How much provocation did Ying Changge's behavior just now cause them.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The blue veins on the big hammer's forehead burst out, revealing the anger in his mood at the moment.

Burning with anger!


He couldn't control the anger in his heart.

The Mo family tycoon, who was kind to him, was stomped on his head in front of his face...

How could he continue to tolerate it?

Can't stand it anymore!

The sledgehammer, who was already very ill-tempered, could no longer control the flame of anger in his heart.

"How dare you do that?!"

"How dare you humiliate our Mo family!"

"How dare you!"

Robber Zhi, who has always been frivolous, stared at Ying Changge in anger.

His eyes were red with bloodshot eyes, which made his face look particularly ferocious and terrifying.

Like a bloodthirsty beast!

A group of Mohist leaders and their Mohist disciples were angered by Ying Changge's actions.


Killing intent blooms!

"Stomping on the giant's head in public..."

"This is trampling on the dignity of our Mo family in person!"


"I must kill this kid!"

The sledgehammer trembled with anger.

"It's abominable!"

Xue Nu was in need of Yin Ya, and her beautiful eyes were full of anger and looked at Ying Changge coldly.

For them.

The Ying Changge in front of him is the biggest villain in the world!

It's okay to kill the Mo clan giants.

Even in front of them, he stepped on the head of the Mo clan giant!

This is the dignity of the Mo family and self-respect, pressing it on the ground and rubbing it fiercely!

How could they tolerate this happening?

"Must kill him!"

Gao Jianli clenched the Shuihan sword in his hand, and the aura emanating from his body became more and more cold and stern.

can be clearly seen.

These Mo clan leaders were completely angered by Ying Changge's actions, which caused them to gradually face the situation of losing control of their thinking.

For most of them, the Mo clan giants are not only benefactors, but also their beliefs.


Yan Dan's head was stomped on in public.

Isn't this trampling on their faith and dignity?

How can they bear it?

Not to mention these Mo clan leaders, all the Mo clan disciples present were deeply angry.


"This kid, he is too arrogant! How dare he step on the giant's head!"


"Must kill him!"

"Don't stop me, I must kill him."


The Mojia disciples clung to the weapons in their hands, unable to conceal the intense killing intent in their eyes.

All the eyes full of killing intent were all gathered and fixed on Ying Changge's body.

Even Gai Nie, Xiang Liang and the others looked very heavy and angry.

The Mo clan's tycoon Yan Dan was regarded as the key figure in the anti-Qin alliance.

But just now.

But he was stomped on by someone's foot and even the remaining head exploded.

Simply dead!

This makes them, who are members of the anti-Qin alliance, of course, can't see it.

"This Seventh Young Master is too arrogant!"

Xiang Liang was furious.

Murderous aura rose to the sky and swept in all directions.

A strong murderous aura enveloped the audience.

at the same time.

Different from the shock and anger on the side of the Anti-Qin Alliance.

On the empire's side, each looked at Ying Changge's back with different expressions.

Meng Ying adored her eyes.

"Young master is too domineering!"

Stepping on the head of the Mo family giant with one foot, or in front of this group of Mo family disciples, what kind of domineering is this?

Simply overbearing!

This is the boy he has been following!

Invincible domineering!

"The whole army obeys..."

"Ready to fight!"

A smile appeared on Meng Tian's face.

For Ying Changge's move, he even wanted to applaud.

In the face of these so-called anti-Qin elements, he felt that any means would not be excessive.

"Seventh son is too crazy 443."

Chi Lian's beautiful eyes flickered.

After a pause, she continued, "However, Young Master, he does possess such arrogant strength and qualifications."

Arrogance without strength is called brain damage!

Powerful arrogance...

That's right!

Those who are not arrogant are a group of incompetent people!

"Stomping on the head of the giant of the ink family with one foot is really domineering!"

Everyone in the Quicksand Organization looked at Ying Changge's back with awe.

They were all frightened by Ying Changge's actions.

At least.

In their words, they would not have the guts to smash the head of the Mo clan giant with a quick kick in front of so many Mo clan disciples.

But have to say.

Witnessing such a scene with their own eyes, they felt that their blood was about to boil.

Nice job!

Mo family giant?

But so!

At the feet of Seventh Young Master, it was nothing but trash that was trampled on at will.

Is this the belief of the Mo family?

Is this the leader of the Mo family?

That's horrible!

In the end, not even the bones were left.

"From the Seventh Young Master..."

"I saw the invincible domineering!"

"Boundless Power!"

Bai Feng took a deep breath, his tone full of awe.

Chapter 299 Tired of living? How dare you attack the monster Seventh Young Master? 【Please customize】

"This is the end of provoking the empire..."

"The Mo family is about to usher in the fate of complete destruction."

Gong Zuoqiu sneered.

Looking at the group of Mohist disciples in front of him, his mood was full of anticipation and excitement.

He couldn't wait to see it.

The scene where the Mo family was annihilated by the entire army!

The things that the masters of public losers in the past dynasties could not do are about to become a reality today!

At this time.

After stepping on Yan Dan's head, Ying Changge's face was calm as always, with a playful smile on his face, he spoke again.

"Everyone, don't be so angry."

"after all."

"This is your own reason, who's to blame? You didn't choose to accept the gift I gave you, so I had to destroy this gift."

"Are you satisfied with this approach?"

The corners of Ying Changge's mouth twitched slightly.

There was a **** smell in the air, which soon disappeared with the wind.


He continued on.

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