There are only two possibilities!

And this is also the reason why it is difficult to crack the organs of the Mojia Organ City.

If only a single organ operates, many people can break through.

But if there are countless organs running at the same time, even the martial arts master will have to hate it on the spot.

"Even the ceiling above the head has a mechanism..."

"It's really dangerous!"

Ying Changge smiled.

He stepped on the first floor tile without a mechanism smoothly, so the mechanism mechanism here was not triggered.

If you want to break through this organization position, you can only pass by stepping on the floor tiles under your feet.

Even if it is light work, it is impossible to traverse this organizational position.

Once Qinggong is activated, the ceiling above the head will immediately sense it, and thus, the mechanism that pulls the floor tiles and the walls and ceilings on both sides will operate at the same time.

By the time.

All the interlocking subtle mechanisms in the entire passage will swarm to attack at the same time!


"No matter how dangerous a mechanism is, no matter how complicated and complicated the mechanism is, no matter how subtle the mechanism is..."

"It means nothing to me!"

"Under the whole world, any institution is invalid for me!"

"Including the organs of the Mojia Organ City."

Ying Changge burst out laughing.

An institution that is extremely dangerous to outsiders...

to him.

It's like a child playing at home!

Basically no threat! Where.

Chapter 252 To me, the Mojia Organ City is nothing more than that! 【Please customize】

second step...

It slowly landed on the second floor tile.

Ying Changge's face was calm, and there was no change in his expression during the whole process.

Even if you know that, even if this side takes any wrong step, it will trigger a terrifying follow-up impact, causing countless agencies to come out.

However, his mentality is still very plain and natural.


only because……

He has penetrated all the organs in this area!

As long as it is within the shrouded range of the perfection-level arrogance and domineering, all organs are without exception, and all the secrets in the core essence will not be able to escape.

Detected by Ying Changge's clear penetration!

The main structure inside these organs will be dissected into countless fragments by the perfect level of knowledge and domineering, which will be infinitely enlarged and presented in Ying Changge's mind.

in this way.

How could he "Three Eight Zeros" care that the organs here are triggered?

is equivalent to.

All the organs were seen through by Ying Changge.

For the triggering mechanism of any of the organs here, Ying Changge knows all about it.

In this case, of course he doesn't need to care about the organs here.

Because every step, he can pinpoint the correct organ channel with great precision!

Compared with the disciples of the Mo family, they must have a better understanding of the organs here!

This is the advantage of Ying Changge.

It is also the source of his confidence that he can easily break through all the organs in the world.

"The Mo family organization?"

"But so."

Ying Changge chuckled lightly.

Lift your footsteps, and the third step falls again.

as always……

Still haven't touched the mechanism here at all.

If you don't know, when you see that Ying Changge is so easy, they will cross the entire passage. Maybe they also think that the organs in the Mojia Organ City passage are nothing more than this.

But it is not.

There are a large number of organs in the entire passage, and the investigation is based on Ying Changge's perfect level of knowledge and domineering.

The total number of organs here is at least no less than hundreds!


Within this short passage, there are no less than a hundred kinds of Mojia organs, each of which is just interlocking, so that they are connected together.

Formed a large organization formation group!

Even the invincible powerhouse in the world, once rashly intrudes and touches the organs here, is very likely to experience a situation of nine deaths.


For Ying Changge.

The extremely dangerous organs here are completely unable to bring him any threat.

"too easy!"

"The so-called prestigious Mojia Organ City is not as tenacious as I imagined."

"At least."

"For me, there is no threat to these institutions in the city."

Ying Changge traversed the entire dark passage step by step.

Under the light of golden candles scattered on the walls on both sides.

Ying Changge's figure seemed to be walking in the back garden of his own house. There was almost no slack in the whole process, and he easily crossed more than half of the entire passage.

Wherever you go...

Not a single organ was triggered!

This is the terrifying thing about the domineering look of the perfect grade.

Let all the main structures of the organs here be magnified clearly in Ying Changge's mind.

He can see very clearly.

Those loopholes left by all the organs here!


Full of loopholes!


In less than a moment.

Ying Changge had already walked to a place more than 30 meters away from this passage, and there was almost no pause in the whole process.

Even so, he still did not trigger the mechanism here.

not difficult to see.

The agencies here really do not pose any threat to Ying Changge.

A slight breeze blew lightly, rolling the golden candles hanging on the walls on both sides, and then fluttering, causing the golden light scattered on the ground to change in shape.

"It's time to inform General Meng Tian and the others, and let them follow the route I passed, and then let the army of 100,000 iron cavalry traverse the entire passage."

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

In this way, if you want to break through the Mojia Organ City, and lead an army of 100,000 iron cavalry into the Organ City to kill the Quartet, it is simply too easy.

Presumably the Mo family disciples and the others never dreamed of it.

The Mo Family's official city, which they were proud of, would appear so vulnerable in front of an outsider!

Easily, all the organs here were broken by Ying Changge!

"You have to leave an accurate route in advance, so that General Meng Tian can follow these routes to cross the passage 0..."

Ying Changge had a plan in mind.


He faced the end of the dark passage.

The most urgent task now is to capture the correct path of the entire passage first!

In this way, a safe passage can be left, and Meng Tian, ​​who was given to the latecomers, led an army of 100,000 iron cavalry from the empire to pass through this safe passage.

As a result, they reached the inner core area of ​​the Mojia Organ City.

Although the space inside the Mojia Organ City may not be able to accommodate the 100,000 Imperial Iron Cavalry army, it is still very easy to accommodate at least tens of thousands of elite soldiers of the Empire.

As long as tens of thousands of elite soldiers of the empire are dispatched, these so-called anti-Qin elements in the city will naturally become the target of siege and annihilation.

And the rest of the Imperial Knights...

Then you can stay on the periphery of the Mojia Organ City.

Let them surround this area for hundreds of miles to prevent Mohist disciples from escaping.

In this battle, we must ensure that all anti-Qin elements are wiped out!

And this is also the primary goal of Ying Changge.

The main goals of his trip are...

Xiang Yu!

Fan Zeng!

Xiang Liang!

Sword Saint Genie!

Mo family leader!

These are the primary targets of Ying Changge's eradication.

If all these people are killed, then Ying Changge can be sure.

His template fusion degree will inevitably improve to a higher progress!

It must be able to unlock 4.9 smoothly, the fourth ability of the blind swordsman!

As for the fourth ability?

Then it is unknown.

All in all, any ability that comes from a blind swordsman is naturally the best of the best.

Ying Changge was very much looking forward to it.

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