
The Great Elder and Xu Fu were incompatible, and they each intervened in the transfer of Fusang Shenmu.

in the process.

Shushan disciples, no matter how helpless and unwilling, can only grit their teeth and admit it.


Alternating day and night.

Time flickers.

In the blink of an eye, four days passed.

Four full days have passed since Ying Changge left Shushan.

during these four days.

The empire's army of 100,000 iron cavalry, under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​went all the way to the detailed location of the Mojia Organ City, approaching at a terrifying speed.

All the way south!

On the way, I didn't encounter any thieves who didn't have long eyes.

With an army of 100,000 cavalry, what kind of amazing and terrifying lineup is this?

Not to mention thieves.

Even the well-trained remnants of the remnants of the Chu State will have to flee if they encounter these 100,000 cavalry.


There were no obstacles along the way, and they headed south to Mojia Organ City without any obstacles.

After four days of rushing on the road, the 100,000-strong army was only about a day's journey away from the Mojia Organ City before reaching the destination of the trip.


It was only the last day that the imperial army could successfully arrive at the Mojia Organ City, a gathering place where countless anti-Qin people from all over the world gathered.

"The whole army listens to orders...~"..."

"Stop and rest!"

"In just one day, we can reach the destination of this trip."

"So, you all cheer me up!"

"Perhaps, we will encounter traces of the whereabouts of those anti-Qin elements around here."

Meng Tian gave an order.

All the 100,000 cavalry troops stopped to rest.

The long journey from the Shushan Mountain to the Mojia Jicheng City can be described as running all the way, rushing non-stop, making the 100,000 iron cavalry including the Qin army feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Such a long journey can inevitably be exhausting.

this way.

If it weren't for the reasonable arrangement of the rest time, I'm afraid that 100,000 iron cavalry would suffer heavy losses.

Because the distance is too long, if there is no reasonable rest time. So there is no doubt that before reaching the Mojia Organ City, the Iron Cavalry Qin Army will lose a lot of manpower.

If so, it would be worth the loss.

Qin soldiers can die at the hands of anti-Qin elements, but if they die on the way, what is it?


The 100,000 cavalry Qin army stopped to rest one after another.

On the other hand, Meng Tian rode the war horse and came to the safest core area of ​​the iron cavalry army, and arrived next to the gorgeously decorated carriage.

"Young master, there is still a day's journey from the Mojia Office City."

Meng Tian looked respectful and told the truth.


Ying Changge's flat voice came from the carriage: "I know, on the next journey, General Lau Mengtian will concentrate on it."

"Prevent the panic and awareness of the anti-Qin elements due to the aggressive action of 100,000 iron cavalry soldiers. In this way, the best opportunity to attack will be missed."

"What we have to do is not just to destroy the Mojia government city."

"and also……"

"We will completely wipe out all anti-Qin elements!"

"Including those anti-Qin people who are madly gathering in the Mojia Jicheng now. They are our main targets of encirclement and suppression."

There are 100,000 elite iron cavalry of the empire, what a terrible battle is this?

It will inevitably have a huge impact.

This requires a test of Meng Tian's ability to lead troops.

It must be ensured that before the anti-Qin elements are noticed, the army of 100,000 iron cavalry arrives at the Mojia Organ City, to prevent these anti-Qin elements from taking the opportunity to escape.

"Your son is right."

Meng Tian nodded in agreement.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't help but ask, "By the way, son, is there news of Quicksand organizing them recently?"

The detailed location of the Mojia Organ City, this news is naturally provided by Quicksand.

The destination that the empire's 100,000 iron cavalry rushed to was also the exact address of the Mojia Organ City indicated by the information from the Quicksand Organization.


The empire's 100,000 iron cavalry is about to arrive at the Mojia Organ City.

Meng Tian thinks.

If at this critical moment, the Quicksand Organization could be contacted, then it would not be too troublesome to break through the Mo Clan's Organ City.

If there is no Quicksand Organization, the empire would obviously not be too easy to deal with this group of anti-Qin elements.

well known.

The Mohist Organization City was indestructible, like an indestructible defensive fortress.

If you want to break through the Mojia Organ City, this is by no means an easy task.

If the Mojia Organ City could be broken so easily, it would naturally be impossible for it to stand in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years and never fall down from the beginning to the end.

The Mojia Organ City can stand for hundreds of years without falling, which is enough to show its terribleness.

"Quicksand Organization..."

Inside the carriage, Ying Changge fell into deep thought.

Two days ago, he had just received a message from the Quicksand Organization.

information indicated.

The digital leaders of the Mo family, their sword sage, Gai Nie, as well as the remnants of the Chu country, Yu Xie, and others, have all hid in the Mo family city.

The quicksand organization's pursuit and killing were fruitless, and they could only lose revenge with the head of the Gongshu family, quietly waiting outside the Mojia government city, and when the time was right, they were ready to break through the Mojia government city!


Now is not the best time to break through the mechanism city.

We must wait for the moment when all the anti-Qin elements gather in the government city, and then it is time to break down the Mojia government city and destroy all the anti-Qin elements in the city.


It can wipe out all the anti-Qin elements who are trying to rebel in one go.

This is the result that Ying Changge wants to see.

"Have most of the anti-Qin elements been concentrated in the Mojia Office City?"

"It's about time..."

"To kill them all!"

Ying Changge was thoughtful.


Before that, he still has one important thing to do.

Two days ago, in the information from the Quicksand Organization.

It not only shows the current situation of the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements, but also shows at the same time.

There is no trace of the whereabouts of the Mo clan giants in the Mo clan government city today.


It was discovered after an investigation by the Quicksand Organization.

The Mo family tycoon and his many Mo family disciples are now on their way back to the Mo family office city.

According to the information from the investigation.

The Mo clan tycoon is leading a group of anti-Qin elements who are trying to rebel, and they are all ready to gather in the Mo clan's office city to form an anti-Qin alliance.


This group of anti-Qin elements, headed by the Mo clan giants, were on their way back to the Mo clan's office city non-stop.

in a few days.

It was the moment when the Mo clan tycoon and his group of anti-Qin elements successfully arrived at the Mo clan office city.

Among the anti-Qin elements led by the Mohist giants, traces of the whereabouts of Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect, were also found.

Taoist people, obviously, have also participated in it.

Except for Taoism.

It was stated in the information from the Quicksand Organization.

There are also many famous innate powerhouses in the arena, and all of them have participated in the anti-Qin alliance.

all in all.

The Mo clan tycoon is leading a large group of people from all corners of the world who have a common anti-Qin goal, and they are all ready to gather in the Mo clan government city to form a huge anti-Qin alliance.

Think about this.

In Ying Changge's heart, some plans and plans suddenly appeared.

"`〃Mo family giant?"

"Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect?"

"There are countless people in Jianghu who have reached the innate realm?"

"According to the information from the Quicksand Organization."

"This group of anti-Qin elements has a huge scale of about 3,000 people."

"More than 3,000 people from all corners of the world have the intention of conspiracy. As a result, they formed a large group, headed by the Mo clan tycoon!"

"It's a force to be reckoned with."

Ying Changge felt emotional.


Compared to the empire's army of 100,000 iron cavalrymen, the so-called 3,000 people are not worth mentioning.

But don't forget.

This is just a group of anti-Qin elements led by the Mo clan tycoon, and it does not completely include the group of anti-Qin elements who are in the Mo clan government city at the moment.

If the group of anti-Qin elements led by the Mo clan giants, plus the anti-Qin elements in the government city, form an alliance with each other.

no doubt.

The number of anti-Qin alliances can even exceed tens of thousands!

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