
After gently exhaling, Ying Changge suppressed many thoughts in his head.

He took another step forward, step by step toward the end of the dark passage ahead.

Unhindered all the way…


It doesn't mean.

There are no organs in this passage, but these organs have been avoided by him very skillfully.

If there is no mechanism that has been triggered, naturally its whereabouts will not be revealed.

All the way to hundreds of meters away from the passage, Ying Changge did not trigger any mechanism.

Chapter 253: Pushing the Mojia Organ City! Make it your own back garden! 【Please customize】

"The places I've walked just now, if you add up, it's worth it."

"Preliminary conservative estimates,"

"I have probably avoided five hundred kinds of organs!"

Ying Changge's expression was weird.


He made a comprehensive calculation of the organs along the way.

Including the ground, wall, ceiling and other places, the number of organs converted comprehensively is as high as more than 500 kinds.


He did not trigger the extremes of these organs along the way.

A hot sword.

Naturally, these organs were easily avoided by him.

"Does this count as me, I pushed the entire Mojia government city all the way?"

Ying Changge thought with great interest.


He started to think.

If the organs in this passage can be destroyed, then letting Meng Tian lead an army of tens of thousands of iron cavalry to break into the Mo family would be much simpler.

In this way, it can be ensured that there will be no accidents.

after all.

If the machinery here hadn't been damaged...

Tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the empire broke in at the same time. Even if they knew where there was a mechanism, there was still a risk of rashly triggering the mechanism.

To know.

05 All the organs here are pulling one hair and moving the whole body.

Once a mechanism is activated, the second mechanism, the third, the fourth...

All the organs in succession will be triggered at the same time!

At that time, it is very likely that all the elite soldiers of the empire in the passage will be involved in the mechanism that has been triggered rashly, resulting in heavy losses to the empire.

And this is obviously not what Ying Changge wants to see.

"It has to be a way to destroy the institutions here..."

Ying Changge wiped his chin and fell into contemplation.

His mind moved.


Invisible air waves spread.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, and has a more accurate insight into the surrounding organizations.

well known.

In the interlocking mechanism, there will be a central control device for the main body.

Once this central control device is destroyed, all the interlocking mechanisms will be destroyed and destroyed, and the original attack effect will be lost.


The Chinese and Western control devices of this channel are Ying Changge's next main goal.

If this trip, he just wants to break into the Mojia Organ City alone.

Naturally, there was no pressure on him.


In his heart, he was more inclined to completely destroy the organs in the Mojia Organ City, so that Meng Tian could lead tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the empire to break into the Organ City.

"In this passage, there must be a central control device for the mechanism. This control device is the core that guides all mechanisms!"

"All the interlocking organs must go through the operation of this device, so that the whole body can be affected by one stroke."


"This central control is the most important thing."

"And I only need to destroy it to ensure that all the organs here fail."

"In this way, it is also safer for the soldiers of the empire to pass through the passage and reach the core hinterland of the Mojia Organ City, so as to launch an encirclement and suppression operation against the anti-Qin elements."

Ying Changge had a plan in mind.

If only considering him alone, of course he can easily penetrate the entire city without hindrance.

But he wasn't going to do it.

after all.

He didn't want to be alone, to face tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements.

How many anti-Qin elements are dormant in the Mojia government city?

At least more than 10,000!

do not forget.

The number of Mohist disciples was quite large, and there were also the army led by the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State, as well as people from all corners of the world.

The number of these people should be close to 10,000 people.



There are also countless Mo clan leaders, as well as the top-level powerhouse swordsman Gai Nie.

Although now, with the terrifying power that Ying Changge holds, even if he really wants to deal with these people, he does not have any possibility of defeat.

But it's still a hassle.

He can fight against tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements alone, and he can be invincible, but he will never be able to wipe out all the anti-Qin elements.


These anti-Qin elements can't beat Ying Changge, but they can still take the opportunity to escape.

And Ying Changge, no matter how strong one person is.

He also couldn't stop these anti-Qin elements from fleeing.

If they missed the opportunity to kill Xiang Yu and others, that would be the biggest loss for Ying Changge.

Ying Changge has never been forgotten.

His core purpose and goal is not to exterminate these anti-Qin elements.


Xiang Yu, Fan Zeng, Xiang Liang and other important roles.

They are Ying Changge's primary target.

If the opportunity to kill these important people is missed because of the eradication of these anti-Qin elements, Ying Changge will probably regret it too late.

It is with these circumstances in mind.

He didn't have a choice, he broke into the city alone and killed the Quartet.

Although he does have this strength, he still feels that it should be safe.

Letting tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the empire come to surround the anti-Qin elements in the Mojia government city was the safest solution in his heart.


"My top priority right now is to destroy all the organs in the Mojia Organ City Passage along the way."

"Destroy the mechanism here and clear an absolutely safe passage. Let the elite soldiers of the empire safely cross the passage and rush to the core hinterland of the city."

"This is what I'm going to do."

Ying Changge thought.

After making a decision in his heart, he began to concentrate on manipulating the perfect-level arrogance.

Spread the domineering arrogance of the perfect grade, and continue to investigate the hidden organizations around.

Find the central control device of that group mechanism!

It is the core goal of Ying Changge!

As long as it is found, then next, it is simply easier to think that the 380 will destroy the mechanism of this entire passage.


Ying Changge traversed the dangerous passage all the way through the organs, and from the beginning to the end, did not trigger the organs and mechanisms everywhere in this passage.

This dangerous passage, which is full of organs in the Mojia Organ City, has been regarded by Ying Changge as his own back garden, and he walked through it like walking on the ground.

If outsiders were to see Ying Changge's deeds at this moment, they would be scared and dumbfounded on the spot.

How dangerous are the organs in the Mojia Organ City?

This point is known to almost everyone in the world.

If outsiders break into it, they will surely die!

There are even no bones left!

This can be imagined.

In the eyes of countless outsiders in the world, what a terrifying deterrent these institutions in the Mojia Organ City have.

But today.

The rumored incomparable danger of the Mojia government city was trampled by Ying Changge, an outsider, like his own back garden!

Just ask.

What is this concept?

Simply unimaginable!

Time flies by.

Hard work pays off…


After spending less than half an hour, Ying Changge finally successfully found the location of the core control devices of all the organs in the entire passage.

"found it!"

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