"You can safely say openly, I will definitely consider your proposal carefully."

The smile on Ying Changge's face did not diminish.


Meng Ying, Shao Si Ming, Meng Tian, ​​the Great Elder of Shu Shan, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan and the others couldn't help but fix their eyes on Xu Fu.

The atmosphere has become a little weird!


No sound!

in the eyes of the crowd.

Xu Fu felt the pressure.

Involuntarily, a little cold sweat spilled out from his forehead, and the cold sweat ran wildly, sliding down the sides of his cheeks, and fell to the ground from his chin.

"Subordinate, subordinate is wrong."

"Seventh Young Master, your arrangement just now is flawless!"

"The subordinates can't find any flaws at all, so naturally it's impossible to make a proposal."

"Just now, I was just in a hurry to say those words."

Xu Fu's throat was dry and he spoke weakly.

"I see…"

Ying Changge laughed.

After a pause, he made a decision on the spot: "If that's the case, then this matter is decided. Shushan temporarily borrowed the Fusang Shenmu Fish Empire for five years, and the elder of Shushan personally came forward to protect the Fusang Shenmu."


"Anyone who wants to take action against Fusang Shenmu must propose to the elders of Shushan. Only with the approval of the latter can they take action against Fusang Shenmu."

"Otherwise, no one can easily fight against Fusang Shenmu."

"If there is a violation..."

"I give the Great Elder the right to kill!"

Finished talking.

Xu Fu shuddered.

He swallowed, only feeling a little chill on his back.

This time, the Yin Yang family is really stealing chicken without losing rice!

"Follow the orders of the seventh son..."

"The old man represents Shushan, and there is no objection."

The big elder smiled.

Of course, he has no opinion on Ying Changge's arrangement.

Look around.

He looked at Xu Fu with interest.

Of course, he could see Xu Fu's unnaturalness, and the helplessness that the latter was holding in his heart with nowhere to vent.

"Elder Xu Fu, how about you?"

Ying Changge asked.

"Subordinate, there is no objection."

Xu Fu lowered his head.

So far.

The matter about Fusang Shenmu can be regarded as a temporary stop.

With the arrangement of Ying Changge, Xu Fu obviously became less confident.

On the other hand, the elder of Shushan had a smile on his face, and his mood seemed very happy and comfortable.

Being able to protect the sacred tree of Fusang by himself, of course, he can rest assured.


Meng Tian also had no opinion on Ying Changge's arrangement, and even wanted to applaud in his heart to express his approval.

It can be said that it is rare to see the scene where the Yin-Yang family is deflated.

Today's dumb loss, the Yin and Yang family can't be described as suffering.


Xu Fu could only grit his teeth and forcibly endured this dumb loss.

Should he be allowed to refute Ying Changge's arrangement in person?

Of course he didn't dare!

"The Yin-Yang family also has today?"

"It's really one thing!"

"Want to play tricks in front of Seventh Young Master? You're too young."

"Now, let Seventh Young Master make arrangements for your Yin-Yang family clearly."

The smile on Meng Tian's face was extraordinarily bright.

Shao Siming, who has been following behind Ying Changge, and one of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, did not have much emotional change.

She is different from Xu Fu.

Now she is more like a qualified bodyguard, not one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family.

The longer he followed Ying Changge, the more Shao Siming lacked a sense of belonging to the Yin-Yang family.


Being able to follow Ying Changge's side is something that makes Shao Siming feel a little fortunate.

"All right."

"Now that the plan is in place."

"The rest of the matter will be left to Elder Xu Fu and the two of you to make arrangements."

"The matter of transferring the Fusang Shenmu will be handed over to you."

"I believe."

"You must be able to do this perfectly."

"As for me and General Meng Tian?"

"Then I can't continue to accompany you, and I will stay here too much in Shushan."

"We have more important things to deal with, and we can't accompany you here to deal with the rest of these cumbersome and complicated troubles."

When the conversation changed, Ying Changge bluntly said that he was going to leave Shushan.

The original goal this time was not Shushan.

Instead, Mojia 4.9 and other anti-Qin elements.

have no choice.

only because…

It was the sudden proposal of the Yin Yang family that forcibly changed the original goal.

And now.

The goal has been accomplished.

Shushan agreed to cooperate with the empire, and even temporarily lent the sacred fusang tree that had been guarded for thousands of years for generations.

in this way.

The tasks that Ying Changge and Meng Tian shouldered were basically half completed.

The rest is the transfer of Fusang Shenmu.

For the transfer of Fusang Shenmu, Ying Changge and Meng Tian naturally wouldn't be involved too much, they didn't have the time to waste any more time here.


The rest of the matter is left to the elders and Xu Fu. They will be able to solve this problem perfectly, and they don't need Ying Changge to worry too much.

The transfer of Fusang Shenmu is a big project.

The manpower required is very large.

It also takes a lot of time and effort.

However, Ying Changge and Meng Tian obviously couldn't be of much help here.

not to mention.

By contrast.

Suppressing the anti-Qin elements is the top priority now!

Fusang Shenmu has been successfully captured, and it is time to go to the Mojia Organ City to destroy this group of anti-Qin elements who have been bouncing around for so long.

"General Meng Tian, ​​let's prepare to leave."

Ying Changge instructed Meng Tian.

"Yes, son."

Meng Tian nodded.

He also won't interfere too much with the rest of the things in Shushan.

What interests him even more is...

This major event of eradicating anti-Qin elements!

He couldn't wait, and wanted to personally lead the empire's army of 100,000 iron cavalry to go to the Mo Family's Organ City, to encircle and suppress those arrogant and extremely arrogant anti-Qin elements.

Chapter 218 Bai picked up a saint as a personal maid? 【Please customize】

"Seventh Young Master, please wait a moment."

Just when Ying Changge was about to leave Shushan, the first elder pondered for a while, and immediately opened his mouth to intervene.

"What else do the elders order?"

"Is there any objection to my arrangement?"

Ying Changge paused for a moment and asked straight to the point.

"No no no, Seventh Young Master misunderstood."

The elder shook his head gently.


With his cloudy eyes, he took a deep look at the siblings Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan next to him, and then took the initiative to resign: "If the seventh son is convenient, this old man wants to ask the seventh son."

"Being able to bring the two Shushan disciples of my clan to step into the mundane world and see the world can be regarded as giving them a long life experience and experience."

"Only in the midst of the rolling red dust can you hone your steel-like heart and will."


"Please, Seventh Young Master, agree to this old man's request."

The words fall.

Ying Changge looked surprised.

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