If the people in the Mojia Organ City are prepared, and then they want to break through the Mojia Organ City, the difficulty factor will undoubtedly increase a lot.

Must be unprepared for it!

In this way, more losses to the empire can be avoided.

"My lord, I believe that we should take advantage of the victory and go to the Mo Family's official city immediately, and take Mo Family and others by surprise before they can react."

"Presumably, they must not know yet."

"Their Mo clan tycoon has already been slaughtered!"

Meng Tian's eyes flickered and he proposed.

In order to prevent late changes.

He identified.

We must seize the opportunity and immediately launch a devastating and painful attack on the Mojia Organ City!

They are unstoppable!

"General Meng Tian's words are reasonable, and that's exactly what I mean."

"Since this group of anti-Qin alliances have been destroyed, there is no need to worry anymore. The anti-Qin elements in the Mojia Organ City will receive reinforcements in the future."

"That's it."

"You can catch a turtle in a urn!"

"All the anti-Qin elements in the Mojia Organ City will be surrounded and wiped out!"

Ying Changge exclaimed.

He and Meng Tian thought almost exactly the same.

Go to the Mojia Organ City as quickly as possible, so as to immediately launch an encirclement and suppression operation.

Before the people in the Mojia Organ City did not respond, they directly broke through the Organ City and completely destroyed all the anti-Qin elements in the Organ City.



"But for now..."

367 "Let's order someone to clean up the battlefield first."

"Less there be a plague on these corpses, which would be troublesome."

After thinking about it, Ying Changge was not in a hurry.

Anyway, for a while and a half, the Mojia Office City would never be able to detect the movement here.

The preparation time left for Ying Changge and the others is still very abundant.

"What your son said is very true."

Meng Tian nodded.


"Before rushing to the Mojia Organ City, I have to carefully prepare a big gift for them."

The expression on Ying Changge's face was intriguing.

"Sir, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Meng Tian looked slightly surprised and couldn't help asking.

"Come on!"

Ying Changge didn't answer, but showed a mysterious smile.


He then ordered several subordinates of the Qin army beside him: "Give me the sword of Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo family, that is, the sword Momei that can only be wielded by the giants of the Mo family."

"A token of a generation of giants that can symbolize and rule the entire Mo family..."

"If it is in my hands, what kind of attitude will the Mojia disciples face me at that time?"

Thinking of this, the smile on Ying Changge's face became more and more strange.

He was looking forward to that scene.

This well-prepared gift will definitely bring a big surprise to the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements! .

Chapter 244 A shocking sword, refreshing Meng Tian's worldview! 【Please customize】

In less than a moment.

Several subordinates followed Ying Changge's instructions and presented the lost Momei, a token belonging to the Mohist giants of all dynasties, to Ying Changge.

Holding Mo Mei's Ying Changge, he felt the coldness of the hilt of Mo Mei's sword, and a faint smell of blood emanated from the blade.

These bloodstains naturally came from Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo clan!

"Not bad work."

"As expected of the only token of the Mohist giants of all dynasties!"

"At least, it's no worse than the famous swords in the Fengbeard Swordsmanship Ranking."

Ying Changge had a smile on his face.


Meng Tian suddenly realized when he saw that the singer Ying Chang was carrying the Mo's tycoon's token, Mo Mei.

It turned out that this great gift prepared by the son was actually Momei!


When that group of Mohist disciples saw that Momei, the token of their past tycoons, actually appeared in the hands of the people of the empire, their faces would definitely become very exciting.

"Young master is really bad fun."

Meng Tian thought to himself.


There is indeed enough to look forward to.

Even Meng Tian expressed great expectations.

He wanted to take a look.

When the Mohist disciples witnessed with their own eyes, when the tokens of their past dynasties appeared in the hands of the young master, what kind of expressions would they show?

"General Meng Tian, ​​order someone to clean up the battlefield first."

Ying Changge then ordered again.

"Yes, son."

Meng Tian nodded.

Next, a large number of iron cavalry soldiers of the empire threw themselves into the battlefield and quickly cleaned up the remaining hideous corpses on the battlefield.

In the process, Ying Changge had another thought.

Without any hesitation, he directly instructed several of his subordinates: "That's right. Remember to take off the head of the Mo family's giant Yan Dan, and at that time, together with the giant's token Mo Mei, it will be a great gift for the Mo family and other anti-Qin remnants."

The words fall.

Meng Tian's eyes flickered, and a smile appeared on his face.


The Mo family and other anti-Qin elements will surely suffer a severe morale blow!

after all.

Even the heads of the giants as strong as the Mo family have been taken down, how can they resist?

The beliefs of the Mohist disciples are naturally the Mohist giants!


Once let them witness with their own eyes, after their faith was killed, the fighting spirit and belief in their hearts will naturally usher in the fate of disintegration.

"This move is absolutely amazing~"!"

"When the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements witness the head of the Mo family giant Yan Dan with their own eyes, they will inevitably fall into extreme panic."

"In this way, the iron cavalry of the empire can easily exterminate them all."

Meng Tian felt emotional.


Several subordinates followed Ying Changge's instructions and raised a **** head to Ying Changge's body.


Reuse the package to wrap the head of Yan Dan.

After doing all this, Meng Yinglai carried the package containing Yan Dan's head.

A faint pungent smell of blood wafts in the air on this side.


The battlefield is cleared.

All the corpses were easily swept away by the imperial cavalry.

"Okay, General Meng Tian, ​​let's get ready to set off for the Mojia Office City."

Ying Changge's mouth moved slightly.

A group of anti-Qin alliances were destroyed by force.

And from the beginning to the end, the empire did not lose anything at all.

It's just that less than a dozen Qin soldiers died, that's all.

This is an almost perfect victory!

Suppressed thousands of anti-Qin elements, but only lost a dozen people.

What is this concept? !

Simply unimaginable!


The biggest credit here is naturally Ying Changge.

If Ying Changge hadn't smashed through the anti-Qin alliance with one sword, the fighting spirit and belief of these anti-Qin alliance members would have been completely defeated.

I'm afraid...

The empire's army of 100,000 cavalry will never completely wipe out this group of anti-Qin elements so simply.

It is even more impossible to just lose a dozen people.

Although the empire's side originally had an overwhelming advantage, the thousands of anti-Qin elements were not vegetarians. If they joined forces, they could also cause a lot of damage to the empire's iron cavalry.


All of this was completely turned around by Ying Changge alone!

He defeated thousands of members of the anti-Qin alliance by himself, shattered the fighting spirit and belief of all of them, and destroyed two-thirds of the people.

It was this shocking sword with the outbreak of Ying Changge that had an unprecedented and huge impact on the anti-Qin alliance.

Only then can the imperial cavalry be forced to completely destroy this group of anti-Qin elements with the loss of a dozen people.

all in all.

The reason why this battle was won so easily, Ying Changge took the biggest credit!

Not to mention.

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