weak crown...

Is it already powerful enough to shake the invincible elder of Shushan?

What is this concept?


Is this genius?

Do not!

This is a monster!

The words of the first elder really shocked Xu Fu a lot.

Meng Tian was also stunned in place, as if his body was stiff.

"Oh my God!"

"Too, too scary..."

"This is the real monster!"

Meng Tian's eyes were full of shock, and he was fixed on Ying Changge's young face.


From the beginning to the end, it was just that he was in a hurry.


Seventh Young Master was here in Shushan, and he never received any threat from the beginning to the end.


In contrast, it should be the Shushan Wu clan who felt the great threat!

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