They felt a little heavier in their hearts.

"Mr. Gai Nie, in your opinion, who killed this Mo clan giant?"

Xiang Liang couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"It's the seventh son!"

Genie answered truthfully.

"Seventh son?!"

Xiang Liang took advantage of the situation and looked at Ying Changge.


Xiang Liang's heart sank at the young face of Ying Changge.

What a terrible monster!

At such a young age, he was able to kill a powerhouse at the level of the Mo clan giant.


It can powerfully defeat the existence of the severely wounded Juggernaut!

at the same time.

One after another, it was speculated that it was Ying Changge who killed the Mo clan giant, and the number also increased.

The Mo family disciples were angry.

The leader of the Mo family was also full of anger, his eyes fluctuating with murderous intent, and he stared at Ying Changge incomparably sharply.

Ink tycoons are their beliefs!

But was killed.

How can they not be angry?

But there is only a little reason left, so they dare not act rashly.

after all.

Being able to kill the Mo family giants, in turn, wouldn't it be easier and simpler to kill them?

"Damn it!"

The sledgehammer was shocked and angry, and the bloodshot eyes were all over the eyes, showing the suffocation of the mood.

"Big hammer, don't act rashly."


"The situation will be more troublesome!"

Gao Jianli forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and calmly reminded him.

Although he was equally angry, he could rationally judge the current situation.

The powerful existence that can kill the Mo clan giants is obviously not something that their Mo clan leaders can handle.

not to mention.

This Seventh Young Master has also defeated and severely injured the Sword Saint Gai Nie!

All of this is enough to show the terror of the opponent's strength!

"I understand, but I just can't help but hate myself, there is no way to avenge the giant."

Sledgehammer gritted his teeth.

"There will be a chance."

Gao Jianli's tone was full of killing intent.

The atmosphere is getting more and more depressing!

Chilling air permeates all directions.

War is about to break out!


The situation on the side of the Anti-Qin Alliance is obviously very bad.

After Ying Changge instructed Meng Ying to take out the head of the Mo clan giant Yan Dan, the anti-Qin alliance was at a loss and fell into a boundless panic.

Almost half of the staff lost their faith and fighting spirit, and no longer had the will to fight to the death.

Aware of the change in the atmosphere at the scene, the Mo family leaders, Gai Nie, Xiang Liang and the others felt increasingly heavy...

The situation that was originally a disadvantage was exacerbated by the depression of these personnel!

Depressed atmosphere.

It was broken again by Ying Changge.

I see.

With a smile on his face, he pointed to Yan Dan's head, and said to the Mo family leaders in front of him, "Everyone, are you satisfied with the gift I gave you?"

The words fall.

The Mo family leader was even more angry.

The sledgehammer shouted in a cold voice full of killing intent: "Boy, you are courting death!"

"Do not impulse."

Robber Zhi reminded in a low voice.

The Mo clan tycoon had a huge kindness to most of them...

It is precisely because of this that they will join the Mo family and become the commander of the Mo family, and follow the Mo family giant Yan Dan to plan an anti-Qin affair.


Seeing that Yan Dan's head was beheaded, they would naturally be very angry and aggrieved.


They can't wait to shoot immediately and kill Ying Changge in front of them on the spot.

Just a little bit of reason left, let them understand deeply.

They simply can't do it!

Even the sword sage, Genie, was defeated and severely injured by the opponent.

Just ask.

How can they kill each other?

This is a joke!

"Looks like..."

"You are not satisfied with this gift that I carefully prepared for your Mo family."

"If that's the case, then I can only waste this gift."

Having said that, Ying Changge paused.

The 4.9 corners of his mouth are slightly upturned.

next second.

He directly grabbed the head of Yan Dan held in Meng Ying's hands.

Randomly threw the head on the ground.


Lift your right foot.

Just in plain sight.

Ying Changge faced the head under his feet, and suddenly stepped on it ruthlessly.

Very decisive!

Show no mercy!



The head that rolled on the ground exploded on the spot.

Got stomped on!

So far.

A ferocious and terrifying head directly turned into a blood mist that danced in the sky.

Countless pieces of debris...

Scattered and aimless splashing in all directions.


The place was dead silent!

In the air here, a pungent and strong **** smell emerged again.

Chapter 298 Invincible Dominance! Seventh son is so crazy! 【Please customize】

The splattered debris, stained with blood, soon infected the floor tiles that melted into the feet, and a strong and pungent **** smell wafted out.

This pungent **** smell spread in all directions.

The place was eerily silent.

It has never been broken.

A group of Mohist disciples widened their eyes, their eyes bloodshot, and stared at Ying Changge's figure.

Including several Mo clan leaders, all expressions were full of anger and killing intent.

The anger and killing intent in their hearts were surging like crazy.

Killing intent!

A strong murderous aura emanated from them.

If eyes can kill.


At this moment, Ying Changge has been killed thousands of times by these Mohist disciples.

after all.

Ying Changge's actions just now were obviously challenging the bottom line of their Mo family.

This is the shame of their Mo family!

The head of the Mo clan giant was actually stomped on in public!

How frustrating is this?

The big hammer clenched the Thor hammer in his hand, unable to control the killing intent, his body trembled slightly.

Not because 05 is fear.

But because of trembling with anger!


Gao Jianli's eyes were also very cold.

Rao is as calm as he is, and at this moment, he shows a strong killing intent.

As you can imagine.

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