This is almost impossible to happen!

But the facts are happening right in front of us, and Master Class cannot be allowed to question too much.

Chapter 277 The Crisis Comes! The Mo family is about to change! 【Please customize】

"The most terrifying thing is..."

"In the interval of half an hour, it also includes the time he took to walk all the way to the third one after he broke through the second one."

"simply put."

"The time it takes for this monster to break through the third mechanism may be far more than half a quarter of an hour, and it must be shortened several times on this basis!"

Master Class was shocked.

How long does that take?

Half an hour is short enough!


The ultimate truth is...

A monster took less time than half a quarter of an hour to break through the third mechanism of the mechanism city? Taking advantage of the situation to crack the mechanism array formed by more than 2,000 mechanisms?

It always sounds like a dream!

Rao is a well-informed master class, and he was shocked by what he was going through right now.

Is it possible...

Is there really a **** in this world? !

If not "410", how to explain the current situation?

"Class, Master Class, what should we do?"

A well-known Mohist disciple with six gods and no masters looked at Master Class one after another, his eyes full of tension, fear and apprehension.

As can be seen.

Their minds and bodies are completely dominated by fear.

"How to do?"

Master Class constantly adjusted his mentality and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.

I thought.

This outsider intruder, at most, can only break through the two organs in front of the mechanism city.

But the final result subverted the expected range of Master Class.

The opponent not only broke through the third mechanism.

And the scariest part is...

The other party still used a very short time!

Many times shorter than half a quarter of an hour!

This alone has overturned the worldview that Master Ban had finally constructed in his life.

He was completely devastated.

Facing such a terrifying mysterious existence, Master Class finally felt panic and anxiety.

If no action is taken...

he thinks.

It is very likely that the other party really wants to forcibly penetrate and break the Mojia government city from the front!

Looking at the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years, what no one has been able to do will be revealed from the hands of this mysterious and terrifying existence.

And the Mojia Organ City will also be reduced to the back garden of this mysterious existence!

Thinking of this, Master Class felt an endless sense of crisis.

"Have to stop him!"

"You can't let him continue to misbehave!"

"Do not!"


"At present, we still don't know how many intruders from the outside world have come."

"Until we find out this news, we must not act rashly."

"and also……"

"Who is this mysterious and terrifying existence?"

"Why have you never heard of such a terrifying monster in the Jianghu in the past?"

"It stands to reason that an existence with such transcendent mechanical skills should not be unknown in the arena."

The class master was in a heavy heart.

He felt unprecedented pressure!

This pressure naturally comes from the mysterious existence that is constantly trying to break through the city at this moment!

Master Class in this life.

He had never encountered such a terrifying existence before!

It only took a short time of less than half a quarter of an hour to crack the third mechanism of the mechanism city!

This is really scary.

"Just judging from his current performance, breaking through the first three organs of the mechanism city's mechanical skills."

"You can be absolutely certain."

"This person's mechanical skills can be called unparalleled in the world!"


"Organization achievement is the first in the world!"

"The first organ technique for thousands of years!"

The class teacher made an evaluation in his heart.

Highly rated!

But he doesn't think that's an exaggeration.

on the contrary.

He felt that this evaluation was very appropriate to this mysterious and terrifying existence.

The other party definitely has the qualification for this extremely high evaluation.


"If this person wants to break through the city, he must have his purpose!"


"He is here to deal with our Mo family or the rest of the Jianghu people."

"It's even possible."

"He is actually the representative of the empire!"

"This is an important message for the empire to target our Mojia government!"

Master Class's expression changed dramatically.

The more he thought about it, the more pressure he felt in his heart.

If the Organ City is really breached head-on, then things will be in big trouble!

The Organ City represents the habitat and recuperation place of the anti-Qin alliance.

Once this place is breached, they will naturally lose their habitat.

By then 0.....

All their members of the anti-Qin alliance will go to the end of the world.

If during this period.

If they are besieged by the empire again, it will be at stake.

The ominous premonition in Master Class became stronger and stronger.

He vaguely felt it.

The Mo family is now facing a huge catastrophe crisis that is very likely to be destroyed!

This disaster crisis will not only affect their Mo family.

Even the remnants of the Chu State, its sword sage Gai Nie, and the anti-Qin people who are currently staying in the government city will definitely be affected and affected.

"How many of you."

"Go and inform Xiao Gao, Xue Nu, and Big Hammer."


"I don't have time to explain too much to you."

"Immediately notify them and let them all gather in the secret room of the agency!"

"I have a big incident that I need to discuss with them."

"This matter even involves the life and death of the machine city. Let them immediately rush to the scene to participate in the discussion as quickly as possible."

"Also inform General Xiang Liang, the others, and Mr. Gai Nie..."

With a worried expression on his face, Master Class hurriedly gave instructions to several Mohist disciples beside him.

"all in all."

"It is necessary to quickly notify the personnel of all parties and let them rush to the secret room of the agency immediately."

"Be sure to ask all of them to arrive as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, it's too late!"


With the forcible breach of the third organ of the Mojia Organ City, Master Class was completely anxious.

4.9 Meanwhile.

Hearing the anxious cry of Master Class, several Mohist disciples woke up one after another.

They all forcibly suppressed the panic and other emotional fluctuations in their hearts, and hurriedly nodded in response.

"Yes, Master Class."


Watching the backs of these Mohist disciples hurriedly leave, Master Ban's heart became heavier and heavier.

at the same time.

In addition to his old face, which was full of shock and panic, there was also a deep sense of worry.

He had a hunch in his heart.

This time.

I'm afraid, the entire Mojia Organ City is really going to change!

An unprecedented huge disaster and crisis is shrouded in the entire mechanical city!

If you are a little careless...

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