"Let's go!"

Xiang Shaoyu pulled Jing Tianming away directly, and came to Gao Yue's side, taking Gao Yue with him.

A group of three quickly evacuated the battlefield and rushed to the safest core area of ​​Mojia Organ City.

Watch the three of them leave.

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng breathed a sigh of relief.

And Genie couldn't help but relax.

Jing Tianming left.

in this way.

He can concentrate on the battle in front of him with full firepower!

"Miss Duanmu, why don't you leave too?"

"We can participate in the battle here."

"You are responsible for protecting a few of them. Remember, they must not be allowed to intervene in the battlefield."

The big hammer came to Duanmu Rong's side and made a rough proposal.


Duanmurong frowned, thinking for a moment...

Finally, she sighed helplessly and nodded in agreement.

Her mission and responsibility is to protect Gao Yue.


Duanmurong also left.

The remaining personnel at the scene, except for the commander of the Mo clan who had no combat power, were almost all gathered here.

Gao Jianli, Snow Girl, Robber Zhi, Big Hammer!

The class master Yu Xu and Fuzi did not participate in the war. The two of them were powerless, and even if they were involved in the war, they would not be able to play any role.


Let them dominate the situation and stay behind.

Once this war is impossible, then it will be the moment when everyone present will withdraw from the battlefield and retreat to the rear.

In addition to the many commanders of the Mo family, there were also Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng, the leaders of the Chu army, who also intervened in the battlefield and led the imposing Chu army.


The rest are those who practice martial arts among the many rivers and lakes.

Each of them participated in the anti-Qin alliance with the idea of ​​trying to oppose Qin.

Preliminary estimates.

There are tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements gathered here!

"Mr. Gai Nie, I looked at you coldly before, I hope you don't take it to heart."

"I'm a rude person, what to say, I apologize to you for what I did before."

Big Hammer looked at Genie, and expressed his apology in a rough voice.

"It's okay, I don't care."

Genie was as calm as ever.

There are tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements, quietly waiting for the arrival of outside intruders.

4.9 Finally...

They are waiting!


In vain, a loud footstep sounded from the front.

Like thunder!



Suddenly, Gai Nie's eyes narrowed, and his right hand slowly took out a very ordinary wooden sword. His eyes became particularly sharp, and he quietly stared straight ahead.

at the same time.

The Mo family is here.

Gao Jianli also slowly took out the Shuihan Sword, his face was expressionless, and his eyes were staring at the front with cold eyes.

beside him.

Snow Maiden, Sledgehammer, Robber Zhi and others were ready to fight one after another.

There is also Chu Jun here.

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng also took out the bronze swords they carried around their waists.


Xiang Liang held a bronze sword and raised his arms.

"The whole army obeys..."

"Prepare for battle now!".

Chapter 288 Golden Fire Cavalry? Anti-Qin elements panic! 【Please customize】

Depressed atmosphere!


Chilling gas, spontaneously.

There are tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements, and their eyes are full of restraint, anxiety, and nervousness.

under their eyes.

can be clearly seen.

A group of black imperial cavalry troops walked through the huge passage of the city.

An imperial soldier in neat and well-dressed armor is burly and eye-catching, and his steps are neat and orderly, and he is approaching step by step.

dark crowd...

It is estimated that there are at least 20,000 people!

Majestic morale soared into the sky!

The momentum is like a rainbow!

When they saw this group of elite soldiers from the empire, everyone present felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.




Many emotions filled their hearts.

Including a famous Mo family commander, they all stared at the front with suspicion and fear.

"Sure enough, they are from the Empire!"

"They're here!"

"There are still a lot of 05..."

"At least it can be estimated that there are at least 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire who broke into our agency city this time."

The big hammer took a deep breath, holding the giant Thor's hammer in his right hand, his eyes full of dignified colors.

Seeing the 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire, Rao felt a strong sense of oppression.

There are less than ten thousand anti-Qin elements on their side.

Although most of the martial arts practitioners are strong, they are extremely lacking in the ability to cooperate in combat, and it is impossible to compete with the well-trained armies of the empire.

"Twenty thousand imperial troops!"

"It looks like things are going in the worst direction."

Xiang Liang clenched the bronze sword in his hands, his brows filled with sorrow.

The worst guess in his heart is now being staged and turned into reality.

"Do you think these Qin Jun are familiar?"

Fan Zeng asked suddenly.


Xiang Liang's pupils shrank slightly.

After Fan Zeng's reminder, he carefully observed the group of imperial troops that were coveting them.

Immediately after.

Xiang Liang's face changed dramatically, his face full of horror and emotion: "This is, the golden fire cavalry?!"


Xiang Liang recognized it.

As a general of the Chu State, he naturally fought against the golden fire cavalry of the empire countless times.

After the fall of the Chu state, Xiang Liang rarely encountered the golden fire cavalry again.

But even so.

Now, when he saw the familiar and sophisticated armor worn by this group of Qin soldiers again, he immediately recognized the true identities of these Qin soldiers.

no doubt.

These people are the golden fire cavalry led by Meng Tian himself!

One of the four most famous arms of the Great Qin Empire!

He left a deep impression on the people of Chu State!

It left Xiang Liang with indelible pain.


He was trampled by the golden fire cavalry.

As a result, the Chu army he led was almost defeated and fled in a state of being crushed.

"Is it Meng Tian?!"

Xiang Liang's eyes were full of shock and anger, and he blurted out subconsciously with lingering fears.

Looking at the entire Qin Empire, the only person who can lead the golden fire cavalry is Meng Tian, ​​the famous general of the empire.

Almost everyone knows this.


At this moment.

The culprit who led the army into the Mojia Organ City was Meng Tian? !

Thinking of this, Xiang Liang's mood became very heavy.

Big trouble!

If today is just an unknown army of the Empire attacking...

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