
Xiang Liang was also confident that he could lead the Chu army, its Mohist disciples, and many people from all corners of the world, to repel the army of these empires.

But now the problem is.

The one who led the empire's elite troops to attack was the famous general Meng Tian!

The troops led by the other party are still the most elite golden fire cavalry of the Daqin Empire!

This makes things very tricky.

For a time, Rao was Xiang Liang, who had experienced many battles, and he couldn't think of a strategy to deal with it.

"I saw."

"It's really Meng Tian."

Fan Zeng took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the vibration in his heart.

His turbid eyes stared at the front of the group of imperial troops in front of him.

There, a burly figure in dark golden armor was standing.

very familiar!

Who else could this person be if it wasn't Meng Tian?

Both Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang are very familiar with Meng Tian.

Nor did they fight each other once or twice.


At first glance, they were enough to recognize Meng Tian's identity.

"Things are getting in trouble now."

"This time, it was the golden fire cavalry led by Meng Tian who broke into the city."

"This time we want to repel them, the difficulty is too high and too high."

Xiang Liang was deeply troubled and frowned.

"Not necessarily."

"That's right..."

"Catch the thief first to capture the king."

"On our side, there is also Mr. Gai Nie, the swordsman. In addition, together with the many commanders of the Mo family's martial arts, it is not impossible to have a battle with the golden fire cavalry!"

Fan Zeng thought for a while, and calmly began to analyze.

Hearing this, Xiang Liang was stunned for a moment, and then nodded thoughtfully: "That's true."

The two of them invariably fixed their gazes on the Mo family commander and his sword sage Gai Nie.

The key to winning or losing now is not the Chu army or the Mohist disciples, let alone these people in the rivers and lakes.

Can dominate the victory...

Only these Mo clan leaders!


The world's No. 1 Sword Saint Genie!

Compared with the former, they believe that the key point lies in the latter.

Sword Saint Genie is the most reliable confidence!

"No, not quite right."

"Look carefully."

But at this moment, a voice interrupted the thoughts of everyone present.

Including Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng, they focused their attention once again, staring at the dark imperial army in front of them.

at the same time.

the other side.

Gai Nie, who was holding a wooden sword, raised his brows, with a solemn look in his eyebrows, and his eyes were full of serious seriousness: "Xiao Zhuang, you are here too."

Gai Nie saw Wei Zhuang.

In addition to seeing Meng Tian and the dark imperial army, he also saw the Quicksand Organization led by Wei Zhuang.

The moment he saw Wei Zhuang, Genie immediately realized.

Things get tricky!

With Wei Zhuang and his Quicksand organization intervening in the battlefield, Gai Nie does not think that his combat power can still recruit the battlefield.

If there is no Wei Zhuang, he is confident that he can sweep a large army of the empire.

But the problem is...

Wei Zhuang is here too! .

Chapter 289 The identity far exceeds that of the imperial general Meng Tian? Who is he? 【Please customize】

Although Gai Nie is confident that he can defeat the opponent, he is only a bit stronger than the opponent, and he can't completely defeat the opponent.

As such.

Once the battle broke out, he could not estimate the people around him at all.

This is very likely to cause.

The Mohist disciples suffered heavy losses!

The Chu army suffered heavy losses!

People in the rivers and lakes suffered heavy losses!

after all.

The enemy they need to face is the elite army of the empire of 20,000!

"It's still the golden fire cavalry led by General Meng Tian himself!"

"That's the most troublesome thing."

Genie frowned.

He also felt an overwhelming pressure.

Not to mention the Weizhuang and Quicksand organizations.

Meng Tian, ​​who led the golden fire cavalry alone, was enough to overthrow the entire Mohist city!

Not to mention.

Now the two have teamed up to target the city!

The golden fire cavalry led by Meng Tian was already very terrifying, and now Wei Zhuang and the Quicksand Organization led by the opponent and other elite killers were added.

to sum it up.

Genie's heart sank slightly.

Bad situation!

On their side, the situation has become very serious!


Jing Tianming and the others had already left in time.

Otherwise, he would have no time to care.

Once the battle broke out, Gai Nie had to go all out and concentrate on dealing with Wei Zhuang.

Next to Genie.

The Mo family and many other leaders also obviously noticed it.

In addition to the army of the empire, there is also a group of terrifying guys!

"It's quicksand!"

"Wei Zhuang of the Quicksand Organization!"

"And Bai Feng, Chi Lian, Blue Wolf King, Wushuang Ghost, Hidden Bat..."

"They really participated, and broke into our organization city's camp."

Big Hammer's face sank.

He felt a lot of pressure.

The army of the original empire was enough to give the audience ruthless and endless pressure.

But now.

Also added quicksand tissue!

This is even more desperate.

"did not expect……"

"The Quicksand Organization would actually choose to join forces with the Empire~".

"It's really disappointing that the dignified Quicksand Organization, which is well-known in the world, even condescends to the majesty of the empire."

Thief Zhi snorted coldly, with a bit of anger on his face.

He had to admit.

The alliance between the Imperial Army and the Quicksand Organization will give them an unprecedented threat.

A little careless...

The people here are very likely and will face an irreversible fate.

"Get ready to fight."

"This is the end of the matter, and there is no way to change it."

"Only a desperate fight!"

"Since they broke into the mechanism city, then we can't continue to retreat."

Gao Jianli was expressionless, holding the Shuihan Sword in his right hand, exuding a cold and stern aura.

"Xiao Gao is right."

"For today's plan, we can only forcibly repel them from the front."

"Do whatever it takes to keep them out!"

The sledgehammer clenched the Thor's hammer and agreed deeply.

at the same time.

When they saw the appearance of the Quicksand Organization, both Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang's expressions changed dramatically.

"It's the Quicksand Organization!"

Fan Zeng frowned.

"I also saw that they would actually cooperate with the empire."

"This is really unexpected."

"With the unruly character of these people organized by quicksand, they would actually cooperate with the empire? This is really unimaginable."

"As we all know, the Quicksand Organization, including the leader Wei Zhuang, is an arrogant and arrogant person."

"How could they be complicit in the Empire? It's puzzling."

Xiang Liang was lost in thought.

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