"You will not be disappointed, Young Master, let alone Your Majesty."

Xu Fu lowered his head and spoke briefly.

Saying more and more mistakes, he simply stopped talking too much.

He was already thinking in his mind.

After returning to the Yin-Yang family, what method should I use to explain what happened today to His Excellency Dong Huang, the leader of the Yin-Yang family.

This matter is beyond Xu Fu's control.

He must report this!

"Your Excellency Donghuang, we are in big trouble now."

"Who would have thought..."

"Seventh Young Master suddenly made a stumbling block for our Yin-Yang family."

"This move is simply overwhelming!"

Xu Fu thought very sadly in his heart.

He couldn't think of it anyway.

How can I fulfill what I have said?

Find an overseas immortal island within five years?

Xu Fu is still confused.

How to find it?

Use Fusang Shenmu to find it?

Strange to find it!


The group had a strange atmosphere and came all the way to the Holy Land of Shushan.

far and wide.

Meng Tian and Xu Fu could see it.

The towering tree that stands above the clouds.

As soon as I approached this area, I could feel the strong breath of life blowing towards me.

Meng Tian only felt.

The pores of the body are wide open...

The breath of life is all over the body!

Under the nourishment of this strong vitality, some dark wounds on Meng Tian's body seemed to be healed at any time.

"This, this is..."

Meng Tian's eyes were lost for a while.

He stared blankly at the incomparably huge towering tree in front of him.

The trunks of the trees stand in the clouds, almost wanting to penetrate the sky.

The bright red and demonic color of the trunk is extremely dazzling and eye-catching, attracting Meng Tian's vision.

The golden leaves are all over the sky, covering the sky and blocking the sun, towering hundreds of meters in the sky.

With the golden sunlight falling from the sky.

The golden leaves even reflect a little halo, and the branches and leaves in the sky are shining like gold leaves, which is refreshing.

Xu Fu was also attracted by Fusang Shenmu.


"Is this the Fusang Shenmu?"

"Shushan Wuzu has guarded the sacred relic for nearly a thousand years for generations!"

"so perfect!"

"What an amazing species of life is this?"

Xu Fu's throat was dry.

It was also the first time he witnessed the sacred tree of Fusang, which only existed in myths and legends.

The moment I saw Fusang Shenmu for the first time.

Involuntarily, he was completely attracted by Fusang Shenmu.

The soul of the body seems to be hooked away!

Unable to help, Xu Fu's footsteps stopped abruptly.

Meng Tian next to him was no exception. The two of them stayed in place, staring at the Fusang Shenmu in front of them with dull eyes, unable to move their eyes away from it for a long time.

"What a huge divine tree!"

"So strong vitality..."

"No wonder the people of the Yin and Yang family have such a desire for it!"

Meng Tian thought to himself.

Only when you get close to the sacred tree of Fusang can you deeply experience it.

What amazing power does the hibiscus tree in myths and legends have?

That exuberant vitality, even if it is far apart, can still make Meng Tian feel it deeply.

The body seems to be bathed in warm sunlight...

The life force washes and washes the body.

this moment.

Meng Tian expressed an unprecedented understanding of the Yin-Yang family's desire to win the Fusang Shenmu.

He could finally understand.

Why is the Yin-Yang family so thirsty for the sacred tree of Fusang!


Even he was moved!

This is a real divine tree!

It seems to be completely detached from the existence of living species in this world.

"It's worth it!"

Xu Fu swallowed, thinking so.

Taking such a huge risk, this move to seize Fusang Shenmu...


Feeling such a strong breath of life up close, Xu Fu realized why His Excellency Donghuang would so desire for Fusang Shenmu.

At this moment.

Xu Fu also thinks.

All this is worth it.

Even at the risk of causing the wrath of His Majesty the First Emperor, he would not hesitate!

If you can get Fusang Shenmu, then everything becomes unimportant.

"Just on a temporary loan for five years?"

"Do not!"

"I want to make Fusang Shenmu a private property belonging to the Yin-Yang family!"

Xu Fu's heart was full of firm thoughts.

If the fusang sacred tree is returned to Shushan, this is the real waste of nature!

Shushan Wuzu, this group of stubborn guys...

How can they play the true role of Fusang Shenmu?

"We must use Fusang Shenmu to complete that plan within these five years!"

"in this way……"

"Even if the time comes, it will be nothing to be questioned by His Majesty the First Emperor."

Xu Fu thought to himself.

Just as his thoughts were flying.

Located next to Meng Tian.

Ying Changge suddenly said coldly: "By the way, I almost forgot about a big event. Actually, there is something else that needs to be told to Elder Xu Fu."

Xu Fu subconsciously asked, "What?"

Ying Changge smiled and told the truth: "In the past five years of temporarily borrowing Fusang Shenmu in Shushan, in order to prevent irreversible damage and trauma to the Fusang Shenmu during the period."


"I personally suggested it. Let the elders of Shushan come forward in person and come to guard the Fusang Sacred Tree until five years later."

"In this way, it can be ensured in all aspects that Fusang Shenmu will not suffer any damage during this period."

"Let an invincible strong man whose cultivation base has reached the perfect level of Martial Dao Grandmaster come to protect the Fusang Sacred Tree in person. In this way, the disciples of the Shushan Wu clan can also rest assured."

"I believe."

"In this regard, Elder Xu Fu, you shouldn't have an opinion, right?"

The words fall.

Xu Fu's whole body instantly became stiff.


what's going on? !

Let an invincible powerhouse come to protect the sacred tree of Fusang?

Doesn't that mean.

Their yin and yang family's intention to conspire against the sacred tree of hibiscus also came to nothing?

what is this?

This is not obvious.

Is it to target their yin and yang family and plot against the rhythm of Fusang Shenmu?

Just ask.

Under the constant guardianship of an invincible powerhouse in the world, how could their Yin-Yang family take action against Fusang Shenmu?

There's nothing you can do! Where.

Chapter 217 Departure! Leave Shushan! Go to Mojia Organ City! 【Please customize】

Who are the elders of Shushan?

This is an invincible terrifying existence in the world!

Stronger than the leader of the Yin Yang family, Dong Huang Taiyi, who dare not provoke him at will!

Let this kind of existence guard the sacred tree of Fusang?

Don't you think this is a huge waste?

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