And Seventh Young Master, is obviously such a terrifying evildoer! Where.

Chapter 272 Is this solved? Confused all over the place! 【Please customize】

After half an hour.

Ying Changge and the others successfully arrived at the third organ passage.

After instructing Meng Tian and others to stay where they were, Ying Changge stepped forward and stepped into the position of the third organ in front of him.

in a moment……


The invisible air waves swept and spread in all directions.

In just a short moment, the domineering arrogance of the perfect level of knowledge penetrated all the hidden organs around.

Preliminary conservative estimate.

"The number is about..."

"Two thousand organs are linked together!"

Ying Changge smiled.

It is really difficult one level after another!

Difficulty is rising!


The Mo family must have spent a lot of money to build such a large-scale organization back then, right?


can be inferred.

Ying Changge and others are getting closer and closer to the core hinterland of Mojia Organ City!

In the second half of the passage, there probably won't be too many organs left to hinder it.

after all.

The few organs left by the Mo Family for hundreds of years are enough to stop outside intruders.


After Ying Changge breaks through the organs here, the rest of the second half of the road will probably not be so difficult.

The first two organs that Ying Changge easily broke through were enough to completely block the tens of thousands of iron cavalry troops, and even prevent the masters of the martial arts master level from breaking into it.

In this way, creating more organs is just a waste of human and material resources.

"As long as the mechanism here is solved, it will be much easier in the future."

Ying Changge thought.

Within the coverage of his perfection-level arrogance and domineering, one can keenly see the main structure of these organs hidden around...

Including the interlocking connection points of these organs, all the secrets will be impossible to hide!

There are no secrets that can escape the domineering investigation of the perfect class.

As long as Ying Changge's thoughts move, he can accurately and completely investigate these organs, and all the secrets and loopholes are presented in his mind.

Just like breaking through the front two positions at the beginning.

Seeing the domineering swept away, Ying Changge already had a solution in his heart.

There are a total of 2,000 organs interlocking together, which is extremely subtle and mysterious, and the difficulty of cracking is obviously more than dozens of times higher than the previous one.


For Ying Changge, it is equally easy to crack the mechanism here.

All the agencies in the world cannot escape the insight of the domineering and domineering!

There is no doubt about this.

The three-dimensional detailed diagrams after the analysis of the organs continued to pour into Ying Changge's forehead, allowing him to know the organs here instantly.

"found it!"

Soon, the smile on Ying Changge's face became extraordinarily bright.

Since he set foot here in less than a dozen breaths, he has already seen the common connection point of all the organs here.

That is...

The core device that keeps more than 2,000 organs running at the same time!

As long as this core device is destroyed, the more than 2,000 organs here will inevitably collapse and face the end of paralysis.

Change it to be any one in the world, a master of mechanical skills with a consummate mastery of mechanical attainment!

Even the class master with the strongest attainments in Mohist contemporary mechanics.

Let him personally participate in the matter of destroying the core device of the mechanism here...

He would also be powerless.

There are too many organs here.

How difficult is it to find a core device in an organization like a sea of ​​people?

it goes without saying.


Ying Changge can do it!


According to the correct route analyzed by the perfect level of knowledge and domineering, Ying Changge walked to the front center step by step.

After a while.

He stopped abruptly.

In one thought, the armed color domineering poured directly into his feet.

Black armour-colored armor wrapped around his right foot.


Lift your right foot.

Suddenly, he stomped on the floor tiles violently.


With a loud bang.

The entire floor tile was instantly shattered and broken.

The traces of cracks spread, like a spider web, all over the four directions.

A burst of dust followed and rose, floating in all directions.

like an earthquake.

This area of ​​more than 100 meters was affected by this terrifying shock.

Immediately after.



A burst of crisp and pleasant sounds rang out.

Under the shattered floor tiles under Ying Changge's feet, a bronze gear suddenly shattered and burst, turning into countless pieces of debris scattered in various places.  …


A slight murmur circulates.

The bronze gear shattered and turned into countless wrecks...

a time.

The smoke and dust billowed around, obscuring Ying Changge's figure.

quite a while.

As the smoke dissipated.

Ying Changge withdrew his armed domineering in a single thought, turned around, and faced Meng Tian and the others who were dazed and stunned behind, and directly ordered: "Let's go on."

Finished talking.

Didn't wait for everyone to react.

He took care of himself and walked to the farther passage step by step by himself.

only left……

The debris of gears scattered all over the place scattered in every corner.


There is also a terrifying deep pit on the ground, which was directly shattered by one foot, forming a semi-circular pit with a diameter of several meters.

One after another dense spider web cracks spread all over the place.

This scene is creepy.


Ying Changge's footsteps followed, and he walked to a farther place step by step.

Everyone stared blankly at his back.

The atmosphere is quiet!

The audience was silent!

Silent as if you could hear the faint sound of the heart beating.


With the back of Ying Changge walking away, Meng Tian and the others suddenly woke up.

"This this!"

Meng Tian's throat was dry and he couldn't help swallowing.

His eyes were wide and round, and he stared blankly at the collapsed and sunken ground in front of him, unable to look away for a long time, his face was full of horror.

"Is this solved?!"

Beside Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying was also dumbfounded and blurted out subconsciously.

be nice...

Seventh Young Master has just set foot here, and it's only a dozen breaths!

This destroys all the institutions here? !

real or fake?

Shouldn't this be a dream?

How amazing is this efficiency?

More than a dozen breaths directly destroyed a dangerous place with organs everywhere!

This is also scary!

Just a monster!

Everyone present was full of shock, and they stared at Ying Changge's retreating back in astonishment.

Their shocking mood could not calm down for a long time.

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