"It's not in vain that I searched for so long...".

Chapter 254: The Armed Colors Are Domineering Again! Break! 【Please customize】



The golden candles fluttered, and scattered golden spots were printed on the ground.

Ying Changge's footsteps paused for a moment, quietly standing on the edge of the wall.

He was facing the wall, and he was arrogant and domineering, almost completely covering the wall.

And here...

It was the place he found, the exact location where the central organ control device was stored.

As long as the central control device is destroyed, then the hundreds of interlocking mechanisms in the entire passage will naturally collapse and collapse.

No matter how subtle and mysterious the mechanism is, it will be affected by this central device.

It is the existence of this device that allows all the organs of the entire passage to be connected. Whenever any one of the organs is touched, it will cause all the organs of the entire passage to operate.

Everything is because of this central organ device.

"As long as it is destroyed, General Meng Tian will be able to lead the iron cavalry army and officially set foot in the city."

"Maybe the Mojia Organ City can't accommodate a full 100,000 iron cavalry army, but it can accommodate tens of thousands of iron cavalry elite soldiers, but it is still more than enough."

"My purpose is to destroy all the organs along the way and leave an absolutely safe passage for all the iron knights of the empire."

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

Within the domineering range of his perfect-level knowledge, the gears and main structures of all the surrounding organs will be deeply penetrated by him without being able to hide.

It is with this perfect level of knowledge that he can easily do it.

Originating from these hundreds of organs, we traced the line connecting these organs to each other, and finally found the most central central organ device in this place.

All the mechanisms in this channel will be connected to this mechanism device.

simply put.

This is a transfer station.

Destroy the transfer station, and the organs here will be paralyzed.

This is the goal of Ying Changge.

"let's start……"

Ying Changge suppressed the thoughts in his head a little, and didn't think about it too much.

The most urgent task is to destroy this central organ device.

And let the tens of thousands of iron cavalry troops of the empire smoothly enter the passage in the Mojia government city.

Thinking of this, Ying Changge used his perfect knowledge and domineering arrogance, and carefully began to analyze and observe the central mechanism hidden in the wall.


There are countless secret messages about the mechanism device, as well as the three-dimensional diagram after the analysis...

It appeared very clearly in Ying Changge's mind.

Including its weaknesses and loopholes, it also gives Ying Changge a clear insight without reservation.


Under the domineering investigation at the perfect level, Ying Changge quickly mastered the weaknesses and loopholes of the entire central mechanism.

"Preliminary conservative estimate...~"..."

"It only takes about ten breaths to successfully crack the mechanism here."

A smile appeared on Ying Changge's face.

He already knew this institution like the back of his hand.

All the secrets of the agency will be clearly discerned by him.


It's time to start eradicating this trap.


Ying Changge slowly raised his right hand, and in a single thought, the terrifying power in his body began to revolve rapidly, and the surging Innate True Qi gathered on his right arm.


This power transforms into even more violent power!

next second.

A layer of black liquid-like substance quickly wrapped around Ying Changge's right arm, exuding a particularly cold and stern aura.


Black liquid substance, transformed into black solid.

Armed color, start!

A layer of black armed-color armor wrapped Ying Changge's entire right arm.


It feels as rich as black jade!

Incredibly smooth!

The right arm was wrapped in perfect-grade armed-color armor, so that Ying Changge could feel that the entire right arm was filled with unparalleled terrifying power.

If you move, you can easily smash and collapse the wall next to it.

This is the terrifying part of the domineering perfection-level armed color!

Contains endless power and destructive power!

Ying Changge clenched his right fist slightly.

He could feel that the power wrapped in his fist was almost capable of destroying everything in the world and destroying everything.

"Everything is ready."

Ying Changge used his right hand, which was wrapped in black armor, to directly probe towards the wall next to him.

A wisp of gray smoke rose like water vapor, emitting from the armed-colored armor that wrapped Ying Changge's right arm.


Grab one hand directly to the edge of the wall.



Accompanied by a slight sound.

The incomparably hard wall was actually pierced by Ying Changge's right hand.

It's just like……

Pierced a piece of tofu!

No hindrance!

There was no slack in the whole process.

For Ying Changge at this moment, the passage in the Mo Family's Organ City was not even blocked.

With ease, you can directly penetrate a fist-sized hole.

Even more fragile than tofu!

Before Ying Changge exerted any force, her right hand shredded the exterior of the wall.

This made him very surprised.

"`〃Is this the power of armed arrogance?"

"It's terrifyingly strong!"

"No wonder..."

"Even these magical weapons on the Fengbeard Sword Manual Ranking list can be destroyed wantonly."

"This amazing destructive power is too amazing."

Ying Changge was filled with emotion.

Even though he had been aware of the power of the armed color for a long time, when he realized the terrifying power of this power again, he couldn't help but be deeply moved and amazed.

The wall of this passage was directly pierced by one of his hands.

have to say.

Such destructive power is almost indestructible! (good money)

Defeating the wall gave Ying Changge the feeling that it was like probing into the lake with his hands. There was no obstacle in the whole process, and he easily grabbed his right hand into the wall.


Ying Changge's right hand extended again.

At this moment, his entire right arm was completely wrapped in armed-color armor. Naturally, the wall could not hinder his movements, and was constantly torn and shattered by inch by inch.



Bursts of crisp and pleasant voices sounded, spreading in all directions.

In this silent passage, the pleasant sound is particularly harsh.

I see.

One after another shattered cracks, cracks spread all over the surface of the entire wall, and the dense traces are like spider webs, which is horrifying.

Countless stone fragments were scattered and fell from the wall.


Ying Changge felt that his right hand seemed to have grabbed an object similar to a gear.

Chapter 255: Mo Family Organism Technique? The result is this? 【Please customize】

"found it!"

The smile on his face grew brighter.

This gear-like object is the transfer station that maintains all the organs of the entire passage.

All organs need to go through the operation of this gear to ensure that the whole body can be affected by one stroke.

simply put.

This gear is actually the central device of the organ that Ying Changge mentioned before!

The key that can dominate the operation of all organs in the entire passage.

Hundreds of thousands of mechanisms in the channel actually have to go through the operation of this gear in order to exert the original power effect of the mechanism.

Once it is damaged, the rest of the organs in the passage will naturally be paralyzed, thus losing their original utility.

It is vital to the organs here in the passage!

In short.

It is the most important core in the channel!

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