More precisely.

should be……

All the disciples of the Wu tribe in the entire Shushan were shivering under the pressure of the terrifying power of the seventh son!

The original ya.

This is the ultimate truth! .

Chapter 215 A five-year appointment, threatening the Yin-Yang family! 【Please customize】

"I misunderstood."


"Not only did the seventh son not suffer from Shushan's coercion. Instead, Shushan suffered a strong blow from the seventh son alone."

"After all, I still underestimated your terrifying power, son!"

Meng Tian smiled bitterly.

quite a while.

He just reluctantly, forcibly suppressed the vibration in his heart.

only because……

Everything that his son Meng Ying said, and everything that the elder of Shushan said just now, is really too shocking.

Even if his mentality is as calm as Meng Tian, ​​he can't help showing a strong sense of shock.

"General Meng Tian can probably understand now, why can I still stand in front of you unscathed?"

Ying Changge smiled.

If it weren't for his strong enough strength, how would the Great Elder easily submit to his numerous disciples in Shushan?


Among them, there are also 100,000 empires as the main reason for deterrence.

Similarly, Ying Changge's strong strength is also the key to leading this cooperation to be achieved.

"It's abrupt and humble."

Meng Tian lowered his head.

He thought that he had already overestimated the strength of the seventh son.

Never thought.

He still seriously underestimated the other party!

Of course he couldn't imagine it before.

Qi Gongzi actually did it, and swept the entire Shu Mountain alone!

Even beat Shushan had to bow his head and surrender!

This really made Meng Tian express his disbelief.

An invincible powerhouse in the world, just by virtue of the age of the seventh young master, he will be shaken strongly and will not fall behind!

What an astonishing and terrifying feat is this?

If it weren't for these words, it would be said from the mouth of the elders of Shushan.

Just be afraid.

Meng Tian really had a hard time believing all this.

"In the late stage of congenital..."

"Breaking the Martial Dao Grandmaster Consummate?!"


"This is the real monster!"

Xu Fu was still in an extremely shocking mood, unable to calm down for a long time.

In contrast to this.

He came to an even scarier conclusion in his mind.

Since even the elders of Shushan can't help the seventh son Ying Changge.

Doesn't that mean.

With the terrifying strength that Seventh Young Master currently possesses, he no longer needs to be afraid at all. The leader of their Yin-Yang family, His Excellency Donghuang?

Thinking of this, Xu Fu's head was about to explode.


Xu Fu opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

this moment.

The psychological shadow that Ying Changge brought to him is even more exuberant and richer.

An existence that is strong enough to forcibly shake the invincible powerhouse of the world, is still in the weak crown years, under the age of 20!

What is this concept?


Xu Fu couldn't imagine it.

Don't dare to provoke such a monster!

"Swept the entire Shushan alone?"

"Is this the strength of the seventh son?"

"It's terrifying!"

"Powerful and unfathomable!"

"Such a mysterious mountain of Shu was swept away by the seventh son alone!"

"If I hadn't heard about it in person, I would never have believed it."

The more Xu Fu thought about it, the more his heart skipped a beat.

He heard it for the first time.

The mysterious and powerful Shu Mountain will one day be swept away by others alone!

How strong is Shushan?

As one of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, Xu Fu certainly knew it well.

If it weren't for the fact that Shushan was too strong and had a strong foundation, the Yin and Yang family had already fought a big fight, why would they need to rely on the power of the empire?


It is such a powerful Shushan, but today, it has been completely overthrown by the seventh son alone.

Thinking of this, the fear in Xu Fu's heart was infinitely magnified countless times.

Who dares to provoke such a monster?

Even Shushan was pushed horizontally!

Just ask.

In this world, who can stop this monster?

Can the Yin Yang family work?

Very hanging!


If the Yin-Yang family provokes this kind of existence, it is simply brain-damaged behavior!

"I'm afraid I'm afraid."

Xu Fu was very flustered.

Now he no longer thinks about the affairs of the Shushan Wu clan.

He just knows.

The seventh son is terrifying!

This is a terrifying and dangerous existence that has never been seen before!

Absolutely can't provoke each other!

Otherwise, you really have to finish the rhythm of the calf!

Xu Fu thought about it.

The seventh son is very strong!

But he couldn't even imagine it.

Seventh Young Master is actually so powerful.

Alone, with his own strength, he swept the entire Shushan!

What is this concept?

It would be difficult for the Yin-Yang family to dispatch collectively.

But it was done by the seventh son alone.

Isn't this enough to show the horror of the Seventh Young Master?

Thinking about this...(afej)...

Xu Fu raised his hand involuntarily, wiped the cold sweat that had erupted from his forehead at some point, and huddled in the corner without saying a word, daring to speak.


"Seventh Young Master, you can easily solve the arduous task that your subordinates need to lead an army of 100,000 iron cavalry?"


Meng Tian's eyes were lost for a while.

He thought for a moment.

If it wasn't for Ying Changge breaking into Shushan, how would he need to win the sacred tree of Fusang?

There is only one way!

That is……

Destroy Shushan!

Destroy the witches!

In this case, we must meet at the edge of the knife.

It is obviously not a simple matter to exterminate the Shushan Wu clan.

Even if an army of 100,000 iron cavalry is dispatched at the same time, it is very likely to lose thousands of elite iron cavalry of the empire, and it is possible to completely exterminate the Shushan Wuzu.


With Ying Changge to resolve this matter, it is equivalent to avoiding the loss of thousands of imperial soldiers.

This made Meng Tian feel very emotional.

The power of the seventh son alone saved the lives of thousands of soldiers of the empire.

One person is comparable to a thousand troops!

Is this the monster?

Long experience!

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