
His expressionless face turned towards the place where Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan were.

I really didn't expect it.

The Shushan Great Elder in front of him was actually willing to let these two Shushan disciples step into the mundane world.


Or follow the army of the empire into the world!

After thinking about it carefully, Ying Changge smiled playfully.

He could probably understand what the Great Elder meant.

simply put.

The Great Elder is gambling!

Bet on Ying Changge!

after all.

At present, the Yin Yang family and the empire are powerful and powerful, while the Shushan Wu clan has almost no power in the empire, and it is even impossible to move an inch.

If the Yin-Yang family wanted to target Shushan, there were definitely thousands of ways to target Shushan easily and effortlessly.

The only way out.

Then the only way is to let the disciples of Shushan also interfere in the empire and find a huge backer to rely on.

In this way, even if the Yin Yang family wanted to target Shushan in the future, they had to weigh it carefully.


The backer 05 that the first elder wants to find is naturally the seventh son Ying Changge in front of him!

The elders firmly believe.

With Ying Changge's terrifying strength and talent, given time, it will be enough to deter the entire empire and beyond.

At that time.

If they could hug this thigh, even if the Yin Yang family had monstrous might, they would definitely not dare to act rashly against Shushan.

This is the plan in the mind of the Great Elder.

Blindly staying home and avoiding the world cannot prevent other forces from coveting and coveting the Shushan Wuzu.

Only by finding ways to find a huge backer can we create a huge deterrent to these coveted power groups.

After being surrounded and suppressed by the 100,000 imperial iron cavalry this time, the Great Elder has become enlightened.

Shushan Wuzu is too weak!

You must find a backstage you can rely on.

If not, in the future, it is possible that the Shushan Wuzu will be covetted by various forces one after another.

It is even more impossible for the Yin and Yang family to give up their actions against the Shushan Wu clan.

in this way.

The only thing the Great Elder can do is to find a backer to resolve the current embarrassing situation of the Shushan Wu clan.

And Ying Changge is obviously an absolute thigh in the eyes of the first elder!

If they can hug this thigh, the Shushan Wuzu will naturally not have a similar embarrassing situation from now on.

"Big elder..."

The two siblings, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, obviously couldn't understand the great elder's good intentions.

They stared wide-eyed and stared blankly at the elder.


They looked at Ying Changge's young face again, unable to speak for a while.

Let them leave Shushan completely? Follow the imperial cavalry into the world?

For this, the two brothers and sisters were completely unprepared.

But in view of the absolute authority of the first elder, the two brothers and sisters did not dare to disobey and disobey.

"Seventh son, what do you think?"

The first elder lowered his head and continued to say, "I beg the Seventh Young Master to bring the two Shushan disciples of our family, and follow the imperial iron cavalry into the world."

"During this period……"

"If the Seventh Young Master has any order, he can give the order to the two Shushan disciples."

"Your order represents the old man's order!"

"That is to say."

"After the two of them step into the mortal world, you can send the two of them at will and treat them as your subordinates."

When he said these words, the Great Elder seemed to let go of some kind of burden.

This is the rhythm of taking the initiative to send two Shushan disciples as Ying Changge's personal bodyguards!


One of them is still the current Shushan Wu clan saint!

The blood flowing in Shi Lan's body is the most noble and orthodox blood of the Shushan Wu clan.

Let the witch saint of Shushan be a personal guard?

Ying Changge was surprised by the determination of the first elder.

The two personal guards given for nothing, don't want it for nothing.

not to mention.

Ying Changge has also seen through the thoughts and intentions of the Great Elder.

nothing more than...

It is to make the cooperative relationship between Shushan and itself stronger.

That's all!

In this regard, Ying Changge naturally would not choose to refuse.

"The elders are troubled."

Ying Changge's tone was emotional.


Xu Fu's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyelids twitched wildly, revealing the fear in his heart.

What is this Shushan trying to do?

To actually send two Shushan disciples to follow the Seventh Young Master?

Is this to win over the seventh son?

Shushan Wuzu, this group of stubborn guys, can actually do this kind of behavior?

Xu Fu can predict.

If Shushan really had a close cooperative relationship with the seventh son, then the situation of the Yin Yang family would be very different!

In the future, if the Yin Yang family wants to target the Shushan Wu clan, they must also weigh the terrifying power of the Seventh Young Master.

That is to say.

With the close cooperation between the seventh son and Shushan, Shushan will no longer be the soft persimmon that anyone can handle in the past, and even the Yin Yang family will no longer dare to act rashly against Shushan.


"This old thing..."

"It's a good calculation!"

"You actually put your bet on Seventh Young Master in advance."

Xu Fu felt incomparably angry and unwilling to the actions of the Great Elder in his heart.

But he was helpless.

He could only be silent, standing beside him quietly, completely daring not to interfere in the conversation between Ying Changge and the Great Elder.

He suddenly felt.

As long as the Seventh Young Master's affairs and plans are involved, their Yin and Yang family will suffer one after another!

These seven sons...

It is simply the nemesis of their yin and yang family!

"This time, not only was he unable to successfully capture the Fusang Shenmu, but he also asked the Seventh Young Master to invite an invincible powerhouse to come to target our Yin-Yang family."


"The Empire and Shushan seem to have formed a close cooperation under the deliberate influence of the Seventh Young Master."

Xu Fu gritted his teeth, feeling uneasy in his heart.

at the same time.

With the sound of the conversation between the first elder and Ying Changge.

The siblings Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan were even more confused.


Let them be Seventh Young Master's personal bodyguards?

Yu Ziqi was in a good mood.

But Shi Lan was stunned.

who is she?

She is the Holy Maiden of the Shushan Wu clan!

Although within the Shushan Wu clan, Shi Lan never thought that her identity was more noble than others, but she never thought that one day, she would become someone's personal bodyguard.

All of this has subverted Shi Lan's cognition.

What is the big elder doing?

To actually send the two of them out to serve Seventh Young Master?

quite a while.

Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan looked at each other, and each could see the shock deep in their eyes.

They didn't dare to refute the Great Elder's decision, they could only keep thinking about it in their hearts.

What is the purpose of the elders doing this?

Is it to let them get close to the seventh son?

Let them please Seventh Young Master?

So that Shushan can get the help of the empire?

After thinking about it, the two brothers and sisters could not think of an accurate answer and truth.

"Since the Great Elder pleaded so strongly..."

"Then I certainly can't refuse."

Ying Changge laughed.

"In the future, I will ask the seventh son to take more care of him."

"They rarely step into the mundane world in the past, and they may not understand many things. I also ask the seventh son to be patient and teach me occasionally."

"If they dare to disobey your orders, Seventh Young Master, the old man will definitely punish them severely!"

The elder clasped his fists and cupped his hands.

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