Inside, there are thousands of remnants of the remnants of the Chu State!


This is huge trouble!

The anti-Qin alliance of tens of thousands of people can already threaten the empire's army of 100,000 iron cavalry.

Although the anti-Qin elements still have a slim chance of winning, the empire must pay a very painful price to destroy the anti-Qin alliance of tens of thousands of people.

To know.

Among the tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements, most of them are people from the rivers and lakes, not the most powerful people in martial arts.


Even if the empire's army of 100,000 iron cavalry is well-trained, it will still be difficult to face these people with martial arts skills.


"If you want to reduce the losses of the imperial soldiers as much as possible, and get rid of this group of anti-Qin elements as you wish, you must first strike first!"

"Before this group of people led by the Mo family's giants, before the round with the Mo family's bureau city, we must eradicate one of the forces!"

"In this way, the number of the anti-Qin alliance can be prevented from exceeding 10,000 people, thus becoming a huge force that makes the army of 100,000 iron cavalry feel very difficult."

Ying Changge made a decision in his heart.

The Mo clan giant must not be allowed to turn with the people from the Jicheng City!


Once the two sides had a round, they formed a group of anti-Qin elements with a total of tens of thousands of people!

This is already a force that can seriously threaten the Empire.

to sum it up.

The initial plan in Ying Changge's mind was...

Before the Mo clan tycoon led this group of anti-Qin elements, they had not yet returned to the city.

Ying Changge and Meng Tian directly led the elite army of 100,000 imperial cavalry.

Ambush on the road.

Encircle all the anti-Qin elements of the Mo clan giants, and forcefully lead the army to intercept and kill them, so as to avoid the escape of any fish that slip through the net!

The Mo clan giant is the primary target this time!


Then there is Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect.

These two people are vaguely the leaders of this group of anti-Qin elements!

As long as these two people are killed, the threat of this group of anti-Qin elements will plummet.

Get rid of this group of anti-Qin elements first.


Then think about destroying the Mojia Organ City!

As soon as the Mo clan giant died, the Mo clan would also become a group of dragons without a leader, reduced to a pile of scattered sand.

By the way, it can also greatly combat the fighting spirit of the anti-Qin elements!

So come and go.

When dealing with the Mojia government, the difficulty factor will naturally drop countless times.

Chapter 220 Set up an ambush to kill! One hundred thousand iron cavalry surrounded the anti-Qin elements! 【Please customize】

all in all.

Ying Changge had already made up his mind.

In any case, it is necessary to prevent the Mo clan tycoon from leading this group of anti-Qin elements to smoothly return to the Mo clan's official city and fight with the people in the official city.

Once they are allowed to turn, their combat power is enough to threaten the army of 100,000 cavalry.

And this is obviously not what Ying Changge wants to see.

Although the empire's army of 100,000 cavalrymen will not be afraid of tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements.

But if there was a choice, Ying Changge would of course choose to defeat them one by one, instead of waiting for them to join forces before launching an interception attack.

It is best to defeat them one by one, to prevent the heavy losses of the imperial soldiers.

thought here.

Ying Changge ordered Meng Tian outside the carriage: "General Meng Tian, ​​a few days ago, there was a message from the Quicksand Organization."


"The Mo clan tycoon has already led a group of anti-Qin elements and is on his way back to the Mo clan government city."

"This group of anti-Qin elements includes the Taoists and their Taoist sect leader Xiaoyaozi, a genuine martial arts master!"

"In short, although the number of anti-Qin elements in this group is only a few thousand, each of them is a martial arts practitioner who has practiced martial arts. It is not easy to completely destroy them."

"Therefore, I think, they must not be allowed to return to the Mojia Office City smoothly."

"Once they are allowed to return to Organ City, they will inevitably form an even more terrifying anti-Qin group."

"Although the empire has dispatched an army of 100,000 iron cavalry, if it wants to exterminate tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements, it will also have to pay a very heavy price."

"I don't know General Meng Tian, ​​what do you think?"

The voice of Ying Changge slowly spread from the carriage.

