"Giant, he is about to lose!"

A fearful voice sounded from the crowd.

Involuntarily, everyone's eyes were fixed on Yan Dan's body.

Of course they can see it.

Yan Dan's situation is very serious!

A little careless...

will fail miserably!

only because.

The opponent Yan Dan faced was really too terrifying!

Powerful beyond imagination!

The collision between the two people broke out at the scene, and it was abruptly beaten, leaving only a mess and devastation everywhere, which made people feel shocking.

In an area of ​​tens of meters, the ground that was hit collapsed and collapsed, cracks and cracks spread all over...

all in all.

The battlefield seemed to be reduced to a ruin.






Yan Dan kept trying to adjust his breathing, clenching Mo Mei's right hand, and there was a faint trace of trembling.


He also noticed the change in his physical state.

When he noticed the change in his body, his heart sank slightly.

In the terrifying collision just now, in fact, he has already lost!

Although I don't want to admit it.

But he had to admit it.

His dignified martial arts master level was defeated by a young man whose cultivation realm was only in the late congenital stage.

"Physical condition is getting worse and worse!"

"Continue like this……"

"Not only will I fail miserably, but I will be killed by him on the spot with ease!"

Yan Dan firmly grasped Mo Mei's sword hilt.

He let the blood from the cracked scar on the palm of his palm spill out, quickly infecting the whole body of the sword hilt soaked in Momei, and dyeing the hilt almost completely red.

He knew.

If this battle continues, he will surely die!

He has to admit.

Even if his cultivation base has already reached the master of martial arts, in terms of combat power, he is far inferior to the terrifying young man in front of him!

In the case of fighting alone, the probability of his defeat is as high as 90% or more!

What Yan Dan can perceive, Xiaoyaozi naturally also perceives.


In order to avoid the fate of Yan Dan being severely injured and being killed by the opponent.

Xiaoyaozi can only choose to help.

Although two fights one, it is not a decent concept.


The matter has come to this point, there is no more morality in the rivers and lakes.

"Girl, I'm here to help you!"

Xiaoyaozi's face was solemn, and he jumped down from the horse very decisively.


He slowly took out the famous sword Xueji ranked sixth in the Fengbeard Sword Manual, which is the unique token saber of the Taoist master.

take steps...

Xiaoyaozi, holding the famous sword Xueji, is intervening in the front battle step by step.

Chapter 229 Shocked! In one sentence, the army of 100,000 cavalrymen will be withdrawn! 【Please customize】

Xue Ji, ranked sixth in Fengbeard's sword score, is famous in the world.

In addition to the special attributes that Xue Ji carries, the most famous thing is that it is the only token of the Taoist master.

The holder of Xue Ji is the current head of Taoism.


Xiaoyaozi, the head of Taoism, is the holder of the contemporary Xueji.

At that time, as the head of Renzong, he strongly defeated Chisongzi, head of Taoist Tianzong, and successfully won Xue Ji, becoming the head of Taoism today.


Xiaoyaozi's strength can be said to be very powerful and transcendent.

It might even be a few points better than that of the Mo clan tycoon.

Xue Ji's appearance is very strange, not like an ordinary bronze sword, but more like an iron pestle, slightly meandering like a green snake, and has a cone-like appearance.

Xiaoyaozi holding Xueji exudes a particularly terrifying aura.

The innate qi that belongs to the martial arts master level burst out in an all-round way.


Xiaoyaozi entered the battlefield and walked all the way to the side of Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo family.

"Brother Xiaoyao, I didn't expect that I still need to trouble you to take action."

"I'm really ashamed."

Yan Dan smiled bitterly with a face of shame, and sighed helplessly.

"The giant doesn't need to be so polite, I just want to do my best to resolve the current crisis."


"With your strength, the giant, I'm afraid you really won't be able to take down the young man in front of you."

"Even, it is very likely that it will be killed by a strong and heavy blow!"

Xiaoyaozi had a solemn look on his face, and did not dare to relax and be careless at all.

"You're right, if you don't intervene in the battlefield in time. My next fight with him will probably end with me being badly wounded and killed."

"My first time seeing you."

"Obviously so young, and only in the late stage of Xiantian cultivation realm, but his own strength is such a terrifying monster!"

Yan Dan said with lingering fears.

Exactly as Xiao Yaozi said.

If the other party did not intervene in the battlefield, then he might not be able to hold on for half an hour, and he would suffer a tragic defeat.

After fighting against Ying Changge, Yan Dan has been deeply aware of it.

The monster in front of him is definitely not something he can contend and shake with his own strength.

If the two martial arts masters join forces at the same time, they may have a certain chance of winning.


With only one person, he can almost only be crushed and beaten unilaterally by the opponent!

Not to mention him, even Xiaoyaozi is no exception.

"It's an incredible existence."

Xiaoyaozi's tone was full of surprise.

He held Xue Ji tightly in his right hand, and was full of energy, his eyes were full of seriousness and solemnity, and his face was full of seriousness, without any contempt.

From the moment the battle broke out, Xiaoyaozi has been watching the changes in the battle situation.


He can also feel it.

The young man that Yan Dan was dealing with, how terrifying the opponent's strength was!

It is for this reason.

Xiaoyaozi is no longer concerned, the so-called famous and decent idea of ​​fighting alone.

And choose...

Two on one!

If it is one-on-one, he does not think that anyone on their side can be compared with the young man in front of him.

The Mo clan giant Yan Dan could not be shaken.


He will not be an exception either!

It can be said.

The terrifying young man in front of him is one of the most powerful beings that Xiaoyaozi has ever seen in his life.

As for who else can compare?

Xiaoyaozi had to mention it.

Bei Mingzi, an invincible strong man from the Taoist Tianzong who has been hidden from the world for many years.


Even Xiaoyaozi himself can't imagine it.

One day, he will see a trace of Master Bei Mingzi from such a young man.

This made Xiaoyaozi stunned.

Who is Bei Mingzi?

That is the invincible supreme powerhouse in the world!


In front of this young man who is still only weak, the opponent's strength is actually strong enough to be comparable to Master Bei Mingzi?

Is this really possible?

Countless shocking and frightening thoughts appeared in Xiaoyaozi's mind, making him unable to calm down from beginning to end.

"Whether my guess is correct or not, this young man is definitely not something I can try to fight alone~".

"We must join forces!"

"Two against one, maybe there is still a certain chance of winning."

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