The Mo family will be destroyed!

Together with the anti-Qin alliance, it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out! .

Chapter 278 A little careless, the Mo family will be doomed! 【Please customize】

Seeing the departure of several Mohist disciples, Master Ban sighed again, turned his eyes, and looked again at the third mechanism device that was emitting gray-black smoke.

His eyes looked very complicated.

What he thought was impossible before, but now really happened in front of his eyes.

Master Class's eyes were lost for a while, and he was in a trance.

He couldn't help but recall.

Previous evaluations...

Only God can do it?

But now.

The other party really did it!

Does this mean.

The other party is a god? !

Thinking of this, Master Ban's throat was dry, and he stayed silent for a long time in the huge secret room.

About half an hour or so passed.


There was a sound of hurried footsteps.


A high-jumping woman wearing a gorgeous sapphire blue dress walked into the secret room step by step. Her face was exquisite and beautiful, her complexion was snow-white, like snowflakes in winter.

Here, she is one of the leaders of the Mo family, Snow Maiden!

05 After entering the secret room of the agency, Xue Nu looked at Master Ban anxiously, her pink lips moved slightly: "Master Ban, what happened?"

After being informed by the Mo family disciples that Master Class had an emergency to discuss, she immediately rushed to the scene without stopping.

What could have caused Master Class to be so rude?

"Xue Nu, you are here."

Seeing the figure of Snow Maiden, Master Class sighed again, but did not explain too much.

He just wanted to wait for everyone to come together, and then explain it in a unified way.

Aware of Master Class's heavy heart, Xue Nu didn't ask any further questions, she chose to stand quietly beside her, Liu Mei frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought.

There was a faint pungent smell in the air.

As soon as she turned her eyes, she saw the appearance of those organs and devices being destroyed.


Xue Nu's pupils shrank slightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of moving and shocking.

how can that be? !

The core device in the secret room of the agency was damaged?

In the end what happened?

Before Xue Nu thought about it carefully, another footstep sounded from outside the secret room.


Sledgehammer and Gao Jianli arrived at the scene.

Duanmu Rong, Cao Cao and others came to the secret room of the agency one after another.

"Master Class, what happened?"

The sledgehammer couldn't hold back the impatience in his heart, so he immediately asked the question.

"Wait calmly."

"When everyone is ready, I will explain the situation in detail."

Master Class raised his hand, slightly suppressing the restless mood of everyone present.

But even so, the impatience of everyone present could not calm down.

after all.

When the Mojia disciples informed them, they mentioned a sentence.

That is……

The Mo family is now facing a huge crisis and disaster that is about to be destroyed!

This sentence alone is enough to make them feel irritable and terrified.


Another time passed.


Sword Saint Genie came to the scene.

Although he is currently very unpopular, he is still very quietly located in the corner of the secret room of the agency, standing quietly without saying a word.

Compared to the impatience of the Mo family leaders present, Gai Nie seemed much calmer.

For Genie, everyone present had different senses.

But no one can deny that.

The strength of Sword Saint Genie is so powerful!

Now that the Mo family is facing a huge crisis and disaster, it naturally needs a powerful battle force to help.


Even if they couldn't get used to Genie on weekdays, they wouldn't take the initiative to provoke each other at this critical moment.

Even the grumpy sledgehammer didn't make any remarks.


The representatives of Chu State, Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang, also arrived at the secret room of the agency.

As the two finally arrived at the scene, it was officially announced.

People are here!

"Master Class, now that everyone is here, can you explain the specific situation? What kind of crisis have we encountered?"

The first to ask was the big hammer.

Everyone was silent.

Their eyes were fixed on Master Class, waiting for the latter's reply.

"The Mo family will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe!"

"A little careless..."

"It will be irreversible! It will be destroyed in one fell swoop!"

Master Class took a deep breath and said with lingering fears.

The sound just fell.

This caused the crowd to fall into silence.

Sledgehammer's throat was dry, and it was the first time he saw Master Class in such a state of gaffe and panic.

"what happened?"

Gao Jianli frowned.

"The mechanism array used by the city to defend against foreign enemies has been broken three times!"

"That is to say."

"At present, only the last two organs are left to block foreign enemies."

"The rest have been completely destroyed and disintegrated!"

Class Master's language is not surprising and endless.

Immediately, many leaders of the Mo family were shocked.

As the leaders of the Mo family, of course, they are more aware than those of Gai Nie, Xiang Liang and the like, how powerful their Mo family's organization city is to defend against foreign enemies.


It is such a powerful organization, and it has been broken by outsiders today? !

how can that be? !

All are unbelievable.

"Master Class, are you 410 sure you're not joking?"

"Our Mojia government city has stood for hundreds of years without falling, and during this period, there was no one who tried to break through our impregnable government city."

"But in the end, all of them could only escape in despair."

"Guancheng is a fortress that has gathered our Mo family and took hundreds of years to form."

"How could it be attacked by outsiders from the front?"

Robber Zhi widened his eyes and blurted out subconsciously.

His remarks were also the aspirations of all the Mo clan leaders present.


The Mojia Organ City has stood for hundreds of years without falling, and it has made countless Jianghu Organists retreat in spite of the difficulties, which is naturally enough to show the terribleness of the internal organs of the Organ City.

How could it be breached by outside intruders?

All of them are unacceptable.

in their minds.

It is impossible for someone to break through the mechanism city.

The key is……

It is even more impossible to be attacked from the front!

Want to break through the city from the front?

How difficult is this?

It's harder than going to the sky!

Although they are not organ masters and cannot understand the main structure of the organ inside the organ city, they can still clearly understand it.

How dangerous and terrifying are these organs set up by their organization city.

How could such a dangerous organization be cracked by outsiders? .

Chapter 279 Alarming the Mo Family Commander! The Mo family was shocked! 【Please customize】

"Although I don't want to admit it, it's the truth."

"I do not know either……"

"Where is the holy place? It broke the internal organs of our organization city."

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