
His sixth sense made him feel a looming sense of crisis from Ying Changge.

what does that mean?

it goes without saying! Where.

Chapter 247 How to break through the mechanism city? I am enough! 【Please customize】

"Just haven't seen you for a while..."

"The threat that Seventh Young Master brought to me has become countless times stronger!"

"Now, can I really shake the seventh young master in front of me?"

Wei Zhuang couldn't help but have such an idea.


Want to shake the seventh son in front of you?

too difficult!

Just thinking about it for a while, Wei Zhuang felt unprecedented pressure.

This pressure naturally comes from Ying Changge in front of him.

"What a horrible monster!"

"No wonder it is called the first evildoer of the ages!"

"I haven't seen it for less than half a month, and the strength of this monster has increased to this level."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes..."

"I really can't imagine how terrifying the growth rate of a person's strength can be!"

"It's incredible!"

For a time, Wei Zhuang's head was filled with countless thoughts.

The more "three and eight zeros" he thought about, the more pressure he felt in his heart.

at the same time.

His fear of Ying Changge became stronger and stronger.

no doubt……

Seventh son, he is really an indescribable terrifying monster!

Rao Shi's character has always been as arrogant as Wei Zhuang, and at this moment, he feels an unprecedented sense of frustration from Ying Changge.

He couldn't believe it.

How can there be such a level of enchanting monsters in this world?

Also let other martial arts practitioners live?

If other martial arts practitioners want to improve their strength, it is calculated in one and a half years as a time unit.

And what about the seventh son?

It's only been less than half a month, and the strength has increased a lot? !

What the **** is this monster?

It just doesn't make people live!

Is this the monster?

Long experience!

At this moment.

Wei Zhuang, who once again felt that Ying Changge's strength had improved, suffered a 10,000-fold mental attack, which made the sense of frustration in his heart even stronger.

What is genius?

That's it!

The seventh son in front of him is a true peerless genius!

Do not!

Or rather.

This is a monster!

The first ever!

Unparalleled monster!

"With my current strength..."

"Even if you do your best and have a desperate mentality, you will most likely not be able to shake the seventh young master in front of you!"

"Seventh Young Master, she is really a monster that can't be figured out with common sense!"


He let out a heavy sigh, and Wei Zhuang finally managed to reluctantly suppress the throbbing in his heart and the countless thoughts in his head.

beside him.

There are also Chi Lian, Canglang Wang, Wushuanggui and others from the Quicksand Organization of the Four Heavenly Kings.

And its hidden bats also follow.

Of course they noticed.

Their own old David Village, when facing the Seventh Young Master in front of him just now, showed the expression of fear, fear, and heart palpitations.

"Seventh Young Master is really a terrifying existence!"

"Even Lord Wei Zhuang is so afraid and afraid..."

A member of the quicksand organization thought to himself.

Chi Lian was even more shocked.

She saw it for the first time.

As arrogant and powerful as Wei Zhuang, he could even show such a variety of emotional changes.

"Lord Wei Zhuang, it's rare to be so rude."


"Just meeting the Seventh Young Master again made Lord Wei Zhuang a rare gaffe."


"Master Wei Zhuang noticed the amazing change in the strength of Seventh Young Master, which caused him to show such a gaffe change."

Chi Lian knew Wei Zhuang very well.

It is for this reason.

She quickly deduced the main reason for the change in Wei Zhuang's face.

She can't imagine.

Wei Zhuang of that day could not shake the seventh son in front of him.


After the seventh son's strength ushered in an improvement...

Can Lord Wei Zhuang still fight against Seventh Young Master?

Thinking of this, Chi Lian's lips trembled slightly.

Although she didn't want to admit it.

But she had to admit this indisputable fact.

The current Lord Wei Zhuang...

I'm afraid, it is far from being the opponent of Seventh Young Master!

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster is this?"

Chi Lian looked at Ying Changge with lingering fears.

Seven young masters at such a young age...

Is it already above Lord Wei Zhuang? !

I'm afraid this is not a dream!

for a while.

The quicksand organization has a complicated mood, and the mood changes wildly.


Everyone also noticed this strange atmosphere.


This strange atmosphere was broken by Gong Shuqiu next to him: "Young Master, you are finally here."

He looked at Ying Changge, unable to contain the deep sense of admiration and admiration.

"You haven't been idle for a while now, have you?"

Ying Changge asked with a smile, "It's been almost half a month, have you gained anything? Have you thought of a way to break through the Mojia government city?"

Words fall 0.....

Gong Zuoqiu had an embarrassed look on his face, and was speechless.

"Let your son laugh."

"During this period of time, we have imagined countless ways to break through the Mojia government, but we have never been able to think of a surefire way."

"According to the analysis of the head of Gongshu."

"The most important thing in the Mojia Organ City is the water source!"

"As long as the water source inside the mechanism city is destroyed, the mechanism city will be self-defeating."

After a moment of silence, Wei Zhuang spoke up.


"Your plan is to manipulate the water source of the Mo family?"

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

This is exactly the same as the original plan!

Start with the water source of the Mojia Organ City, so as to disintegrate the internal organs of the Mojia Organ City, and let the water source emit poisonous gas, completely paralyzing all Mojia disciples.

As such.

The empire can annihilate this group of anti-Qin elements with minimal losses.


In the end it failed.

A large part of the anti-Qin elements still fled.

In Ying Changge's view, this plan is also a good strategy.


"Starting with the water source inside the Mojia Organ City, the internal organs of the Mojia Organ City were paralyzed."

"This is the detailed process of the entire plan."

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