"Definitely the right thing to do!"

The two siblings thought to themselves.


In the huge hall, thousands to tens of thousands of people gathered together.

The elite soldiers of the empire also set foot here one after another.

When they realized that no mechanism was triggered at the scene, tens of thousands of imperial soldiers were amazed.

The eyes they looked at Ying Changge became even more adoring.

"Young Master is really a god!"

"Even the prestigious Mo Family Office City can't help the son, let alone stop the son's footsteps."

"too strong!"

"Young master is indeed a monster!"

"The so-called Mojia Organ City? It's nothing more than that. In front of our son, he is simply vulnerable and has almost no threat."

"There are countless people who practice martial arts in the world, and they all respect and revere the Mo family's mechanism city. But how could they have thought that the mechanism city that made them terrified, in the hands of our son, would be a fart!"

"Have thousands of mechanisms cracked in half an hour, do you dare to imagine what this concept is?"

"This difficulty is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack!"

"But it is such a difficult thing, but it is easy for Seventh Young Master to do it, and the whole process is even effortless."


The elite soldiers of the empire, with their expressions of admiration and awe, looked at Ying Changge's young figure in white.

the other side.

After seeing the domineering look and seeing that everyone set foot in the hall, Ying Changge did not choose to stay here any longer.

He turned around abruptly and gave instructions to the people behind him.

"Let's go."

Not surprisingly……

Ying Changge and the others are getting closer and closer to the core hinterland of the Mojia Organ City!

The imperial elite army will launch an encirclement and suppression operation against the anti-Qin elements, and it will be officially launched soon!


Ying Changge took a step forward.


Gong Shuqiu, Meng Tian, ​​Wei Zhuang and others followed closely.

They each followed in the footsteps of Ying Changge with amazement, shock and awe.

After what happened just now, all of them no longer doubted.

Seven sons...

It is really possible to forcibly destroy all the organs of the Mojia Organ City from the front!

With his own strength, he will completely break down and disintegrate the Mojia government!

Originally thought it was a fantasy.

until now.

They suddenly woke up.

This is not a dream!

Seventh Young Master is really able to do it, this is a terrifying act that shocks the world.

at this point.

No one could imagine it before.

Including Gong Zuoqiu, he does not think that the son can really break through the city without going forward.

But now.

Something he couldn't imagine himself.

It is being transformed into reality step by step!

In the hands of the Seventh Young Master, turn the rotten into a miraculous!

thought here.

Gong lost Qiu was excited.

He vaguely realized.

It is very likely that he is witnessing the birth of the only record in the millennium!

The Mojia Organ City that no one has ever been able to attack head-on...

Coming soon to today.

Was forcibly attacked from the front!

This is a terrifying incident that is enough to detonate the rivers and lakes!

"What a loser can't do..."

"Will you see it on the Seventh Young Master?"

To break through the Mojia Organ City, this is what the heads of the Gongshu family have always wanted to do.

after all.

Gongshujia and Mojia had a feud for many years.

Gong Loser has always wanted to prove that the overbearing mechanism is far superior to the Mojia mechanism.


Gong loses hatred.

He might actually have to see it with his own eyes.

The behavior that the losers have been completely unable to do for hundreds of years.

Now, it is about to be realized by a young man who is not a mechanic!

The mechanical city that the losers can't break!

About to be defeated by the seventh son alone!

Such a shocking move is definitely enough to set off a huge turmoil in the entire Jianghu!

"Seventh Young Master is setting a record!"

"The first record in thousands of years!"

"No one has ever been able to break through the Mo Family's Organ City from the front, and this record will be broken by the Seventh Young Master today!"

Gong Shuqiu clenched his fists subconsciously, his eyes filled with a strong sense of anticipation.

He couldn't wait to see it.

The Mo family was proud of the city, which was forcibly destroyed from the front by an outsider from the Seventh Young Master.

By the time.

What kind of wonderful expressions will those hateful guys from the Mo family show?

Really looking forward to it!


old man...

You are finished!

Your Mo family is proud of the city, which is about to be breached by an outsider!


This time, your face will be very wonderful!

Didn't you say that the city is impregnable? Will never be attacked from the front by outsiders?

Really looking forward to it.

Wait until you see the scene where the Seventh Young Master is alone, forcibly breaking through your Organ City from the front.

The greatest pride in the hearts of you Mohist disciples...

In fact, in front of Seventh Young Master, he was simply vulnerable!

The greatest pride of the Mo family will also be stomped and rubbed on the ground by the Seventh Young Master.

The dignity of the Mo family?

What is this?


The dignity of the Mo family is only worthy of being stomped on by the Seventh Young Master!

The so-called famous Mojia government city?

But so!


In front of the Seventh Young Master, these organs in Organ City are simply weak and pitiful.

"Our public losers plan to be unable to break through the city for a hundred years..."

"But Seventh Young Master did it effortlessly!"

"what does that mean?"

Gong Shuqiu took a deep breath, his eyes filled with admiration.

Gongshujia has spent hundreds of years to study in order to break through the city.


In the end, he has always been at a loss for the Mo family's mechanism city!

And the greatest obsession of all the heads of the Gongshu family in the past dynasties is to crack the Mo family's mechanism city!

But the public loses hatred never expected.

at last.

He was about to see it with his own eyes.

A young outsider who wants to completely subvert the entire Mo family's organ city!

What the head of the public loser in the past dynasties could not do, was done by a young man who was still in the weakest years!

This made Gong Zuqiu have to sigh with emotion.

The world is impermanent!

Such a terrifying monster like the Seventh Young Master cannot be figured out with common sense.

"no doubt……"

"Seventh son, he is a terrifying evildoer across the ages!"

this moment.

The back of Ying Changge, who was walking in the forefront, appeared in the eyes of Gong Shuqiu, which was extraordinarily stalwart and lofty, making the latter want to surrender and worship from the bottom of his heart.

Ever since he saw the seventh son Ying Changge, Gong Zuoqiu gradually began to believe it.

this world...

There is indeed a peerless genius monster that is capable of completely subverting the scope of common sense cognition!

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