The Mo clan tycoon was able to suddenly explode with terrifying strength, giving all of them a strong fight back, allowing them to place more hope.

Depressed atmosphere!

The sword is drawn!

The battle is about to break out!

at the same time.

At the moment when Yan Dan held the black eyebrows.


Ying Changge, who was dressed in white, had an interesting expression on his face.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, and naturally he can clearly see the turbulence around him.

And Yan Dan's actions are equally unavoidable!

Compared to the perfect-level sight-seeing color that spread over a radius of one kilometer in diameter, now, Ying Changge has appropriately converged the sight-seeing color to cover a radius of hundreds of meters.

In this way, the consumption of physical and mental energy can be greatly reduced.

In Ying Changge's view, the sights and sounds covering a radius of 100 meters are enough!

A radius of 100 meters in diameter...

Everyone's every move, no matter how subtle, will be infinitely magnified in Ying Changge's mind, allowing him to penetrate clearly.


Including Yandan!

"Are you ready to make a real move at the beginning?"

"Want to give the empire a disgrace? And I'm the one you used to gain power?"

"That was really fun."


"One day, I will become the target that others want to use!"

Ying Changge couldn't help laughing.

In an instant, he understood Yan Dan's intentions.

The perfect domineering look made him able to penetrate Yan Dan's heart with ease.


Ying Changge also knew exactly what Yan Dan's plan was.

"Can you do it?"

"I am looking forward!"

Ying Changge twisted her arms and stretched them slightly.

Since I am looking forward to it so much, I want to use myself as Liwei's goal...

Then you have to be a little bit more real.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a joke for everyone?

Then with this battle...

Come as a warm-up action before the destruction of the Mojia Organ City!

Thinking of this, Ying Changge's heart moved, and the terrifying internal force of the dantian in his abdomen quickly circulated.

The surging Innate True Qi circulates from the dantian, and then spreads to fill the internal organs, meridians, bones and other places of the body.

In less than a moment.

Ying Changge's body was entangled with a light blue halo of inner power.



The terrifying pressure that belonged to the late innate stage spread from Ying Changge's body and spread in all directions.

The majestic internal force of light blue fluctuated, entwining the appearance of his body, as if he had formed an exiled immortal who descended to the mortal world, with a transcendent temperament that did not stain the mundane world.


The unparalleled terrifying momentum spread to all parties with Ying Changge's body as the center point.


As Ying Changge's innate qi broke out, Yan Dan's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help but let out a small sigh.

Late congenital?

Such a young boy...

Is he still a top powerhouse in the late innate?

This is really surprising.

Those who are able to raise their own cultivation realm to the late congenital stage at such a weak age can be called a peerless genius!

"Unexpectedly, he is still a peerless genius!"

"It seems..."

"Meng Tian didn't want to take the initiative to send people to die."


"The realm of cultivation in the late stage of the congenital is too far away."

Yan Dan smiled lightly.

As a martial arts master, he is so confident.

Although he is only a powerhouse at the early stage of the martial arts master, he is naturally not afraid, and his cultivation base only brings the existence of the mere innate late stage.

Martial Dao master and innate realm, these are two completely different realms!

It is for this reason.

Although he was surprised by Ying Changge's strength, Yan Dan did not have any timidity and nervousness at all, but was calm and calm as always.

"`〃Only in the late stage of congenital?"

"Within three strokes..."

"I will defeat you!"

Yan Dan has a deep sense of confidence in his heart.

Looking at Ying Changge in front of him, Yan Dan thought to himself.


I will make you feel it deeply.

What a huge gap there is between the martial arts master and the innate realm!

It is simply a world apart!

Yan Dan, who has experienced hundreds of battles, has full confidence.

He is confident.

In three moves, Ying Changge, who is only in the late stage of Xiantian cultivation, can be defeated strongly.

With the explosion of Ying Changge's inner strength, not only Yan Dan was deeply surprised, but Xiaoyaozi was also very surprised, and looked at Ying Changge deeply.

Thousands of anti-Qin elements followed, followed by a faint turmoil.

But it soon subsided.

They are equally confident.

The Mo clan tycoon can easily take down this late innate stage!

"do not forget."

"Giant, he is a top expert at the level of a martial arts master."

"To deal with a mere innate late stage, isn't this easy to capture?"

"not to mention."

"Don't you think that this kid is really too young? How can such a young boy like this be so powerful?"

"Perhaps, he just has a powerful cultivation realm without any actual combat experience."

"It makes sense."


in the battlefield.

The battle broke out silently!

Yan Dan held Mo Mei, his knees bent slightly, and his feet suddenly trampled down.


The ground under his feet shattered and turned into a more hideous pit.

Immediately after.

Relying on the terrifying impact that erupted under his feet, Yan Dan's figure was like an arrow from the string, holding the black eyebrows to cut through the sky, aiming at Ying Changge in front of him and attacking him violently.

in a moment……



The terrifying strands of innate innate energy also began to flow rapidly from Yan Dan's body, and swiftly (good Li's) wrapped around his body, making his body exude a particularly terrifying aura.

With the powerful internal force urging from the body, Yan Dan clenched Mo Mei with his right hand, fully activating the powerful power hidden in Mo Mei.



Mo Mei burst into an unparalleled sword energy.


Lines like black ink began to circulate around Yan Dan's body. These ink-like lines were the unique sword energy emanating from Mo Mei.

Thousands of invisible sword qi were transformed from the terrifying internal force of Yan Dan.



Yan Dan, who was covered in black robes, and the thousands of ink-like lines of sword energy wrapped around his body, made his figure stand out.

The dark black eyebrow sword blade, surrounded by countless ink swords...

Yan Dan, on the other hand, was expressionless, wearing a hat, and the black gauze curtain that fell from the hat covered his face, making his figure very mysterious.

A strong internal force suddenly erupted, and thousands of sword qi transformed into them, like ink lines, madly rushed towards Ying Changge's body in front of him.

call out!

call out!

A streak of ink sword energy pierced through the sky like arrows.

Even the space around, seems to be forcibly torn apart by the thousands of sword qi.


Yan Dan held Mo Mei and launched a fierce offensive without reservation.

next second.


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