With his feet down steadily, stepping on the soft soil, Ying Changge stretched his arms, feeling the fresh air floating around.

This is a very large forest, and there is a faint scent of flowers in the air.

A wisp of light fragrance blows in the face, which is refreshing.

"What about the Quicksand Organization? Have you seen them?"

Ying Changge asked.

"Father is negotiating with members of the Quicksand Organization."

"It can be seen that the Quicksand Organization has been waiting for us here for a long time."

Meng Ying carefully observed the environment at the scene, and then told Ying Changge truthfully.

Immediately after.

One by one, he got off the carriage and got off the commander Yu Shi Lan, and quietly followed behind Ying Changge.

And Ying Changge took Meng Ying and others to the front of the team step by step.

in a moment……

The domineering arrogance of the perfect grade burst out and spread in an instant, and in just an instant, it quickly enveloped the area of ​​​​the area with a diameter of hundreds of meters.


Ying Changge captured it clearly.

At this moment, the member of the Quicksand Organization who is negotiating with Meng Tian.

Chapter 246 Wei Zhuang: The Seventh Young Master has become even more unfathomable! 【Please customize】

It's Bai Feng!

The one who is negotiating with Meng Tian at the moment is Bai Feng, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization!

In just a split second, Ying Changge, with the perfect domineering arrogance, had insight into the two, including the voice of the two talking, which fell into his ears without reservation.

"It seems..."

"The Quicksands have been waiting here."

Ying Changge had a clear understanding in his heart.

Otherwise, it is impossible that the people from the Quicksand Organization will appear as soon as the iron cavalry army of the empire arrives.

It is clear.

The Quicksand Organization has been waiting here, in order to wait for the iron cavalry of the empire to arrive at the scene before starting to implement the action plan they have already prepared.

"To wait for me?"

Stealing the voices of Meng Tian and Bai Feng talking, Ying Changge's face was slightly surprised.

I can't see it.

The reason why the Quicksand Organization waited here quietly and did not choose to take action against the Mo family in advance was because of Ying Changge's face.

Otherwise, use the quicksand to organize the unruly and arrogant character.

How could they be willing to silently wait for the imperial cavalry army?

"did not expect……"

"Before me, I actually left such a profound deterrent to the Quicksand Organization."

Ying Changge smiled.

This is a very unexpected thing.

Every member of the Quicksand Organization is a rebellious person.

But he was stunned by his own intimidation and convinced.

Thoughts drifted slightly, Ying Changge began to use the perfect arrogance to observe this completely unfamiliar environment around her.

"Is this the entrance to the Mojia Organ City?"

"I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary."

"It's just an ordinary forest."

Even a perfect level of knowledge and domineering can't detect anything unusual in this forest.


This is just the entrance to the Mojia Organ City, and it is still far from the core of the Organ City.


There were no traces of any organs found here.

There is no mechanism, otherwise, if the empire's army of 100,000 iron cavalry suddenly breaks into it, it will inevitably trigger some mechanisms, resulting in heavy losses for the empire's iron cavalry.

But fortunately.

This is obviously still far from the core hinterland of the Mo Family Organ City, and the Mo Family can't tell the energy, so they set up an ambush here.


Ying Changge took Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others behind him and walked to Meng Tian and Bai Feng step by step.


Meng Tian's tone was respectful.

"Seventh Young Master, I haven't seen you for a long time, but your style is still the same."

When she saw Ying Changge's figure, Bai Feng couldn't help lowering his arrogant head.

Rao is Bai Feng, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings. When facing Ying Changge in front of him, he will subconsciously have a deep sense of frustration, which makes him completely unable to be proud.

Only those who have really played against Ying Changge can appreciate his terror and power.

And Bai Feng is obviously one of them.

"Where's Wei Zhuang?"

Ying Changge did not greet Bai Feng, but asked straight to the point.

Hearing this, Bai Feng answered truthfully: "Master Wei Zhuang has been waiting for a long time, and I also asked the young master and General Meng Tian to move a little bit."

During this time, the Quicksand Organization was naturally not idle.

Teaming up with Gongshuqiu, the contemporary head of Gongshujia, the Quicksand Organization is also preparing for a better way to break through the Mojia Organ City.


The only pity is...

After preparing for such a long time, neither the Quicksand Organization nor Gong Shuuqiu have come up with a plan of action that can be very effective against the Mojia Organ City.


When Ying Changge and Meng Tian and their army of 100,000 cavalrymen from the empire arrived at the city, the Quicksand Organization had to dispatch personnel to greet them.

"Let's lead the way then."

Ying Changge nodded.


Bai Feng, dressed in white, took Ying Changge and Meng Tian all the way to the place where Wei Zhuang and his father Xu Qiu and others were.

Shao Siming, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan, Meng Ying and others followed Ying Changge closely. As qualified personal guards, they naturally did not dare to overtake them.


Ying Changge and Meng Tian went smoothly and met with Wei Zhuang, Gong Shuqiu and others.

With the domineering swipe of the perfect-level seeing and hearing, you can clearly see all kinds of information about Wei Zhuang's body.

"Now take a closer look..."

"Weizhuang's strength is not that big of a threat to me."

Ying Changge thought.

after all.

Now he has experienced a confrontation with the invincible powerhouse of the world!

He was alone, and by his own strength, he killed and severely injured two martial arts masters.


simply put.

Ying Changge's strength has undergone tremendous changes since the time he first met Wei Zhuang!

At this moment, if Ying Changge is asked to deal with Wei Zhuang again.

He is confident.

Within 30 moves, Wei Zhuang could be defeated strongly!

Within fifty moves, take Wei Zhuang's life!

This is Ying Changge's strong self-confidence in his current strength.

once Upon a time.

Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie and others, are they an unattainable goal?

But at this moment.

For Ying Changge, neither the Sword Saint Genie nor Wei Zhuang, the Lord of Quicksand, could pose too much threat to him.


Only when the two descendants of the Guigu lineage join forces can they threaten Ying Changge.


Otherwise, in a one-on-one situation.

Ying Changge killing them was as easy as the palm of your hand.

Thinking of this, Ying Changge felt a little emotional.


"I've become so powerful!"

"I don't even need to worry about Gai Nie Weizhuang."

"Under the whole world, the only ones who can become my opponents and threaten my life are those old monsters who are hidden from the world."

such as.

Beimingzi, Guiguzi, Xunzi, etc.

In addition to these old monsters, basically, Ying Changge can do all the powerhouses in the world.

"Mr. Wei Zhuang, I haven't seen you for a long time. You should stay safe."

With his thoughts down a little, Ying Changge spoke first.

"Seventh son is the same."

"Do not!"

Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed, and he took a deep look at Ying Changge with a solemn tone, "To be more precise. It seems that the seventh young master has become much stronger during this period of time!"

"Now, it has given me an unfathomable sense of sight!"

"Compared to that day, it's obviously more than a few times more terrifying!"

Wei Zhuang felt a little heavy.

Although it is not the opposite of Ying Changge.

But seeing Ying Changge, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, his strength suddenly became more terrifying and unfathomable, making Wei Zhuang more or less feel a sense of urgency.

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