The entire land seemed to be about to collapse.

The earth trembled!

It's like the sky is falling apart!

The soil under my feet swayed faintly from time to time.

Sensing that 100,000 iron cavalry were dispatched at the same time, Ying Changge retreated step by step to the outside of the battlefield, leaving the battlefield to the elite army of iron cavalry of the empire.

Ying Changge was not interested in interfering too much with the rest of the cleanup.

There were originally more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements, but now there are only 1,000 people left to retain their fighting power.

For the 100,000 cavalry, this combat power is not enough to plug the gap between the teeth. . . .


Fighting broke out.

Although the remaining thousands of people are burning with all their thoughts, they no longer hold any hope.

But when faced with the siege of the empire's 100,000 iron cavalry, they still raised their weapons and resisted stubbornly, wanting to pull down a few imperial soldiers before dying.


The power gap is too great.

The number is even more different!

An army of 100,000 cavalrymen surrounded the anti-Qin alliance with only 1,000 people.

What will this result in?

it goes without saying.

Just a face-to-face...

The thousands of anti-Qin elements who survived under the sword of Ying Changge were all wiped out and killed by the army of 100,000 cavalry.

Not one left!

Even the anti-Qin elements who were lying on the ground and wailing in pain were all mended by the Qin army soldiers, and they killed all the members of the anti-Qin alliance without leaving any survivors.

No one is spared!

Since he joined the anti-Qin alliance, he naturally had to prepare to be beheaded by the imperial cavalry.

People always have to pay for what they do!

"Do not!"

"I surrender……"

"Do not kill me!"

"I am willing to surrender, I am willing to become a prisoner of the empire and take my life."

"I don't dare, I don't dare to participate in the so-called anti-Qin alliance anymore."

"Please, spare me on 4.9..."

A burst of panic-filled mourning came from the mouths of many remaining anti-Qin elements.

Just less than a moment.

The anti-Qin elements are still alive, only a few hundred people are left.

The rest basically all died at the hands of the Iron Horsemen of the Empire.

The mentality of the remaining hundreds of people collapsed.

They were paralyzed all over, and they could only keep begging for mercy, begging the imperial soldiers to surround them.

Many people even lay on the ground crying regardless of their image.

a time.

Anti-Qin elements are so ugly!


Many of the surviving Mo family disciples were also lying on the ground and weeping.

There were also several Taoist disciples who were already trembling with mental breakdowns, begging for forgiveness of their lives.

Chapter 243 The end! A great gift for the Mo family! 【Please customize】


These anti-Qin elements with a broken mentality, no matter how pitiful they are at the moment, can't stop the imperial cavalry from killing them.

Since I chose to join the anti-Qin alliance...

Then prepare to be destroyed by the empire!

Knowing this earlier, why bother?

Dare to participate in the conspiracy even with this kind of psychological quality?



The imperial iron cavalry soldiers were not merciful, with a chilling look on their faces, holding a sharp bronze sword, they killed the remaining anti-Qin elements one after another.

In the blink of an eye.

The remaining hundreds of anti-Qin elements have also been killed.

All killed!

Died by the sword of the Imperial Cavalry.

With the death of this group of anti-Qin elements, the atmosphere at the scene became extraordinarily quiet again.


The pungent and rich **** smell drifted into the distance and filled the air on this side.

on the ground.

Corpses are everywhere!

Corpses everywhere!

One after another, the icy corpses were placed in various places in a disorderly manner.

The blood slowly flowed from the corpse, quickly infecting and merging into the ground of 05, dyeing the soil red, and making the air here full of a strong **** smell.

The smell of blood is so strong that it is disgusting!

Many corpses are scattered in different corners.

A hideous crack in the ground stretched hundreds of meters all the way.

Look around...

No life!

A total of more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements were wiped out and killed, and no one was left alive.


The anti-Qin alliance has been wiped out!

First, he was killed by Ying Changge's sword, destroying 2,000 people!


After being besieged by the empire's 100,000 iron cavalry, all of them died violently in less than a moment.

speak up.

The siege carried out by the imperial cavalry army was far less efficient than that of Ying Changge.

With just one sword, thousands of lives were directly harvested.

so efficient...

This is not something that the iron cavalry army of the empire can compare with.

"Sir, everything has been resolved."

"Leave no one alive!"

"This batch of anti-Qin alliances has been wiped out."

Meng Tian came to Ying Changge's side and whispered.

"I know."

Ying Changge nodded.

His domineering look has always been shrouded in the battlefield.


The turbulence of the battlefield basically cannot escape his terrifying insight.

He was not too surprised by the annihilation of the anti-Qin elements.

Everything is expected.

If it wasn't for the iron cavalry of the empire to warm up and in a better state, they would go to meet the second battle in the Mojia Organ City.

I'm afraid...

A few more swords from Ying Changge just now would be enough to destroy this group of anti-Qin elements.

There is no need for the imperial cavalry army to dispatch!

As soon as his mind moved, Ying Changge's perfect-level spectacle and domineering swept around.

Almost guaranteed.

Not a single survivor!

Under the shroud of perfection, it is naturally impossible for this group of anti-Qin elements to escape by suspended animation.

Any creature with vital signs will not escape the perception of seeing and hearing.

After sweeping around for a while, Ying Changge finally made sure.

The empire's iron cavalry army did not leave any survivors.

"An anti-Qin alliance composed of more than 3,000 people..."

"The whole army is destroyed!"

"Next, it's time to think about what's going on in the Mojia Jicheng."

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

In this battle, more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements were destroyed.

It's a big win!

There is hardly any loss on this side of the Empire.

On the other hand, the anti-Qin elements, even the Mo clan giants, died.

And the Taoist head Xiaoyaozi escaped with serious injuries.


It was the best time to break through the Mojia Organ City!

It is also the best time to exterminate those anti-Qin elements in the city!

Now or never.

Of course Ying Changge will seize this opportunity well.

To avoid Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist clan, he rushed to the Mo clan ahead of time and reported the letter to the people in the Mo clan government city.

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