
Seventh son, how wary are you of the Yin-Yang family?

He actually asked an invincible strong man to personally protect the Fusang Sacred Tree!

You are too obvious about the yin and yang family!


Xu Fu opened his mouth blankly, unable to speak for a while.

He wanted to object.

Think carefully.

He couldn't find any reason or excuse to refute at all.

Do you reject the proposal of the seventh son, Ying Changge?

The reason?

Can't find it at all!

But if an invincible and powerful person in the world really wants to protect the Fusang Shenmu, Xu Fu feels that this will definitely have an unprecedented and huge impact on the follow-up plans of the Yin Yang family.

after all.

An invincible existence in the world, who dares to provoke the Yin and Yang family?

Apart from the leader, His Excellency Donghuang, who can provoke the Great Elder of Shushan?

With such a terrifying existence guarding Fusang Shenmu, even if the Yin-Yang family really had countless follow-up plans, they could no longer be implemented.

Thinking of this, Xu Fu only felt a headache.

He didn't expect it.

Seventh Young Master has follow-up tricks to target their Yin-Yang family.

I thought.

Temporarily borrowing Fusang Shenmu for a period of five years is already a ruthless move.


The last trick is more ruthless!

Let a martial arts master with a perfect level of power guard the Fusang Shenmu to prevent their Yin-Yang family from carrying out all "three-three-three" actions against the Fusang Shenmu in the future.

This is the worst!

With such a powerful existence guarding the Fusang Sacred Tree, how could their Yin-Yang family dare to take action against the Fusang Sacred Tree?

"Is this surveillance?"

"Monitor every move of our Yin-Yang family!"

"By the way, we can also monitor any measures we take against Fusang Shenmu."

"Is this your plan, Seventh Young Master?"



Xu Fu Divine Power sighed helplessly.

The feeling of surprise that he had just emerged, instantly seemed to be directly doused by a basin of cold water.

The moment I saw Fusang Shenmu.

He is all ready to use Fusang Shenmu within five years to complete the plan formulated by the Yin Yang family.

Never thought.

Accident, there is no sign of what happened!

This accident caught Xu Fu off guard.


Even Meng Tian showed a confused look.

He blankly fixed his gaze on the Great Elder, and then turned to Ying Changge with a smile on his face.

"This this!"

"That is not true, is it?"

"Young Master really wants an invincible strong man to protect the Fusang Sacred Tree?"

"And this person is also a high-ranking elder in Shushan!"

Meng Tian looked bewildered.

He also did not expect that things would develop like this.

But on second thought.

When he saw Xu Fu's ugly and sluggish face, Meng Tian suddenly realized.


Seventh Young Master also has this trick to target the Yin-Yang family!

Long experience!

But have to admit.

Seventh son, this move is really amazing!

The Yin-Yang family wants to plot the Fusang Sacred Tree?

Feel sorry……

With the elders of Shushan personally guarding, I may ask, what measures can the Yin Yang family take to plan the Fusang Shenmu?

Nothing can be done!

Do nothing!

In this way, any plans of the Yin-Yang family can be prevented from unfolding.

"This is the ultimate goal of the seventh son!"

"This time, the Yin Yang family can be regarded as stealing chickens without losing rice."

Meng Tian laughed secretly in his heart.

The Yin-Yang family wants to take advantage of the fisherman?

I thought it was beautiful!

it's good now.

Still want to try to get Fusang Shenmu? Occupy Fuso Sacred Tree?


With this great elder of Shushan coming out in person, how dare the Yin-Yang family get their hands on Fusang Shenmu?

This is a real invincible powerhouse!

With such a powerful being guarding it, the Yin Yang family would definitely not dare to act rashly on Fusang Shenmu again.

And obviously.

This great elder of Shushan will never tolerate anyone trying to take any action against Fusang Shenmu.

"Now, what are you going to do with your Yin-Yang family?"

The smile on Meng Tian's face was strange.

He had to be amazed.

Seventh son's plan is simply too perfect!

The Yin and Yang family suffered a dumb loss, and they couldn't refute it, and they couldn't refuse at all.

This is a scene that Meng Tian has seen with his own eyes, and the Yin Yang family suffers.

in the past.

The Yin-Yang family can all sit back and enjoy it.

Who would have thought.

Today, I was beaten all over the floor by the seventh son's plan.

in particular……

Seeing Xu Fu's ugly face, Meng Tian was naturally relieved.

He just wanted to say.

Nice job!

I also ask the Seventh Young Master to intensify his efforts to target the Yin-Yang family!

Look at these guys in the Yin Yang family, will they dare to be so arrogant and arrogant in the future.

"Elder Xu Fu is worried that the first elder will delay the efficiency of your Yin-Yang family's methods?"

Seeing Xu Fu's delay in responding, Ying Changge continued with a smile.

Hearing this, Xu Fu continued to remain silent.

He really couldn't think of any excuse to object.


Only silence is right!

"You don't have to worry about that."

Ying Changge smiled and explained, "Elder Shushan guards the sacred tree of Fusang, just to prevent accidents and damage to the sacred tree of Fusang, that's all."

"Other things, the elders will never interfere."

"On this point, your Yin-Yang family can rest assured."

"Besides that, he will never intervene in any decision of your Yin-Yang family."

"In general."

"The duty and mission of the first elder is only to protect the sacred tree of Fusang for five years. During this period, he will prevent anyone from trying to interfere with the sacred tree of Fusang and cause damage and influence to the sacred tree of Fusang."

"Except for this matter, the Great Elder will not intervene in any other tedious matters, nor will it affect the plans and decisions of your Yin-Yang family."

After listening to Ying Changge's explanation, Xu Fu became more silent.

It was because Ying Changge's explanation was too thorough that Xu Fu could not find any excuse to refute.

If he had a choice, Xu Fu was of course unwilling.

Let the invincible elder of Shushan go to guard the Fusang Shenmu in person.


Their yin and yang families themselves have a plan for the Fusang Shenmu.

At this moment, if the elders of Shushan are allowed to intervene, what else are their Yin-Yang family planning?

How could they possibly do it, in front of the Great Elder's eyes, to take measures against Fusang Shenmu?

This is a real invincible powerhouse!

The only person in the Yin-Yang family who has the qualifications to shake it is the leader, Dong Huang Taiyi.

In addition to Donghuang Taiyi, even if it is a strong man such as Moon God and Xinghun, if he encounters this Shushan Great Elder in front of him, it is just a mere gift.

"Sir, my subordinates still feel that something is wrong."

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Fu lowered his head and said.

"Oh? What's wrong? But it doesn't matter."

"I would also like to hear your opinion, Elder Xu Fu, one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family."

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