He never figured it out.


These arrogant guys from the Quicksand Organization would not be able to cooperate with the Empire.

But right now.

They saw it clearly.

The tens of thousands of troops of the Empire have joined forces with the Quicksand Organization and are about to approach them.

Is this an illusion?

Do not!

There must be a secret here!

"Regardless of why they are cooperating at the moment, all in all, we are in a very dire situation right now."

"The joint cooperation between the Empire and the Quicksand Organization..."

"For us."

"This will be a devastating blow!"

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng were in heavy hearts.

They thought.

You can rely on the high-end combat power of the Mo family leaders and their swordsman Genie to make up for the gap in strength between their anti-Qin alliance and the empire.


The Empire actually cooperated with the Quicksand Organization.

This also means.

Their plan fell through!

With the intervention of the Quicksand Organization, the empire's high-end combat power is also not lacking!

They want to make up for the difference in strength between the two sides?

This can only be reduced to a ridiculous joke!


At this moment, Xiang Liang's eyelids suddenly jumped, and his eyes stared at the young figure in white next to Meng Tian.

what happened?

This young man...

To be able to walk side by side with the famous general of the empire?

Do not!

If you look closely.

An astonishing fact emerges.

That is……

This young man in white clothes, he vaguely walked in front of Meng Tian, ​​while Meng Tian took a half step behind, keeping this distance.

what does that mean? !

In general.

Only in the face of extremely noble people, will they subconsciously stand to the side and rear of the other party.

In this way, it can show the distinguished and distinguished identity of the other party, and it can also prevent itself from surpassing the other party at all times.


He actually saw it.

Meng Tian, ​​the famous general of the Great Qin Empire, actually condescended to be behind a young man? !

What is this concept? !


It's unbelievable!

Who is this young man in white?

Why can Meng Tian, ​​the great general with such a prominent status, follow him willingly, instead of daring to go ahead of him.

Xiang Liang was shocked.

he thinks.

He has already penetrated into an earth-shattering and terrifying real (really Zhao) appearance!

Does this mean.

The identity of that young man is even more noble than that of the imperial general Meng Tian? !

"`〃Who is he?!"

"Is the identity more noble than Meng Tian?"

"Oh my God!"

"real or fake?"

Xiang Liang's throat was dry, and he hurriedly informed Fan Zeng next to him of this astonishing discovery.


After hearing Xiang Liang's words, Fan Zeng was also stunned.

Look around.

Soon, Fan Zeng also saw the figure of the young white-clothed figure.


"Where is the holy place?"

"Unexpectedly, Meng Tian, ​​who can make him famous and famous, has to be subservient to others."

"It is now possible to judge without error."

"This person's identity must be very noble! Even far beyond the imperial general Meng Tian!"

Fan Zeng was shocked.

His identity far surpasses that of the imperial general Meng Tian!

Who else could it be? .

Chapter 290 There is no second person who can stop Seventh Young Master! 【Please customize】

The truth seems to be coming out!

Just ask.

In the empire, the status and status can surpass that of the famous general Meng Tian, ​​who else can he be?

The answer has already surfaced.

This person……

It is very likely that the blood of the imperial family of the Daqin Empire flows through him!

This is a noble boy!

"A son?!"

"Actually followed Meng Tian to lead the army into the Organ City?"

"Isn't he afraid of death?"


"He is confident that he can protect himself in the war?"

Xiang Liang's eyes were full of horror and fear.


Fan Zeng obviously guessed it too.

To be able to make Meng Tian subjugate, that young son must have a lot of background!

at the same time.

Along with Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng, they noticed the young figure in white next to Meng Tian, ​​and a famous Mo clan leader who was present naturally also had insight without exception.

"Who is he?"

Big Hammer's eyes narrowed, and he blurted out subconsciously.

He stared at the figure in white, and felt a deep sense of fear.

427 Let Meng Tian retreat to the back...

Who is this man holy?

"Meng Tian didn't dare to go beyond him, so he could only follow him silently."

"This alone is enough to show that this person's identity must be very high."

"Why have you never heard of this person's prestige before?"

Many leaders of the Mo family fell into contemplation.

Feeling the sense of depression that pervaded the air, they subconsciously clenched the weapons and blades in their hands, and became tenacious.

And when faced with the elite army of more than 20,000 empires, the anti-Qin alliance also fell into panic.

"It really is the army of the Empire!"

"Organ City, it was really broken by the empire!"

"Can we stop them?"

"If I read it correctly, the leader of this imperial army is the Great General Meng Tian, ​​and the Golden Fire Cavalry he leads!"

"Oh my God!"

"It turned out to be Meng Tian, ​​can we really stop the golden fire cavalry led by Meng Tian? It always feels like it's over."

"By the way, have you noticed?"

"The young man in white next to Meng Tian? Who is he? He could walk in front of Meng Tian, ​​and the arrogant general Meng Tian had to step back and follow."

"Although I don't know who he is, making Meng Tian so humble is enough to show that this person's identity is prominent."


Lots of talk.

Nearly tens of thousands of members of the anti-Qin alliance were all panicked.

in particular……

That group of people in the arena without any collective combat experience, their psychological quality is naturally inferior to the battle-hardened Chu army led by Xiang Liang.

Even less than the disciples of the Mo family.


The most fearful people in the anti-Qin alliance are these people from all corners of the world.

When they saw the empire's 20,000 elite troops, they panicked even more.

Everyone started to notice gradually.

The figure in white next to Meng Tian.

And Genie is no exception.

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