The surrounding terrain, together with the surrounding terrain, was once again collapsed by the repulsive force of Ying Changge's eruption.



The soil is cracked and the earth is broken.

a time.

The smoke and dust billowed up and danced gracefully into the air.

"Come here for me!"

Before Yan Dan could react, the repulsive force of Ying Changge's palm turned into adsorption force again.

The terrifying gravity pulled Yan Dan's body again.


Yan Dan, who was being pulled, shattered again on the soil under his feet, as if someone tied him with ropes and kept pulling.

Even though his feet penetrated the ground and maintained a stable figure, he was still unavoidably attracted by that attraction, causing more and more cracks in the soil under his feet to shatter.

His body was about to rise again, and it was about to rise into the air, approaching Ying Changge.

"Not good!"

Yan Dan felt bad in his heart.

Unprecedented pressure permeated his entire atrium.

He has fought a hundred battles in his life.

Even if he almost died under the blade of Wei Zhuang and escaped with a fake death, it never brought him such a strong sense of oppression today.



After encountering Ying Changge in front of her, Yan Dan could only realize it deeply.

What is despair!

What a deep sense of powerlessness!

At this moment.

He felt this feeling one after another.

No matter how hard you try, you still feel helpless.

"My dignified martial arts master..."

"It's not as good as a mere innate late stage?"

Yan Dan thinks this is very absurd.

But what he experienced personally made him have to accept this shocking phenomenon.

Can't help but.

He once again urged his powerful internal force to activate the invisible sword qi of Momei in his hand.



The surging internal force rushed to Momei's jet-black blade, and the jet-black blade once again emitted black sword qi, and the sword qi lingered around his body.

Let his figure exude a particularly surging pressure at this moment.

The surrounding space seemed to be forcibly distorted by this force, and kept squirming.

Like ocean waves, the space rippled with ripples.


Yan Dan, who was holding the black eyebrows, suddenly attacked Ying Changge.

His knees bent slightly, his feet kicked abruptly.


With a loud bang.

Yan Dan was surrounded by thousands of sword energy and approached Ying Changge.

He must turn passive into active!

This was his only defense against the enemy.

Yan Dan holding Mo Mei, his whole body seems to be turned into an arrow from the string, holding Mo Mei pointing directly at Ying Changge.

Before the person arrives, the sword energy comes!

The overwhelming sword energy enveloped the audience, locking Ying Changge's body from all sides.

Nowhere to run!

There is no way to hide!

In the face of Yan Dan's move, Ying Changge's expression remained calm, and the repulsive force in his palm surged again.


"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Ying Changge's mouth moved slightly.


Another unparalleled repulsive force erupted from Ying Changge's body, turning into an extremely violent shock wave, spreading ten meters away in an instant.

Taking Ying Changge's body as the center point, the terrifying repulsive force could be felt in a radius of more than ten meters.


The closer he got to his body, the more terrifying the repulsive force he felt.

Just like the approaching Yan Dan, he was hit by this repulsive force head-on again.

But fortunately.

This time, Yan Dan was already prepared.

He has already fully activated the innate qi in his body, wrapping it around his body to form a protective film, which can greatly reduce the shock wave that his body bears.

Even so, Yan Dan was forcibly knocked away several meters away.

Even if the surging innate qi was entwined all over his body, he was inevitably knocked away by this terrifying repelling force.

at the same time.


The terrifying air waves rushed towards all sides, crushing the thousands of black sword energy that erupted from Yan Dan, and the impact of the annihilation dissipated.

The shocking sword qi that erupted from the black eyebrows in Yan Dan's hands, densely packed with thousands of strands, seemed to be dying, and had a head-on confrontation with the repulsive force that erupted from Ying Changge.

After a part of the sword qi was crushed, more terrifying sword qi came forward.


A terrifying shock erupted from the two forces.


A loud bang.

Like thunder!


After the two forces exploded, the force generated by each other rubbed and caused the monstrous sword energy to disappear.

These two forces exploded and turned into violent shock waves.

This shock wave then spread to the audience 100 meters away.


The whole earth seemed to be shaken by force, and there were traces of violent shaking and trembling.

The shock wave diffuses a hundred meters away, and all objects will be enveloped by this shock wave.

Many stones were crushed into powder on the spot.



A pleasant voice sounded.

The ground shattered into cracks, extending farther.

The sky is dusty and dancing.

at the same time.

There are many anti-Qin elements within a hundred meters.

All of them, without exception, were abruptly repelled by this terrifying shock wave, causing the blood in their bodies to surge, their faces pale, and their steps chaotically regressing.

"Good, terrible power!"

"Just the aftermath is enough to make the breath in my body instantly chaotic."

"What an amazing collision is this?"

"Both of them are so strong!"

"Strong as a monster!"

A group of anti-Qin elements had lingering fears and shocked expressions on their faces.

This shock wave made them smell the threat of death.

They can't even dream of it.

One day, they were almost killed by the aftermath!


The scene they witnessed today is enough to make everyone present remember them deeply in this lifetime, and they will never be able to forget it.


"By comparison."

"The current situation of the giant is obviously very bad!"

"Compared to the young terrifying powerhouse, the giant's state is plummeting."

"Both of them are very strong, but for some reason, I always feel that the young man is much more terrifying. He is stronger than the giant!"

"Is this an illusion? My God!"

"A giant at the level of martial arts master is not as good as a young man in the 350th stage of the congenital post-natal period?"


Anyone with eyes can perceive it.

In this terrifying collision, the Mo clan giant was obviously on the weaker side.

In contrast.

The mysterious and terrifying young man on the opposite side has almost all the advantages.

The Mo clan giants are at the disadvantage of being suppressed.

After realizing this, many anti-Qin elements present became even more panicked.

Even the martial arts master can't shake that young man?

What kind of monster is this?

"If I'm not mistaken."

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