"It's not my fault at all..."

"Who knew that the seventh son would be such a monster!"

"I'm desperate too!"

Compared with Ying Changge, Gong Suqiu was deeply aware.

His own so-called genius of organ technique is actually just a joke.

"Actually, Seventh Young Master did it!"

"It's unbelievable!"

Wei Zhuang took a deep breath and was deeply moved by the emotion and gaffe.

He also remembered.

The head of the public loser, the leader of the public loser, spent half a month here, but could not find any useful information or traces.

But in the hands of Seventh Young Master.

In just a moment, the Seventh Young Master pierced through the essence of the organ here, and thus found a way to open the gate of the Mo Family's organ city.

Compare carefully.

Wei Zhuang felt it.

What **** is Gongzuiqiu!


Wei Zhuang would never simply think that.

It's too bad to lose revenge.

He is more inclined to...

The seventh son, Ying Changge, is too scary!

It would seem that the head of the public loser, the leader of the public loser, is so inferior.

That's all.

"It's too embarrassing!"

Wei Zhuang looked at Gong Suqiu, who was full of frustration, with pity on his face.

In the area I am most proud of...

Being defeated so easily by others!


Gongzuoqiu's mood at the moment must be very desperate, right? .

Chapter 251 Under the whole world, all organs are invalid to me! 【Please customize】

Just as Wei Zhuang guessed.

Gong Zuoqiu was deeply disappointed.


He suddenly thought.

"What do I compare to a monster~?"

"In this world, who can be compared with the Seventh Young Master?"


"The seventh son is the number one evildoer in the ages!"

"I'm waiting for a common man, how can I compare it with a monster like Seventh Young Master? Isn't this courting death?"

"I'm really swollen, I actually dare to compare myself with Seventh Young Master."


After exhaling heavily, Gong Shuqiu found an excuse to comfort himself.

With the passage of the Mojia Organ City opened, the passage was dark, and it was almost impossible to reach out, making people dare not try to set foot in it.

"Master, do you really want to enter?"

Meng Tian couldn't help but ask.

He glanced at the dark and bottomless passage, only to feel the hairs on his back.

He can be sure.

There must be countless dangerous and unparalleled mechanisms hidden in the passages here!

If you are a little careless, you will definitely lose the bones and be wiped out by the organs here.

Although the Mohist institution adheres to the way of benevolence and humility, it does not mean that the Mohist institution will really treat foreign intruders with kindness.

This is a joke!

When dealing with any intruder, the agency will definitely take killing the opponent as the ultimate goal.

And in this dark passage in front of him, there must be thousands of terrifying organs buried in it.

It's so dark inside...

Can the seventh son really pass here?


"You are all right behind me..."

"Keep a distance of about twenty steps from me."

"There is basically no threat from any agency where I have walked!"

Ying Changge didn't have too many words, and the words were short and crisp.


under the eyes of the people.

He stepped out and formally stepped into the dimly lit passage ahead.

That is...

Officially entered the Mojia Organ City!

Although it is only the entrance of the gateway city, it is already a part of the city.

The most dangerous place in the Mojia Organ City is naturally the entrance passage.

There are countless organs throughout the passage.

Any slight movement will trigger the hidden mechanism here, thus ushering in a devastating and fatal blow.

The Mohist disciples of all dynasties spent hundreds of years of painstaking efforts to finally condense the entire passage of the organs. The organs inside are complex and varied, and the degree of danger is even more different.

If you want to pass through the passage, it is almost impossible for outsiders to do it, except for the Mojia disciples.

Even the head of the Gongshu family, Gongshuoqiu, would not dare to break into it arbitrarily and forcefully break into this passage.


Ying Changge is an exception!

No one can be like him.

Directly penetrate the essence and main structure of the mechanism...


Ying Changge walked into the passage one step at a time, walking further and further away.


Everyone's throat was dry, watching Ying Changge's back gradually lead into the passage.

"Be careful!"

Meng Tian clenched his fists tightly, his face full of worry and nervousness.

Meng Tian is the same.

at the same time.

With Ying Changge set foot on the channel.

A burst of golden candles were suddenly lit in the passages on both sides, and the candles fluttered, emitting a golden halo, illuminating the entire dim passage.

The dim environment was quickly dissipated.

A little golden halo illuminates the entire passage.


For Ying Changge, it was the same with or without candles in the passage.


He did not rely on eye vision to gain insight into the environment in the passage.

But by virtue of...

The perfect level of sight and domineering!

Use the flawless sight and sound to carefully observe the passage that is full of organs in the Mojia Organ City.

This is Ying Changge's biggest reliance.


When the footsteps paused for a moment, the corner of Ying Changge's mouth curved slightly.

Appeared in front of him, a special ground formed of countless floor tiles, with very different colors, arranged here without any swiftness.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, and naturally it can penetrate the mechanisms under these floor tiles in an instant.

The secrets and structures of all institutions...

There will be no way to escape!

It was clearly mastered by Ying Changge!


Ying Changge simply stepped forward and stepped on one of the floors.


After stepping on the floor, there was no response from any agency.

Everything was as expected by Ying Changge.

The floor tiles under the feet are covered with organs, and the walls on both sides are also covered with organs.

Can see clearly.

The walls on both sides have numerous dense perforations.


The organs inside these perforations can be manipulated to fire arrows at will.

Once the mechanism of the floor tile is triggered, the mechanism of the walls on both sides will also respond accordingly.

This is to pull one hair and move the whole body.

Whenever an organ is triggered, all the remaining organs will be pulled at the same time, causing a series of organs to operate.

all in all.

Either do not trigger the mechanism, or trigger all the mechanisms at the same time!


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