"You can take a look at the mechanisms here."

Master Class pointed to the three destroyed organs.

Everyone's eyes shifted.


They saw clearly.

The three destroyed organs and devices appeared incomparably clearly in their eyes.

"This this!"

A group of Mo clan leaders widened their pupils and were shocked.


Snow Girl's pink lips parted slightly, silently.

Her beautiful and delicate face was full of panic and gaffe.

As early as when she first arrived in the secret room of the agency, she had a premonition.

And now.

This hunch was verified by the class master.

The internal organs of the Organ City were indeed broken and disintegrated by the foreign intruders!

"how is this possible?"

Sledgehammer was shocked.

beside him.

Robber Zhi was also stunned.

At the same time, a group of Mo clan leaders were present with unprecedented shock and gaffe.

Even Genie couldn't help frowning.

This is not good news!

There was an outsider who broke through the Mo Family's Organ City!

Doesn't that mean.


A war is about to break out in the city?

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng's heart became heavy, and their eyebrows were full of worry.

The army of their Chu State was still huddled in the city, and if an intruder appeared now, they would have to lead the army to face it.

This is obviously not a good choice.

However, they have nothing to do!

If the machine city is really broken from the front.

Then there is no doubt.

In the future, they will no longer have a safe habitat.


The two looked at each other, thinking so.

They never expected it.

One day, the prestigious Mojia Organ City will be attacked and disintegrated from the front!

All of this is too subversive of cognition!

Who in the rivers and lakes does not know that the Mojia government city is unbreakable?

Who the **** broke the mechanism city?

The two thought to themselves.

Could it be...

Empire people? !

If it is the army of the Empire, things are even more tricky.


"Our Mo family has always been proud of the Organ City, which cannot stop this mysterious and terrifying existence."

"Now there are three positions of the agency, which were forcibly destroyed by him."

"If nothing else happens..."

"In the next time, he will destroy the remaining two structures one after another. Thus, he will officially set foot in the core safe hinterland of our machine city!"

Class Master said earnestly.


"Who is it?!"

"Who has this ability?"

"Take our Mo family's mechanism city, which has stood for hundreds of years, and break it down from the front..."

"This ability is too terrifying!"

The sledgehammer was furious.

"At present, the exact identity and origin of the other party are not known."

"all in all."

"We must prepare for the worst. If it is an intruder from the empire, then we will have to face it this time."

Master Class sank in his heart and told the truth in his heart.

He hoped otherwise.

But, I have to say.

This is the most realistic result!

The same is true...

The worst they are about to face!

"In my judgment."

"The person who broke our mechanism city, his mechanism is already unparalleled in the past!"

"Organ City can't stop him!"

"We also need to plan early to avoid a tragic attack if we are caught off guard."

Master Class sighed helplessly.

"An institution that is unparalleled in the past?!"

The expressions of everyone present changed dramatically.

They took a deep look at Master Class and could see the solemnity on the latter's face.

This is no joke!


These are the words from the heart of the master class.

This person's mechanical skills are already powerful enough to make Master Class feel ashamed!

It's unbelievable!


Everything is so amazing!

"As Master Class said, we must prepare to face foreign enemies as soon as possible."

Gao Jianli forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart and actively agreed.

"that's right."

Duanmurong tapped her chin lightly.

She glanced at Gai Nie's direction vaguely, but Gai Nie was still thinking and didn't care about Duanmurong's casual look.

"The Mo family is currently facing an unprecedented crisis and disaster. I would like to ask you all to work together to get through this difficult time together."

"On behalf of the Mo family, I am very grateful!"

Master Class looked in the direction of Xiang Liang, Gai Nie and others.

"`〃Master Class is serious."

"We will definitely do our best to join forces with the Mojia disciples to jointly defend against foreign enemies!"

Xiang Liang nodded heavily.

"Gai is also willing to do his best."

Genie said.

Seeing this, Master Class relaxed a little bit of tension.

But before he could continue to speak.



Another small screeching sound circulated.

A burst of gray-black smoke suddenly rose from the fourth mechanism device, and soon filled the air of the huge secret room and floated recklessly.

The pungent smoke smell spreads in all directions.

Visible to the naked eye.

The fourth mechanism device in the secret room also had a faint flame burning, which caused the gray-black disgust to continue to be born.

The atmosphere then became silent!

Weird atmosphere!

The whole place was silent!


A famous Mo family commander had a dry throat, and his face was sluggish, stunned, and shocked.

Master Ban's eyes widened again, staring blankly at the fourth mechanism device that was constantly smoking, his lips trembled slightly, his whole body was hairy, and he shuddered.

"The first and fourth organs..."

"It was also broken!"

"How amazing is this efficiency?!"

"When did our Mo family's mechanism formation in the city's mechanism city become so vulnerable?!"

"In less than a quarter of an hour, he was tragically destroyed by others."

Master Class couldn't help but completely doubt life.


He opened his mouth and continued to speak.

"That is to say."

"At this moment, in our Mojia Organ City, there is only one last fortress left!"

"Once this last fortress is broken. Then, this group of intruders from the outside world will officially set foot in the core hinterland of the inner wall of our agency city!"

"This is a huge disaster that is enough to seriously threaten our entire Mohist family, or even force the life and death of our Mohist family!".

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