Hearing this, Meng Tian didn't think for too long, and immediately said, "If it is according to your intention, son, are you going to kill the Mo family giant and others on the road?"

This method is the only way Meng Tian can think of.

A plan that minimizes the heavy losses of the imperial soldiers as much as possible.

Since the anti-Qin elements are to be avoided from both sides, it is natural to get rid of one of the groups.

And now.

If you want to break through and disintegrate the Mojia city in a short period of time, the difficulty factor is obviously high.

By comparison.

If they were on the road and intercepted while the Mo clan giant and others were returning to the city, the difficulty factor would not be as difficult as before.

"Yes, it is to intercept the Mo clan giant and others on the road!"

Ying Changge nodded.

Meng Tian got to the point!

As long as the Mo clan giant is killed this time, Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist clan, will be eradicated. Then this group of anti-Qin elements will instantly become a rabble, and there is nothing to fear.


Among the group of anti-Qin elements who returned to the Mojia Organ City, the most dangerous were the Mojia tycoon and Xiaoyaozi.

If these two were killed, the remaining anti-Qin elements would naturally be unable to escape the siege of the empire's 100,000 cavalry elites.

"Intercepted the Mo clan giant?"

"Could it be..."

"Young master already knows their whereabouts?"

Meng Tian asked again.

"The quicksand organization has sent information a few days ago."

"If nothing else happens, as long as we set up an ambush in place and wait for half a day. With the efficiency of the Mo family giant and others returning to the city, they will pass by where we are now in half a day."

"This road is also the only way to go to the Mojia Organ City."

"I believe."

"They will surely pass by this road."

"And what we need to do is just set an ambush here and wait quietly."

The words fall.

Meng Tian was lost in thought.

In this case, it is indeed possible to set up an ambush here.

As Ying Changge said, Meng Tian also thought the same.

If there is a choice, it is better to eliminate some of the anti-Qin elements earlier, so as to avoid the huge trauma and loss to the empire after they join forces.

"Then follow your son's orders."

"I'm going to arrange staff and set up an ambush on the spot."

Meng Tian thought about it for a while, and then responded.

Whether the plan can be successful or not is only secondary, and Ying Changge's order certainly cannot be ignored.


Meng Tian also agreed with Ying Changge's plan.

If some anti-Qin elements can be eliminated in advance, then the losses of the imperial soldiers will naturally be reduced.

"Then let's get started!"


Ying Changge also got off the carriage.

Following him, there was another Shushan Wu clan saint, Shi Lan.

After a few days of following and escorting, Shi Lan gradually got used to her current identity.


According to Ying Changge's instructions, Meng Tian quickly gave instructions to the army of 100,000 iron cavalry, so that the army of 100,000 iron cavalry began to lurk in the jungle on both sides.


Ying Changge called in a lot of imperial soldiers and continued to forge the iron hoof marks on this road all the way...

The purpose of this is to remind the Mo clan giants and others who are about to pass by this road, so that they can deeply realize it.

The iron cavalry of the empire has already rushed to the Mojia Organ City!

If they don't return to the mechanical city as soon as possible, the mechanical city may be completely destroyed and disintegrated at any time!

In this way, in the case of a momentary impatient situation, the Mo family giant and others are very likely to lose their minds, and thus rush to the Jicheng City for rescue at the fastest speed.

By the time.

With an order from Ying Changge, Meng Tian and the others, they can mobilize an army of 100,000 cavalry in an instant to surround all the anti-Qin elements headed by the Mo clan tycoon.

The perfect ambush plan!

"Sir, the information from the Quicksand Organization will not be wrong, right?"

Meng Ying looked at the busy imperial soldiers, leaned against Ying Changge's ear and asked in a low voice.

"Whether the intelligence is wrong or not, we can do our best."

"But it's just waiting here for half a day. We can still afford this time."

"Even if you can't wait for the Mo family giant and others, that's fine."

Ying Changge's mind was very relaxed.

If the information of the Quicksand Organization is wrong, it will only be a waste of half a day.

For Ying Changge and others, it is almost a harmless thing.

If the ambush is successful...

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