after all.

Seventh Young Master is an invincible powerhouse whose strength is not inferior to that of the Great Elder!

Even younger than the Great Elder!

The blood is more vigorous!

Body functions are more flexible!

all in all.

In contrast, Shi Lan suddenly felt that.

The terrifying level of the Seventh Young Master is far higher than that of the Great Elder.

at the same time.


There were a hundred thousand elite cavalry elites from the Empire, their eyes involuntarily gathered on the back of Ying Changge, their eyes could not hide the deep sense of admiration and worship.

And when they heard the provocation of Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi, the hearts of these 100,000 imperial iron knights couldn't help but sneer again and again.

"I never imagined that in this world, there are actually people who are not afraid of death."

"How dare you underestimate the Seventh Young Master?"

"These two guys are really impatient."

"Isn't it bad to live? Why do you have to go to death?"

"I really don't understand what these two guys are doing."

"The two of them may not understand now, at this moment, what a terrifying existence they are trying to provoke!"

"Wait until they know the answer and reveal the truth."

"I believe."

"They will surely regret it!"

"I should not regret it in the first place!"


There were 100,000 elite iron cavalry soldiers of the empire at the scene, watching Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi's frantic and provocative behavior, they couldn't help but silently start a moment of silence for the two of them.

The expressions on their faces were very indifferent, and their eyes were full of pity and regret.


These two...

Basically it's getting cold!

Completely cold.

Dare to provoke wildly in front of Seventh Young Master?

This is simply...

Crazy temptation on the way to death!

This is a true warrior! .

Chapter 224 Strong confrontation! Ying Changge vs the Mo family giant! 【Please customize】


The atmosphere was very depressing!

Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi, who had never been able to see Meng Tian appear, couldn't help but look at each other, unable to hide the deep worry and helplessness deep in their eyes.

It seems that it is impossible to force the other party to appear with words.

As such.

If you want to capture the thief first and capture the king's strategy, you can only give up.

"We can only start with this young man."

"With what he wears, his status must be very noble."

"If he can be captured alive, it may also be able to deter the 100,000 golden fire cavalry, so that they can be evacuated from the scene."

Yan Dan pondered for a moment before making a proposal.


He turned his head to Xiaoyaozi and said, "Brother Xiaoyao, leave this matter to me for the time being. And you, continue to be responsible for warning and looking for Meng Tian's figure."

Xiaoyaozi nodded in response: "Okay."

In a short period of time, the two already had follow-up plans and goals.


Yan Dan slowly jumped up from the war horse, wearing a black robe, which rolled with the breeze, with a black gauze curtain hanging around the hat, completely covering his face.

Now, he obviously doesn't want to reveal his true identity.

Yan Dan, in the minds of many people, had already died many years ago.

alive now...

It's the Mo family giant!

Not the Prince Dan of South Korea back then.

After the feet landed smoothly, Yan Dan's eyes passed through the black bamboo hat and gauze curtain, and his eyes were silently staring at the young figure in white clothes not far away.

In the air, a sense of depression was suddenly born.

Chilling gas, spontaneously.

at the same time.

Yan Dan slowly took out a sword from his waist.

This is a very oddly shaped sword.

The blade of the sword was as black as ink, without any blade or edge, as flat as a ruler, and even the front end of the sword tip was flat, without any sharpness or edge.

On the surface of the blade, there are incomparably mysterious lines, which make the dark sword body carry a simple charm.

Like a sword but not an attack, the eyebrows have no edge!


This is the legendary sword without a front and a front, Mo Mei!

The sword in the hands of the Mohist giants of all dynasties!

Anyone who holds the Momei sword can rule the Mo family, and order the Mo family disciples, no one dares to disobey.

all in all.

Mo Mei is the only token of the Mo clan tycoon.

Only by mastering Mo Mei can one be regarded as a Mo clan tycoon.


Mo Mei is naturally in Yan Dan's hands.

Although the blade is not sharp in the slightest, if it is in the hands of a person with strong inner strength, it can urge the blade to transform into endless invisible sword energy, and its power is extremely terrifying.

The name of Momei can be regarded as thunderous in all corners of the world.

Jianghu is almost known to everyone.

Those who hold the black eyebrows are the giants of the Mo family!

The tip of Mo Mei's sword is as smooth as a square, not a murderer, but more like a sword of virtue.


Even if Yan Dan took out the black eyebrows, his whole body still did not exude sharpness and sharpness, and he did not have any shocking edge that belonged to a swordsman.

Like an insignificant reef, hidden under the pitch-black water, it does not have any brilliance, and it will not attract anyone's attention at all.


Yan Dan holds the black eyebrows, the whole person is like an ordinary person, and he can't see the power and courage of being a martial arts master.


A pair of eyes converged on Yan Dan's body.

"Momei has no edge..."

Xiaoyaozi raised his brows, his eyes twinkling.

Fighting with black eyebrows has to be said to be a visual enjoyment.

after all.

Mo Mei is not good at colliding with swords, but is better at using endless sword energy to destroy the enemy's body from the air, and instantly defeat the enemy.

This is Mo Mei's attack method.

It is completely different from ordinary famous swords!


I want to take full control of Momei and exert the terrifying power of Momei.

It also has to be strong enough and have enough internal strength, which is the most important prerequisite and basic condition.

"Fortunately today, I will see the wonderful moment of the eruption of ink eyebrows again~".

"The only pity is that..."

"The opponent who made Momei unsheathed is just a young boy at a very young age."

"If the opponent is Meng Tian, ​​it will be perfect."

Xiaoyaozi felt a little pity in his heart.


Thousands of anti-Qin elements also fixed their eyes on Yan Dan, watching the scene where Yan Dan was about to launch an attack, holding Mo Mei.

"Is that the rumored Momei?"

"It is said that only the supreme powerhouse with sufficient internal strength can trigger the amazing destructive power of Momei."

"The giant is about to make a real move!"

"The black eyebrows are unsheathed, and they will surely sweep away the strong enemy with a smashing attitude."

"The young hairy boy opposite, he will have bad luck next."

"He actually dared to take the initiative to intervene in the battlefield from the 100,000 iron cavalry and try to challenge the Mo clan giant?"

"I have to say, this is simply daring!"

"He's simply ignorant!"

A group of anti-Qin elements clenched their fists and stared at the battlefield ahead with excitement and anticipation.

As the ink eyebrows came out, all of them were deeply aware.

A war is about to break out!

They are all looking forward to it.

I want to see the moment when the Mo clan tycoon waved his black eyebrows and defeated the strong enemy in a destructive manner, thereby boosting their morale.

The iron cavalry elites of the 100,000 empires around them surrounded them so heavily that they were suppressed for too long.

At this moment.

They desperately want to see.

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